“ There is an invisible pen always writing over our heads and making an exact register of all the transactions of our life, not our public conduct only, and what we reckon the momentous parts of our life are; but the indulgence of our private pleasures, the amusements of our secret thoughts and all idle hours shall be brought into account ”
Table of Contents
Richard Stubbs
On July 30, 1823, Richard Stubbs became the second son born to Samuel and Sarah Shaw Stubbs in Northwich, Cheshire (also known as Chester) County, England. The town of Northwich was noted for its salt mines, and is about 33 miles southeast of Liverpool, England, the famous seaport. In the vicinity of Northwich more than four generations of Stubbs found their mates and made their homes. They attended Davenham and Wilton (also Spelled Witton) Parishes, which included the following hamlets and towns: Stanthorne, Whorton, Mounton, Weavenham and Northwich.
Richard was named after his grandfather, who married Mary Boyer Stubbs. His other grandparents were William and Elizabeth Malkin Shaw. Richard's young parents had three children before he was born, namely: Mary, born October 28, 1818; William, born November 3, 1819; and Betty, born June 14, 1821. His father was a tailor by trade. Other brothers and sisters, making ten in all, were: Joseph, born January 7, 1826; Sarah, born December 28, 1828; Samuel, born October 7, 1831; John, born October 24, 1833; James, born August 7, 1836; and Ann, born January 27, 1839.
The large family made it necessary for Richard to work. At ten years of age he hired out to a farmer during two summers to herd cows for two pence (four cents) a day. During the winter months of these two years he obtained all the formal schooling he ever received from a teacher. Between the ages of twelve and sixteen he worked at a brickyard for six pence (twelve cents) per day. It was during this time that three younger brothers died: James, one year old, died December 20, 1837; Joseph, age twelve, died June 20, 1838; and Samuel, age six, died 6 Sept 1838. These brothers were buried at Witton Church Cemetery, Northwich District, in a tier grave.
At the age of sixteen, Richard hired to a blacksmith where the work was easier but the wages were reduced to four pence (eight cents) per day. He worked there for two years during which time his father died on January 4, 1840 and was buried in the Witton Church Cemetery where his brothers were buried. This increased the financial burden he bore. Mary, age twenty one, died six months later on July 14, 1840 and was buried in the tier grave with her brothers. On November 27, 1841 death again took its toll. Richard's sister Betty, age twenty, died and was also buried in the tier grave with the three brothers and a sister. All five children, and possibly Richard's father, died with consumption (now known as tuberculosis).
Mormon Elders were preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the neighboring communities in October of 1841. Curiosity led Richard to hear their message. This was at the same time some of the apostles of the Church were visiting in England. Richard stood listening to a street meeting when a mob under the direction of an associate Methodist Minister by the name of Thompson broke up the meeting. Richard paid no more attention to religion at that time.
Shortly after this introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Richard's widowed mother and his elder brother, William, then age 23, embraced the Gospel. They emigrated to America taking with them the younger members of the family: Sarah, age fourteen; John, age nine; and Ann, age three. They landed in New Orleans and came up the Mississippi River to Keokuk, Lee County, Iowa which was across the river westward from Nauvoo, Illinois. They corresponded with Richard in England and encouraged him to join them. The family made their home in this area near Nauvoo for about three years.
Richard completed two years in the blacksmith shop and obtained a more remunerative job as a salt miner for a short time, where his daily wages increased to 18 pence (36 cents) per day. The influence of his family in America caused him to leave Liverpool for New Orleans with a company of 214 Latter day Saints under the direction of Orson Hyde on September 17, 1842. The company reached St. Louis late in October and some of the company remained there until spring. ln all likelihood Richard remained in St. Louis with them for it is noted that he reached Nauvoo April 12, 1843.
In May, 1843 he became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and was baptized in the Mississippi River by Elder Thomas McCann. His first work after reaching Nauvoo was on the city brick yard under the direction of Philander Calten and Frank Pullen.
Ellander Wyer
Ellander Wyer was born December 1, 1825, at Jones Run, Harrison, Virginia. Her parents and grandparents were born and made their home here also. She was the sixth child of Abishai and Delilah Rogers Wyer. She was a grand daughter of John and Susannah Harrison Wyer and Rhodam and Mildred Nelson Rogers.
Harrison County in Virginia later became one of the counties in West Virginia. This change came as a direct result of the Civil War. Harrison County had always been a part of Virginia although it never had much in common with other counties of Virginia because the rugged Allegheny Mountains made transportation very difficult between them. The area now known as West Virginia was organized in 1861 under the name of Kanawha. Two years later in 1863, this territory was admitted as the twenty fifth state with a total of fifty counties. Five additional counties have been added to West Virginia since statehood.
Virginia was a royal colony in 1624, an independent state in 1776, and the tenth state in 1788. Counties in Virginia where Ellander's parents and grandparents lived are listed by date when they were formed: Harrison, 1772; Loudoun, 1757; Fauquier, 1759; Fairfax, 1742; Frederick, 1738; and Gloucester, 1651.
Ellander's grandfather, Rhodam Rogers was born in 1756 or 1757 (age 75 in 1832), at Fairfax, Fairfax County, Virginia. He married Mildred "Milly" Nelson in 1799. There is a question at this time as to his parents names but they are believed to be Richard and Elizabeth Rogers, according to a will which was found. Rhodam died at Lumberport, Harrison, Virginia in July 1843.
The Rogers were Baptists and Democrats. It is believed their ancestors came to America on the Mayflower. Rhodam came to Lumberport from Fairfax, Virginia in 1796 with two brothers, William A. and Edward. They had money and bought up large tracts of land. Edward had a large farm on the West Fork River where the town of Harwood is now situated. The old Rhodam Rogers farm is at Beech Hill, known as Jones Run and Robinson Run, in Eagle district a short distance from Lumberport, Harrison, Virginia, now West Virginia. There were approximately twenty two hundred acres on the Old Rhodam Rogers farm. During the Civil War they had thirty seven slaves. The farm had a school house on it and all the children had a good education. Rhodam was a cabinet maker by trade. He built the first frame house in that part of the county by whip sawing the lumber by hand. In 1913 the old Rogers home burned with all the family records. The family cemetery is located on a little hill on the farm, but visitors say that most of the names and dates on the weather beaten headstones made from stones of the area have washed away. There was at one time a big Indian Fort close to the Rogers Farm.
“On the day of June 7th, 1832 personally appeared in open court before John Reynolds, William A. Rogers, Benjamin Stout and James Fleming. The court of Harrison County now sitting, Rhodam Rogers a resident of Harrison County and State of Virginia aged 75 years who being first duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the act.
