Welcome to the Family

The Abraham Heslington Family Organization identifies relatives and establishes relationships worldwide through family connections, genealogical research and historical records which are preserved and shared appropriately. We also report on business, governmental and societal risk events of historical significance which can adversely affect individual, family and organizational continuity. See column to right on Past, Present & Future risks.

By identifying specific risks and identifying mitigation alternatives, hope for a better life through faith and self-reliance can help overcome the fears of life and lead to individual, family and organizational wellbeing through financial, mental, physical and spiritual health. See supportive organizations and Family History Links below.

After COVID-19 was unleashed in the US & Mexico, followed by George Floyd's death, idealistic protestors joined Marxist and other revolutionaries intending to change the US forever. Our family in Mexico has lived for years with a visible oligarchy of government-narco-business connections and corruption. As COVID-19 arrived in the US, national Marxism was manifest openly in government-business and public-private partnerships with past corruption revealed.

In 2024, risk reports will identify how our global family in North American and elsewhere has been affected and what may lie ahead during this Historical Head Turner. The Global & US Risk Reports in the right column discuss how the Great Reset affects countries, corporations and governments, which are supported by daily “news” outlets and hidden tech monopolies which frequently promote political agendas and foreign propaganda, with opposing narratives regularly censored. Continual attempts are made to change culture through ideological subversion and educational indoctrination. Below is a brief history of how this combination of events occurred previously about 100 years ago.

1917 Soviet Revolution by William Brooks discusses the Soviet Revolution which sought the violent overthrow of an emerging constitutional monarchy and its replacement with a communist “people’s” dictatorship. European philosophers such as Jean Jacques Rousseau, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Russian Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin proffered a state-directed economy. The guiding Marxist principle proposed that all means of production be placed in the hands of the workers. This led to the abolition of private property and independent enterprise. Russian Bolsheviks valued police state authority and party conformity over individual freedom and independent thought.

The dominant principles aimed at social order and “equality of result” under the direction of the Communist Party. The Soviet Revolution introduced the world to the idea of the “total state.” The Chinese Communist Party follows these Maoist principles today. Many assist in their implementation in our world and in subversion in the US.

After George Floyd's tragic death following a Decade of Division, anarchists and terrorists usurped peaceful protesters to create Chaos & Destruction plus Life & Death. Religions sought Faith & Unity and Demanded Change. See detailed links at Previous Global Risk Reports: 2020 Archives and Additional Global Risk Reports 2023 YTD Risks

1918-19 Pandemic Flu Censorship by Becky Little discusses the censorship, skepticism and denial by nations in 1918-19 which covered up the flu to protect internal morale and hide reality from other nations. More than 100 years later, we still wrestle against principalities...powers...rulers of the darkness of this world...and spiritual wickedness in high places as outlined in Ephesians 6:12. Deceiving men, women and nations that exist today post their deceptions in open internet links which are shared in this site until censors shut us down.

In Rexburg, ID during the Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-19 the family of Will and Libby Stowell also faced the 1919 Financial Crash. They faced many challenges with great courage and faith. After the war came the terrible financial crash of 1919. Their children’s savings bonds were lost. Everything but their new home was swept away. Their business partner took out bankruptcy and that left Will deeply in debt. About the same time, the Studebaker Co. went out of business, and Will was left jobless with a wife and five children but Will promised his creditors to pay every cent if only given time. He always felt that he was greatly blessed to be able to clear himself and firmly believed that paying tithing gave him wisdom to use what money was left from his salary to the best advantage. Libby wrote in her history, "They seemed dark days but so long as we had each other, the children and our health we couldn't be discouraged and hope was with us. These were really hard times and to make things worse, the terrible flu epidemic raged and many friends and relatives were stricken.” Libby’s only brother, Jake, died January 11, 1919. The service was held in the deep snow in the cemetery but people were so afraid that no public funerals were held.

In Provo, UT, Elva "Jean" Stubbs was young when her mother became very ill. It was during the awful World War I years of 1918-19 when about 500 million people (1/3 of the world’s population) became infected and at least 50 million died. In the US about 675,000 died when the terrible flu epidemic swept across the world. About two months before Elva was 10 years old, her dear Grandma Stubbs died with the flu on April 3, 1919. She had been taking care of Elva and her four brothers while Elva's mother was so ill. Elva's father had a nurse come to live with them as well as various hired girls who helped care for the children because her mother had heart trouble. On April 15, 1919 Elva's mother died of the influenza that was sweeping the country at that time. All of the children had the flu and weren't able to go to Grandma Stubbs funeral, who died 2 weeks before her mother. One of Elva’s favorite aunts also died about the same time. The children were well enough to go to their mother's funeral which was held on April 17, 1919. This was a very, very sad time for the children, the very saddest time of their lives. Elva was nine years old at the time and felt a great responsibility towards her older brother, Lawrence and her three younger brothers, Lloyd, Orlin and Ritchie.

Marilyn Neilson is now 62. When she was 47 in 2008 she began a day program at the Work Activity Center (WAC) in West Valley City. She is usually covered with a dozen or so necklaces, bracelets and rings which she calls her "finery." She lives with a roommate in an apartment designed to support disabled adults. She loves to buy bridal magazines. In 2013, Antoinetta joined WAC as their art director and since then Marilyn has participated in art classes and done paintings for annual art shows in Sandy City and at Tracy Aviary in Liberty Park except when she was quarantined by COVID-19 for a year beginning in 2020.