That he was born and raised in the County of Fairfax, Virginia. That sometime in the summer, the month not recollected, in the year 1777 he volunteered his services in a company under the command of Capt. Dennis Ramsey. Marched to Alexandria, was attached to a regiment under the command of Col. William Romney. Then he marched to White Marsh or White Plaines, joined the army under the command of Brigadier General Charles Scott, from thence marched near Germantown was there at the time of the Battle but not engaged. Was discharged after having served between three or four months.
In the month of August 1780 he volunteered his services in a company under the command of Capt. William Mason, Lieu. James Nisbitt was attached to a regiment under the command of Col. Sueas. From thence he marched to Frederickburg. Thence to Richmond thence to Petersburg, thence to the Cheraw Hills was under the command of General Green, from thence he marched to Pittsylvania court house and was discharged having served five months and upwards the two discharges are herewith enclosed. He never was directly engaged in any battle but upon one occasion when stationed at Cheraw Hills he was detailed with a small party to guard some cattle when they were met by the enemy and a skirmish took place in which he received a wound in the face by a bayonet which broke his jaw bone. He also received a wound in the hand at the same time. The skirmish resulted in the capture of the British to the number of thirty or forty prisoners. He was then commanded by a strange officer whose name he does not recollect. From Fairfax he removed to Loudon thence to Fauquier thence to Harrison where he has resided for the last thirty five years. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. Sworn and subscribed to.
And the court do hereby declare there opinion after the investigation of the matter and putting the interrogatories prescribed by the war department.”
Rhodam speared wolves to get the bounty pay he used to pay his taxes. Some of the irons used to spear the wolves and a cane that they cooked on were salvaged from the fire and are today in possession of D. Ray Rogers, a great grandson of Rodham Rogers. The Jones Baptist church located in the surrounding area of Jones Run where Ellander was born, lists Rogers as some of the early founders.
Little history is known of Ellander's grandparents on the Wyer (Ware or Weir) line. Ellander's father, Abishai Wyer was born September 5, 1791, in Stephensbrough, Frederick County, Virginia. Ellander's mother, Delilah Eunice Rogers was born January 11, 1786 at Bull Run, Fairfax County, Virginia. Her grandfather, John Wyer was born December 12, 1736 in Virginia and grandmother Susannah "Ann" Harrison about 1738. Her great grandfather, James Wyer of Gloucester, Gloucester County, Virginia was christened November 15, 1704. Her great grandmother Agnes was born in 1707 and came from Gloucester, Gloucester County, Virginia.
Ellander was the sixth child from a family of nine children. Abishai and Delilah Wyer raised only two daughters to maturity, their third child Rebecca and sixth child Ellander. Seven of their children died at a very young age and records are incomplete as to their birthdates, causes of death, and dates of death.
Abishai and Delilah must have made their first home together in Rockingham, Harrisonburg County, Virginia since the first five children were born there: Richard, about 1814; Elizabeth, about 1816; Rebecca, January 20, 1818; Suchannah, about 1820; and Rabhi, about 1822.
The family, Abishai, Delilah, and their young daughter Rebecca then moved to part of the Rhodam farm at Jones Run, Harrison County, Virginia. On December 1, 1825, EIlander became the first born after this move and grew up with Rebecca to the happiness of their parents. Three more children were born at Jones Run: Asa, about 1827; Dorcas, about 1829; and (Meriah, Meriha) Melvina, born about 1830. The family farm or plantation at that time had maple trees and their sap was gathered and made into syrup for the family.
Mormonism found its way to Abishai and Delilah's home. They were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in September, 1836. The desire to gather with the saints followed their conversion and in 1837 they left their home in Virginia and went to Kirtland, Ohio with their two daughters--Rebecca, age nineteen and Ellander, age twelve.
At Kirkland, Ellander and her family attended Sunday meetings at the Kirtland temple and Fast Meetings the first Thursday of each month commencing at or before 10 A.M. and closing at 4 P.M. There were many manifestations of the Holy Spirit which the entire congregation witnessed on many occasions at these gatherings, such as the gift of tongues, the interpretations of tongues, visions and marvelous dreams. The singing of heavenly choirs was heard. Manifestations of the healing power through the administrations of the Elders were witnessed. The sick were healed, the deaf made to hear, the blind made to see, and the lame made to walk, in very many instances. It was plainly manifest that a sacred and divine influence, a spiritual atmosphere pervaded the temple.
On one occasion Father Smith, the Prophet's father, presided over a meeting in the Temple, and after opening the meeting with prayer, in which he very earnestly prayed that the Spirit of God might be poured out as on the day of Pentecost, that it might come "as a rushing mighty wind." Sometime in the midst of the meeting in afternoon it did come.
These experiences were never forgotten by Ellander and her parents and undoubtedly strengthened their testimonies sufficient to withstand all the trials that came their way. Many of the saints left the Church. There was an apostasy which started in 1837 and persecution from the communities forced the Saints to flee from that State. They made Illinois their refuge from the bloodthirsty Christian mobocrats who had murdered many hundreds of men, women and children.
Ellander and her family left Kirtland with the Saints and came to Nauvoo, Illinois. When the Saints first arrived in 1839, Nauvoo was known as Commerce. The swamp and uninhabitable regions were reclaimed, and before long Nauvoo was a thriving, prosperous community and was known as "City Beautiful."
On January 19, 1841, the Prophet Joseph received a revelation, commanding the Saints to erect a Temple for the purpose of revealing keys and powers of the Priesthood and for the salvation of the living and the dead. On April 6, 1941, the eleventh anniversary of the organization of the Church, approximately 10,000 people from Nauvoo and surrounding sections were present to witness the laying of the four cornerstones of the Temple. On November 8, 1841, the baptismal font in the Temple was ready for dedication, and baptisms in the river were discontinued. By October 30, 1842, the construction of the walls of the Temple had progressed so far that the first meeting was held in it.
The next move of the family took Ellander across the Mississippi River to another settlement of the Saints known as Bausher Branch in Lee County, Iowa. Although there are two different recorded dates, it seems reasonable to assume that Ellander was baptized at Bausher Branch around the Spring of 1834 when they were there. She was baptized by Lewis Zabriskie, who later served as a counselor to the first Bishop of the Provo Second Ward when he lived in Provo.
Rebecca, Ellander's older sister, was lost from her family on the plains. Many different versions of how she was lost have been related, but most evidence shows that it must have occurred before the family moved to Nauvoo, Illinois. Nothing has been learned of her since her disappearance.
One story relates that a family in another wagon requested that Rebecca be permitted to ride in their wagon to assist a new mother with a baby. Rebecca was over nineteen and an army officer had followed the wagon train, met Rebecca and perhaps knew her. After much consideration Abishai and Delilah consented, but Ellander cried not to let her go. Rebecca gave Ellander a pair of stockings and a scarf to make her feel better about her leaving, which may have meant that she did not plan to return.
The story goes that Abishai's wagon broke down. They never met the family with whom they entrusted Rebecca again. Some of the family thinks she ran away to marry or she could have been killed. A lack of information has left this a mystery to the present date.
Richard Stubbs meets Ellander Wyer

Shortly after Richard Stubbs was baptized by Thomas McCann, he moved to Bausher Branch, Lee County, Iowa. One evening at a spring near the campfire he met Ellander Wyer, a young maiden going on eighteen years. Ellander's dark hair and fair complexion attracted him. It wasn't long until Richard had won her love. Richard and Ellander Wyer (also known as Ellender and Ellen Ware) were married June 21, 1843 at Bausher Branch, Lee County, Iowa by W. 0. Clark. Thomas McCann, who baptized Richard into the church earlier, was witness.
Richard's mother, Sarah Shaw Stubbs, having buried five of her ten children and her husband in England, died herself on October 4, 1843 in Lee County, Iowa. She left her eldest son William, age 24, a daughter Sarah, age l5, another son John, age 10, and a young daughter Ann, age 4, in addition to Richard who had just married at the age of 20. The exact burial place of Richard's mother is not known but would be in or around Keokuk, an early Mormon settlement across the Mississippi River from Nauvoo.
Word came of the martyrdom of the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum Smith on June 27, 1844. Work on the Nauvoo Temple continued under Brigham Young's direction. By October 1, 1845 the construction had progressed to the extent that the autumnal conference was held within its walls. During the month of December 1845 and the early months of 1846, many of the Saints received their blessings and endowments. On May 1, 1846 the Temple was dedicated by Apostles Orson Hyde and Wilford Woodruff.
Their testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ had certainly been a moving force in their lives and the family continued westward with the move of the Saints. No record was established of the exact date of each family move, but like others going westward they made their way across Iowa in readiness for their longer trek across the plains.
Ellander received a patriarchal blessing in Holly Settlement, Lee County, Iowa from Isaac Morley on May 6, 1846. This blessing was nobly fulfilled as she lived her life. She was promised that her posterity would be as numerous as the sands of the seashore. This promise undoubtedly spurred her onward throughout her life as she realized that she was the only living descendent of her parents.
Richard and Ellander were blessed with three children while they lived in Iowa. Their first child, a daughter named Amanda Melvina, was born September 19, 1846 on the prairie in Van Buren County, Iowa. This county is the next one westward from Lee County, near Nauvoo. The family moved westward across the state and settled in Pottawattamie County north of Council Bluffs.
Their second child, a son named Richard Samuel, was born February 7, 1849 at Pigeon (Pigon), Pottawattamie County, Iowa. The day Richard Samuel was born it snowed to the window sills of their cabin. Richard was compelled to go some distance for help. When their baby Richard was seven months old, an unknown older woman came to the door and asked for water. Ellander left the baby with the woman and went for water. It was thought the woman contaminated the baby or gave him something to cause his death. The baby grew ill almost immediately. He died unexpectedly within a day or two on September 22, 1849 at the age of 7 1/2 months. He was buried in this small settlement of the Saints at Pigeon, Pottawattamie, Iowa. Not long after the loss of Ellander's baby boy, a third child, a girl, was welcomed into the home. Sarah Ellander was born December 14, 1850 at Pigeon, Pottawattamie, Iowa.
Sarah Stubbs, a sister to Richard, had gone on ahead of the rest of the family to Utah. She was married to Willard Glover McMullen in Salt Lake City on January 21, 1849 by a Bishop Colister. It appears they may have settled or at least started to settle in Uintah, Weber Country, Utah (a small settlement six miles southeast of Ogden up Weber Canyon). Sarah died March 24, 1850 and was buried in the Salt Lake City cemetery.
On October 9, 1850, Richard received his first patriarchal blessing under the hands of William Draper at Pigeon, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. No copy has been retained but he recorded this event in his record book. Ellander's parents, Abishai and Delilah Rogers Wyer also received patriarchal blessings from Brother Draper the same date and place according to Richard's record book.
Family members which made preparations for their trek across the plains to Utah included Richard, Ellander, their two eldest daughters (Amanda Melvina, 6 years old, and Sarah Ellander, 1 and 1/2 years old), and Ellander's parents, Abishai and Delilah Rogers Wyer. Ellander had made many moves since she turned twelve, so this was not to be a new experience for her. However, she now had two precious small children to think about. She may have faced the journey unafraid, but within her heart she may have feared all they could face: the waves of heat rising from the desert land; the bands of roving Indians which might descend with heathenish yells and leave only smoldering embers to tell of their visit; a dwindling supply of food; and the worry of making the trip in the allotted amount of time so they would arrive in Salt Lake before winter came. Richard's brothers and sisters that went with him included William, age 32, John, age 18, and Ann, age 13. His mother had passed away nine years before, and his other sister had gone on to Utah ahead of the rest of the family.
They left from Kanesville, Pottawattamie, Iowa near Council Bluffs in June 1852 in the Sixteenth company (the Jerome Benson Oxteam Company), with ox and cow teams under the leadership of Captain Uriah Curtis. Levi Curtis, the captain referred to in some of the other family histories, must have been under the leadership of Uriah Curtis. This company numbered 365 and was the second largest to cross the plains. It was the largest that made the trek in 1952. Conditions were meager and it is told that Ann walked barefoot alI the way except when she became ill with cholera and came near dying.
They arrived in Salt Lake City on October 1, 1852 near conference time. Richard and Ellander took their young girls to Provo, where they arrived on October 8, 1852. Richard's brothers and sister parted in Salt Lake and went to Uintah, near Ogden, in Weber County and settled in that area.
A man by the name of Allred took Ann to his home in Big Cottonwood. William and John went on to Uintah as they knew Willard Glover McMullen, their brother in law. Ann remained with the Allred family until January 1853 when Willard had a chance to send for her to come to Uintah and have a home with them. Willard had married again and Ann remained with him and his wife Martha until she was about eighteen years old, when she married Edmond Waters as a plural wife. She lived in the family about eleven years then left her husband. She had no children by this marriage. Ann married Benjeman Franklin Stoddard in May 1867 and had the following children: Pamela (Pammil), who later married Robert M. Gale, and William, who later married Emma Borg.
William was a professional tailor, having learned the trade in England. He continued at this trade as much as circumstances would permit in a small farming settlement. In Salt Lake City, Utah, on March 3, 1858, he married Ann Langfield Brown, who had been a plural wife and had one child, Ann (Annie) Elizabeth Brown by the previous marriage. His wife, Ann, died December 22, 1871 of cancer and was buried in Salt Lake City. Conflicting records show William either died on February 11, 1876 or February 13, 1877, in Uintah (East Weber) Weber County. On his death bed he deeded his sister Ann his home (where William R. Stoddard, a grand nephew, lived in 1964) with the promise that his brother John could have a home as long as he lived. He was buried in the Ogden Cemetery. No marker is on his grave.
John, Richard's younger brother, never married. He lived any place he could get a meal and a bed, and was always willing to work hard for it. He died of cancer at the age of sixty nine on May 14, 1903 at the home of Pamela Stoddard Gale, his niece. He was buried in the Uintah cemetery. He was loved by the family. Pamela said "l loved him as much as I did my own father."
At the time Richard and his family arrived in the Salt Lake area, the new settlement of the Mormon Pioneers was known as Utah Territory, as organized by the law of Congress September 9, 1850. Previous to this time the Church had more or less regulated the people until a desire grew for civil government. Between March 8, 1849 and September 9, 1850 the name of the territory was Deseret (the boundaries including portions of what is now Colorado, New Mexico, California, Nevada, Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, as well as all of Utah and Arizona). Utah remained the Territory of Utah until January 4, 1896 when it was admitted to the union as the 45th state and citizens were permitted to vote.
Provo, the settlement chosen by Richard and his family in which to make their home, had originally been known as Fort Utah and was established March 12, 1849 by Branch President John S. Higbee with about 30 families or 150 persons who were sent from Salt Lake by President Brigham Young. Several log houses which were erected were surrounded by a 14 foot palisade. The fort was first located west of Provo, but was moved to Sowiette Park on 5th North and 5th West in April 1850. Provo was first surveyed in the summer of 1850. The first stake was placed in the center of what was to be the public square, now Pioneer Park. The northwest quarter of the city was surveyed, and a hundred and sixty acres were laid off into city lots. The work was continued in the spring of 1851, when a city plot one mile square was surveyed, running eleven blocks each way with the Public Square in the center. A block was twenty four rods square and contained eight lots, each being six by twelve rods.
In the fall of 1850, and during the summer of 1851, many of the settlers moved out of the fort into their own homes. The tier of blocks on the east side of Main Street were the first to be occupied. The ones on the west followed. Several were adobe houses, built at about the same time, in 1851. By 1851 Provo began to have the appearance of a town. In April of that year, the city of Provo was created and the first election of officers took place. Ellis Eames was the first mayor.
A ward of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints was organized in Provo on March 19, 1851. Elias Hicks Blackburn was Bishop, and William Young and Harlow Redfield were his counselors. There were now two presiding officers in Provo. President Higbee had authority in spiritual matters, and Bishop Blackburn in temporal affairs. In August of 1852, George Albert Smith was sent to Provo by President Brigham Young. Under his direction, Provo was divided into five ecclesiastical wards. The city was divided east and west of Fourth West and north and south of Center Street. The First Ward was located south of Center and east of Fourth West; the Second Ward was south of Center Street and west of Fourth West; the Third Ward was north of Center Street and west of Fourth West; the Fourth Ward was east of Fourth West between Center Street and Eleventh North; and the Fifth Ward was north of the Provo Fourth Ward.
When Richard and his family arrived in Provo City they found that Provo contained over two hundred families, three saw mills, one grist mill, one shingle machine propelled by water, one carding machine and fulling mill, and one manufactory of brown earth ware. There was also a turning lathe for turning wooden bowls, one threshing machine propelled by water power, and two cabinet shops. A meeting house had been commenced eight feet by forty seven, to be finished with gallery and steeple tower. The meeting house was located about 65 West on Center Street and was not completed until 1867. A town lot cost them only the expense of recording and surveying one dollar and a half each. A company for the manufacturing of beet sugar had commenced the erection of a building, sixty four feet wide, designed for a factory.
The entire area from First to Second North and University to Second West belonged to the Church. It contained a tithing-house, with good cellars underneath, which was about finished by Bishop Blackburn in October 1852. Barns, etc. were also located in this area.
By December of 1852 a number of additional enterprises, industrial and otherwise, had been added to the new Provo City settlement. A new grist mill, two hotels and a sash factory had also been built. There were three cabinet shops, three blacksmith shops, three shoe shops, two tailor shops, one meat market, two stores, and two lime kilns.
Mail service was not in existence in 1852, but in 1854 the service between the Mississippi Valley and the Pacific Ocean was started. This service required from twenty five to thirty days to go one way. At first the mail was semi monthly, then weekly, and then every day. At that time a letter would be from twenty five days to two months old when it was received.
Richard and his family made their home with Ellander's parents (who some believe arrived in 1951) on the corner of 5th South and 7th West in the Provo Second Ward. They held their memberships there the rest of their lives. Richard's farm (where Sydney Vincent later lived) was located a short distance west and south of the home. The farm land consisted of twenty or forty acres and a city lot, and was measured off to Richard like other settlers. It was understood (by unwritten law passed July 25, 1847 in Salt Lake City) that no man could buy or sell land but he was to have what he could take care of. He could till as it pleased him, but he should be industrious and take care of the land.
A year after the Stubbs family arrived in Provo, Abishai and Delilah Rogers Wyer were sealed on October 22, 1853. Three days after, Abishai died on October 25, 1853. A meeting had been held in June 1853 to discuss plans for a new cemetery. Property for a Provo cemetery was set aside June 25, 1853. The previous cemeteries had been at Old Fort and Temple Hill. According to a finding of the Provo Daughters of Pioneers, Abishai Wyer was the first person buried in the present Provo City Cemetery.
After Abishai died, some believe Richard and Ellender took over her parents home and farm land. Ellender's mother, Delilah made her home with Richard and Ellander's family for many years. In her older years, Delilah was married for time in the Endowment House to Samuel Vincent. She died at the age of ninety on November 24, 1876. She was buried beside her husband Abishai Wyer in the Provo Cemetery Block 4 Lot 80. Their temple work was completed on November 25, 1884 by Richard and Ellander in the St. George Temple.
The spring after their arrival in Provo, Richard and Ellander were blessed with the birth of their fourth child, a baby girl named Rebecca Ann, who was born May 1, 1853. In 1856, Richard received his endowments in the Endowment House in Salt Lake and renewed his marriage covenant under President Brigham Young. Three more children were born in their first Provo home which was located at 511 South 7th West. The fifth child was William Heber, born December 1, 1855; the sixth, Eliza Rachel, born May 8, 1858; and the seventh, John Rhodam, born July 2, 1860.
Typical of the homes of the day, their first home was either a one room log or adobe with a dirt floor and a dirt or thatched roof. It is assumed the family made a move in 1862 to obtain materials for a new home as their eighth child Mary Delilah was born December 19, 1862 at Lake Bottom, which is believed to be near the river to the north of Provo. Information about this move of the family is lacking. However, it is known that a new adobe home was built about this time on the same property as their first home, with the address changing slightly from 511 to 509 South 7th West.
Their new home had two stories, thick double adobe walls, and a wooden floor. Lumber for new homes was hewn down from the banks of the Provo river by the pioneers and families moved the lumber by wagon to their home site. Hard red pine was used for the floor joist and rafters, which were nailed together with square nails. The walls were also of red pine. The home had a cellar for storing food, and a five foot rock foundation. Fancy wood carvings were placed on the eaves and over the doors and windows.
The home was well lighted for those days with two large windows on the West, one on the North and one on the South. The front door opened to the West, and the back door to the garden and barn yard on the East. The first floor was divided with the north side serving as the parlor and kitchen, and the south room and upstairs were bedrooms.
Ellander had her kitchen in the north room with food cabinets on the east and a wash stand by the east, or back door. A large stove was on the north side. The stove was a charter oak with a hearth in front and ovens on each side. The table and chairs were in the center of the room, and a couch was along the south wall. The couch was loaded with ample homemade bedding for a visitor.
The south room was entered from the kitchen by a door near the front west door. The south room and the attic upstairs were used for bedrooms. Three more children were welcomed into their new family home: the ninth, Eunice Lester, who was born December 21, 1865; the tenth, Hannah Drucilla, who was born May 5, 1868; and the eleventh, Joseph Abishai, who was born October 4, 1871.
A Federal Land Office was opened in Utah in 1869, which made it possible to homestead a piece of land under Federal law. In order to legalize Richard's land holdings, a deed to his land was first made on March 13, 1873 under A. 0. Smoot, Provo City mayor. The charge affixed for the service was $19.50. The land holdings were described in the deed and recorded November 4, 1873 in book "B" p 482.
A new granary was built in 1876 behind their home. Four years after the railroad came to Utah in 1869, the Utah Southern Extension Railroad came to Provo on November 25, 1873. The Fire Department was organized in Provo City on January 24, 1890. The fire hall was erected in 1892.
Although Richard was poor, he was always ready with what he had to help those who were not so fortunate. He helped roll on the great work he had embraced. He furnished two yoke of oxen to move the worthy poor from Salt Lake to Provo. When work on the Salt Lake Temple commenced, he donated the use of a team for a month to haul rock for that structure, although he needed to use the team at home. A good wagon and a yoke of his oxen were ready to go when teams were fitted out to go back to Iowa and Missouri for remaining saints and provisions.
As a faithful block teacher he labored under four bishops: James Bird, Andrew Hunter Scott, Sr., James W. Loveless, and Evan Wride. Richard took an active part in the expedition against Johnson's Army in Echo Canyon. He stood guard both at the mouth of Provo Canyon and in the city during Indian trouble.
Richard was a man of medium height and somewhat stocky build. He was strong willed at times. On one occasion, to break the spell of silence, his wife Ellander hid the hand towel after he had washed. He looked for the towel and, not finding it, sat down to the table. After the blessing was said a grandchild remarked "Look Grandfather, your beard has dripped and you have water on your plate." He responded, "So I do." Then he laughed and went over and kissed his wife. The towel came forth, and the troubling issue was forgotten. Richard wore a long beard that became snowy white before he died. He also carried a slight sag from the eye lid over the right eye. He enjoyed sitting in his chair in the northwest area of the kitchen near the stove in his older years. He also enjoyed his children and grandchildren visiting him.
Ellander honored the Priesthood in her home. She, with her children, participated in family prayer when called upon. She attended church regularly with her husband and family. Ellander with her husband traveled by wagon team to the St. George Temple and did work for their kindred dead. They also went to the Salt Lake and Manti Temples.
Ellander was a faithful Relief Society member. In those days they were called "Women of Deseret." Their duties were according to their talents--some cared for the sick and some made clothes for the dead and those bereaved. Through the society, these sisters provided for the needy. Once each month two sisters visited every family to see if all were well, or if any were in need, and to receive from those who could give. Money was out of the question, so the people gave what they had meat, butter, eggs, homemade soap, dried fruit, carpet rags, quilt blocks, cloth, or anything else that they could spare. The districts were large because the homes were scattered. They tried to visit the most hospitable homes about noon time. The baskets and sacks became very heavy before the long day was over.
These teachers, as the women were called, took what they had gathered to the secretary's home. There it was divided according to the needs of the recipients, who called for it if they were able. If not, it was taken to them. The Relief Society women also made carpets for public buildings, and gleaned wheat for storage against famine. They made quilts for the needy and put on entertainments to raise funds. They were part of every home, and every home was part of them. They were builders too, and the buildings they have erected are scattered all over the state.
Ellander was known to be a kind, reserved person with a happy temperament. She had very dark brown hair with a fair complexion. She stood about 5 feet 4 inches tall. With her many petticoats she appeared on the plump side- especially in her later years. She was hospitable and made all of her neighbors, friends, and on occasion strangers, welcome in her home. She was a clean and orderly housekeeper. Her cellar was scrubbed regularly as well as her house. The yard was raked and well cared for. She waited on her husband and met the needs of her children.
She not only taught her children the skills of homemaking, but she also served as nurse and midwife for her family when need arose. There was only one doctor between Lehi on the north and Nephi on the south. Ellander, like other women became skilled at nursing. Her kindness was extended to all that needed her. On one occasion two Indians were fighting near the old Fort Wall that ran beside their property. One Indian fell over the wall into the ditch wounded and bleeding. Ellander took him in, laid him on the couch, and dressed and cared for his wounds.
Ellander took care of Richard's every need. She had a stroke on December 14, 1897 and died one month later on January 14, 1898. She passed peacefully away, at the age of 73 years. The funeral was held in the Provo Second Ward meeting house, and she was buried in the Provo City Cemetery on Block 4, Lot 80 east of First East between Third and Fourth North. An obituary appeared in the Provo paper at the time of her death. The clipping did not have the name of the paper, but "The Daily Inquirer" was in circulation at that time, as well as others that started in 1889 and 1890.
“ You pioneered for a richer tomorrow.
Holding firm reins, high on the plow.
You guided oxen, cut a straight furrow.
You nurtured saplings that fruit today's bough.
You planted the rose, and the wheat field.
Proffering love and the helping hand.
All this dear grandmother we will remember;
As we see the beauties of our western land. ”
After Ellander passed away, Richard missed her so much that life held very little interest. His youngest daughter, Hannah Drucilla was still at home, and unmarried. She cared for him, and he gave Hannah Drucilla his property for this service. At the age of 79, Richard slept peacefully away while resting in his chair. He died July 25, 1902 at his home four years after the death of Ellander. He was buried beside his wife in the Provo City Cemetery. He was a devoted Church member, a loving parent who taught the Gospel by example, and a respected ancestor. Patriarchal blessings given him February 25, 1859 and November 4, 1901 state that "his name shall be honored by his posterity who shall officiate in the ordinances of the Gospel bearing the Holy Priesthood through all generations to come." A statement found in Richard Stubbs record book and used as a guide post for his life is given for his posterity to treasure and use:
There is an invisible pen always writing over our heads and making an exact register of all the transactions of our life, not our public conduct only, and what we reckon the momentous parts of our life are; but the indulgence of our private pleasures, the amusements of our secret thoughts, and idle hours shall be brought into account.
The following lists Richard and Ellander's children, whom and when they married, their deaths, and the number of their grandchildren:

John Rhodham Stubbs
John Rodham Stubbs was the son of Richard Stubbs and Ellander Wyer (Ware). He was born July 2, 1860 in Provo, Utah in a two story adobe home at 7th West and 5th South. This was a very humble home, but was filled with love from a kind father, mother, brother and sisters. John Rodham was taught the gospel by example. He was baptized June 17, 1869. There is no family record of him being ordained in any office of the Aaronic Priesthood. He helped his father on the farm, which was located at 11th West and 10th South in Provo.
At different times he worked for his brother in law, Franklin Scott, who owned a farm in Vineyard. Franklin Scott had married Sarah Ellander Stubbs, John Rodham's sister. He enjoyed living with Franklin and Sarah very much, but one time he was there, Franklin Scott took another of John Rodham's sisters, Eliza Rachel, as his second wife. When the train that Franklin and Eliza Rachel was on went by, John Rodham's sister Sarah Ellander started to cry. He said, "Sarah if you do not want them to get married you just say so, and I will go to American Fork and stop them." Sarah informed him that it had all been arranged with her permission and everything was all right.
The Stubbs family lived in the 2nd Ward in Utah Stake. Their home was just three blocks from where the first adobe church house was built. John Rodham also attended school in this community and later attended Brigham Young Academy. John Rodham had many friends and they all enjoyed themselves in work and social activities. John Rodham was ordained an Elder when he was 21 years old.
Susannah Temperance Goodman
 (Great Grandparents)-300.png)
Susanna Temperance Goodman was from a pioneer family and had to help with the farm and home work. She was the daughter of John Richardson and Sarah Lee Goodman, and was born January l2, 1863 in Provo, Utah County. She was the seventh child in a family of nine. The family in their correct order are: Sarah Elizabeth, John Moroni, William Henry, Mary Jane, Thomas Richardson, Emily Lee, Susannah Temperance, Harriet Unice and David Alphonzo Goodman.
Susannah Temperance was blessed April 15, 1863 by Andrew H. Scott. She was baptized by P.D. Jensen on June 9, 1872, and confirmed by Richard Stubbs on June 9, 1872. She received her education in the Elementary School at Provo, Utah. As a young woman, she went to Salt Lake City to work as a knitter in a knitting factory. Upon leaving, she purchased a knitting machine which she later used to knit stockings for all of her children until they were eight years of age, except Leora.
John Rodham was attracted to this young girl, Susannah Temperance, who also lived in the 2nd Ward, not far from his home. As his attention increased towards her, John Rodham planned to get married so he bought a building lot one block west of his father's home. He built a new adobe house which had two rooms and was located on 5th South and 8th West in Provo. John Rodham Stubbs and Susanna Temperance Goodman were married December 22, 1881 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells. They spent some of the happiest years of their lives in this small adobe home. Their oldest sons were born in this first home. John William was born April 24, 1883, and Jesse Goodman was born January 9, 1885.
John Rodham later became interested in twenty acres of farm land about five miles north of Provo, now called the River Bottoms in the Edgemont Ward. He did not know how to break the news to his wife that he wou1d like to trade their home for this land then owned by Roswald Ferre. Finally he mentioned it to her. They arranged to go look it over, and drove a wagon to the Jacob Baum property. Then they had to walk and crawl for about one mile through brush and small ditches. There were only two small openings on the land. When they reached the first one John Rodham said, "Well what do you think of it?" Susanna Temperance replied, "Well I guess it is all right if you think we can find it again."
He immediately started to arrange the trade, and they sold their home in Provo. The land had to be cleared of brush and trees. He built a road, and then worked the land so it would be ready for use. Temporary living quarters were built for them to live in, which did nicely until they could build a better home. They bought more ground, and John Rodham worked from early morning until late in the evening almost every day to get the ground ready to plant. They endured all the hardships of pioneer life. They used team and wagon as it was their only way of transportation to town and back. The roads were rough and bushy and the wheel of the wagon would often go in the mud to the hub.
Many times Susannah Temperance would have John Rodham stop the horses to see if the baby was still breathing and alright after being bounced around. Then they would go on. When John Rodham would go to town alone, Susannah Temperance would ask him to try and get back before dark as she was afraid to be alone. Not having any close neighbors, she would listen for the sound of the wagon and felt relieved when she heard him coming. Before their third child, Zella Temperance, was born on September 14, 1886, they had built a small cabin, which consisted of two rooms in the front and a lean-to on the back. Their fourth child, Maud Ellen, was born in this home on April 4, 1888.
For many years John Rodham was very busy clearing brush, breaking land, making ditches, and bringing the land into production. He also acquired some livestock. About 2 blocks east of the cabin home was a fine stream of extra good water. They moved the cabin there next. John Rodham was still clearing land, but the last location of the cabin had proven to be too damp a place for the home to be located.
They located a good place for their home near the northeast corner of the farm. There a cellar was dug and rocked up with rocks hauled from the riverbed. A two room house was built over the cellar. One large room was on the north slope. They moved into this home just before their fifth child, Wilford Richard, was born on April 6, 1890. David Alfonzo, the sixth, was born there June 9, 1892. When David was nine months old, he and Maud got scarlet fever. He died a month later on March 4, 1893.
The family was growing very fast and always needed more room. Since John Rodham had been building a large shed to shelter the livestock he raised, he was unable to build a home. Finally, he broke ground and built a big home just east of the one they were living in, which is still standing. Rock was hauled from the river for the foundation, and lime ash from the lime kiln to mix concrete. Frenchie Garibalda and William McIntire helped with the concrete mix. Frank Carpenter did the carpenter work. The seventh child, Albert was born in this home. Leora, the eighth child, was born there May 27, 1903.
The family was very happy with their new home and the very productive farm. John Rodham planted fruit trees, currents, raspberries, and raised many carloads of potatoes and onions. He would thrash several large stacks of grain each fall and indeed the family was blessed. He bought more land and built a large barn where he could feed livestock.
Having a large family, Susannah Temperance was busy before school preparing clothing for the children. There were five in the range of seven years--John, Jesse, Zella, Maud and Wilford. When school started, Susannah Temperance would prepare their breakfast, see that they were ready for school, put up their lunches, and see that they went on their way.
They attended the Mountain School, which was a one room school house, with one teacher who taught from the first to the eighth grade. Some of the teachers were: William Roberts, Wilford Booth, M.I. Thompson and Dolff Bashard, the music teacher. Their Board Director was William S. Rawlings. He came to visit the school to see if they were up-to-date with their lessons and to bring supplies for the school. The Mountain School put on a play with a tableau, which for Ellen Maud was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen at that time.
Susannah Temperance taught the children when they were young to sing together as a quartet. Zella sang soprano, Maud alto, John bass and Jesse tenor. These four sang in the Provo Opera House at an entertainment. This was their biggest moment. They sang quite often after that. When John was away Wilford sang the bass. Zella and Maud sang in a duet for years.
Albert also attended the Mountain School. He seemed to be able to do all the things the others didn't do, such as play his drum for the children to march in the school house. He was chosen as one of the boys to choose up sides for the spelling matches, as he was a good speller. He also played his harmonica in the programs. Benny Walton and Roy Gardner were his teachers up to the eighth grade, and then Charles Petersen taught him at the Page School where he graduated.
Leora attended the Mountain School from the first grade until the sixth grade. Some of her teachers were Earl Foot, Mamie Alexander, and Ada Hickman. She then attended the Spencer School, and completed the 8th grade. Some of her teachers there were Lynn Roberts and Mrs. Cummingham. She later attended Lincoln High School for two years, and Brigham Young University for one year.
Due to John Rodham's illness, she was unable to continue her schooling any longer. She sang in the community where she lived. On one occasion she sang at a farewell for Able Ekins and Lowell Penrod when they left for the service. She sang, "The Rose of No Mans Land," and was accompanied by Mrs. Margaret Pulsipher. She also led the singing for the Mountain View Sunday School.
Susannah Temperance was a real help mate to John Rodham all through her life. She never hesitated or had a feeling that she could not do what became her duty. She raised turkeys and with their income bought a bedroom suite for her new home. She also raised chickens which had eggs that supplied the family's needs and left enough to exchange for groceries and dry goods, such as yardage material, underwear and shoes at the Farrer Co op, which was located on lst North and Academy Avenue, now called University Avenue.
Susannah Temperance would churn the butter, and print it in an oblong pound print. She would then wrap it in a large sheet of butter paper and a white cloth, put it on a plate and ask one of us children to take it to the spring to keep cool until they went to town. She would have from two to five pounds of butter at a time to sell. She was often complimented on what nice butter she made.
When fall came, John Rodham would sack up the wheat left in the grain bin and take it to Hoover's Flour Mill, which was on 5th North and 2nd West. He would have it ground into white flour, graham flour and germade for cereal. He would put it in the flour bin which had been cleaned ready for use. The bin was about four feet wide, three feet high in front, four feet high in back, and two feet wide, with a shelf ten inches wide on the inside where Susannah Temperance kept the germade, rolling pin, biscuit cutter, and flour sieve. When this work was finished, John Rodham and Susannah Temperance would express a feeling of thankfulness.
One time when Susannah Temperance mixed bread she put it in the doorway so the sun would help it raise quicker. Wilford was a baby and crawling around. She heard a noise and went to see what he was doing. She found he had pulled the cover off the dough and had crawled in it. When she went to pick him up, dough, pan and all came up together.
When thrashing time came, John Rodham would have from two to three stacks of grain. He hired the horse power thrashing machine, not being able to get the new engine thrashing machine that had just come out. Susannah Temperance started to prepare for the thrashers. She got the old iron kettle which was in the back room of the old house, filled it half full of water and heated it to a boiling point.
Millie Scott, a neighbor girl, came to help her with the cooking. Chickens were scalded, picked and cleaned ready to be cooked. Bread was made, butter churned, pies and cakes were baked. The next morning corn was prepared, potatoes peeled, cucumbers and onions made into pickles, and cabbage made into salad. The table was pulled out to its full length, and leaves added. Table cloths were placed on the tables. Then a problem came up--not enough dishes. So, Susannah Temperance borrowed some from the neighbors to finish setting the table.
She sent word to John Rodham that dinner was ready. He and the men came to the house and washed in the wash tub, which the children had filled with water. They had set out towels, soap and comb for the men to use. Some of the men went out to the ditch to wash, which was about four rods from the house. When they were ready, John Rodham took them in the house and seated them at the table. There were fourteen in all. Susannah Temperance and Millie took up the food and placed it on the table. It was tasty and enjoyed by all. When the meal was over the men thanked Susannah Temperance for their dinner and went back to work.
About three o'clock one of the men let a pitchfork slip in to the thrashing machine and broke some part of it. They had to send to SaIt Lake City to get the part. They lost two days and during that time John Rodham had to furnish hay and grain to feed their eight head of horses, and Susannah Temperance had to feed the teamster breakfast and supper until the thrashing machine was fixed. After the days work was done the men would come in the house. Mr. Carter would play the organ, some of the men would sing, others would joke, and sometimes they would play cards.
On January l8, 1891, the Pleasant View Ward was organized. John Rodham was set a part as Superintendent of the Sunday School. The meeting house was dedicated in 1893. He worked on the building of the meeting house and became very active in the church.
In the early part of 1899 John Rodham was called to serve a mission in England. He thought about leaving his wife with six children and not to much money on hand. His wife said they would get along all right, even though a mission would put extra responsibilities on her and the family. John Rodham talked to the children about how they were to obey Susannah Temperance at all times, and to help do the extra jobs there would be while he was away.
John William was given the responsibility of handling the horses. Their names were Molly and Topsy. They were high strung and hard to handle. John William said he could do this and John Rodham said all right since he had just turned sixteen in April, 1899. However, he cautioned John William often about handling the team. John Rodham asked Fred Ferguson if he would keep in contact with the boys and let him know how they were getting along. Jesse was given the cows to care for, and Wilford the pigs. Zella and Maud were to help Susannah Temperance in the house.
John Rodham's mission farewell was held in the Pleasant View Church House. It was a wonderful social. There was chicken dinner served to all present. They also had a wonderful program. Boshard and the Pyne Brothers quartet rendered parts of the program. Zella and Maud sang a song that was composed by their school teacher, Shadrick Jones, and he accompanied them on his guitar to the tune of "O, My Father." This was the first verse:
“ Father, you are called to leave us,
Called to distant lands to roam,
Called to leave your sons and daughters,
Called to leave your friends and home.
Though tis' hard to leave your family,
and your Mother's loving care,
Tho' we'll miss you from our number,
Go, tis God who called you there. ”
John Rodham planted the lawn around the Pleasant View Ward Meeting House the day before he left for his mission. On the morning of May 26, 1899, John Rodham bid his wife, children, many relatives and friends a fond goodbye. At 2 P.M. that day he was ordained a seventy by President Rulon S. Wells and was set a part for his mission. He left Salt Lake City May 27, 1899. Twenty one people were there to see him leave. They had a fine trip East and visited many places of interest, especially at Washington D.C. and Philadelphia.
He sailed on the Steam Ship Waesland on June 3, 1899. When the ship was out about a thousand miles, a terrible storm came up. The captain told passengers they were in grave danger. Many began to cry and some began to pray. The storm lasted for about thirty six hours. They traveled about 2990 miles and were eleven days making the trip. John Rodham learned that this ship was loaded with merchandise on its return trip, and sank.
The missionaries were met at the wharf by an Elder and taken to the church office where a meeting was held and they were assigned to their various fields of labor. John Rodham was called on to speak, and he bore his testimony for the first time in Great Britain. The next morning he traveled to London alone. While looking at the scenery he passed by the Stafford Station, where his father had emigrated from fifty seven years before. He was introduced to J.R. Hindley, who was President of the London Conference. He was asked to pray the first morning at the mission home.
John Rodham also labored in the South Hampton District. There he met Mr. and Mrs. William (George) Hyde and their family. He encouraged them to come to the US, and afterwards they came to Utah. Their youngest son George went with John Rodham when he returned home. Later on Mr. Hyde came and settled in American Fork, Utah. They joined the Church and one of their sons became a Bishop. While laboring in England, John Rodham also converted Mr. and Mrs. John Edwin Stein and family. Later on they came to the U.S. and settled in Provo, Utah. One of their sons, Edwin Stein, got in the real estate business in Provo.
On October 25, 1899 John Rodham went to Faltonham to pay a visit to his wife's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norton and family. He was received very graciously. They held a meeting in the evening. He visited this family many times. He often told later how he got in the crowd the day the soldiers came home from the Bore War. He also related about the crowd and how he got trapped for two hours. This occurred on January 22, 1900, when the news broke of the death of Queen Victoria who had passed away at 6:30 p.m.
When Susannah Temperance would get a letter from her husband, the children would sit close around her to hear it read. Sometimes she cried and they had to wait until she dried her eyes before she would finish reading it. They were happy when he was well and doing fine. During John Rodham's absence they spent many evenings out on the door step singing, with the boys playing their harmonicas and guitar.
Susannah Temperance and the children picked raspberries, red currants, black English currants and gooseberries. When the children would begin to get tired and not want to pick, she would tell them to hurry and then start singing a song they all knew. They would all join in singing and then pick faster, enjoying their work more and getting through sooner.
The fruit was sold to peddlers, to grocery stores, and to people who came to the home. They also had some green gage and blue damson plums, which the children helped pick. The boys would make the boxes, which were like strawberry cups except they were eight inches square and it took four of them to fill a box. They also had summer apples, transparent, gravenstine and twenty ounce cooking apples. These large fruits were sold to Dexter Fruit Dealers and Roylande Fruit Company.
While John Rodham was away, Susannah Temperance took all the children to the Lake Resort just South of the Knudson Farm, where they spent the afternoon and had big entertainment. They took their lunch. They had boat rides, swimming, games, and dancing. There was a store at one side of the pavilion. They enjoyed the day but when it came time to go home their worries came.
Susannah Temperance would get all the children together with their coats on and put the lunch box in the buggy, which was a two seated one. She told the boys they should walk about two blocks, untie the horses and start for home. When they reached the family, John William stopped the horses. Old Topsy began to rare and old Molley would go ahead and then back up.
Susannah Temperance told the boys to drive up town and come back for them in hopes the horses would be quieted down. They did so, and the family was able to get in the buggy. After they got started the horses quieted down. They arrived home safely. John Rodham was told that it would be safer if they sold the horses. They sold old Topsy and bought another horse. They got along fine after that.
John Rodham thought his mission would soon be completed but on May 28, 1901 he received a letter requesting him to stay longer. He continued his labor three more months. He was interested in doing some research work while in England. On July 14, 1901 he visited the Norton family again. As he left the next morning they all sang, "God Be With You Till We Meet Again." He then thanked them for their kindness, feeling he would never meet them again in this life. He returned to 97 Farlough Road, packed his trunk to get ready for his sailing trip.
That evening some new missionaries arrived from Zion. He bid them goodbye and left by train for Northwich, his father's birth place. He went to Wilton Street and visited the Wilton Church and grounds where his Grandfather Samuel Stubbs and some of his children were buried. The door or the church was open so he looked in. A man came up and told him there was a lady that lived close by named Ann Stubbs.
John Rodham went to Ann's home. John Rodham had a long talk with her. He told her that his father had worked in the salt mines for nine cents per day to get money to come to America. The lady told him that because of the salt mines some of the buildings were sinking, some as much as four to eight feet. He found the place where the mines had been and found the Hotel Angel that his father had told him to find. John Rodham found many other places he had been told to look for. He spent several days gathering genealogy.
As he returned home on July 23, 1901 there were three letters. One from Brother George Minns with a marriage certificate of John R. Goodman and Sarah Lee, his wife's parents. They were married December 28, 1850. John R. Goodman, age 29, was a bachelor and sailor. Sarah Lee, age 26, was a spinster whose residence at the time of her marriage was Calthope Lane. John R's father was John Goodman, a plummer. Thomas Lee was a coach driver.
A release from his mission was in the other letter addressed to Elder John R. Stubbs. It said:
“ Dear Brother; You are honorably released from your missionary labors in the ministry in this land.
They have been satisfactory and no doubt will result in much good to the people who have listened to your testimonies and given their minds to the instrumentality.
I pray that the blessings of our Eternal Father may attend you during your journey and that your life may be spared to reach home in peace and safety,
there to enjoy the society of loved relations and friends at the gathering place of the Saints.
I beseech you, dear Brother, to continue your faithful labors in Zion as directed by the Servants of the Lord to establish the Church and Kingdom of God upon the earth.
Your brother in Christ, Francis M. Lyman,
President of the European Mission of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. ”
In August, 1901, John Rodham sailed for home on the steam ship New England from Liverpool. He labored for two years and three months in England, returning home August ll, 1901. He had a very pleasant trip home and arrived sooner than his family was expecting him. They had been cleaning. Wilford Richard looked through the window and saw Nephi Penrod and another man with a derby hat coming across the lawn. Wilford told his mother and when she looked out she made for the door exclaiming, "It is John; he is home." She was sorry she had not been to the train to meet him, but he said to never mind that he was home and that was all that mattered. It was wonderful to be together again.
While John Rodham was on his mission, his neighbor Brother William Scott sold his farm and bought Jacob Synder's homestead on the north, where he already owned thirteen acres of land on the East bench. Brother Abhram Wild and some other people went to Canada in 1902 and Brother Scott wanted to go also, so he offered to sell this land to John Rodham. When he asked his wife about buying it she said they had enough land. John Rodham didn't think so, so they traded three carload of cattle and paid off a mortgage that was on the property.
At the age of forty two, John Rodham was ordained a High Priest and set apart as second Counselor to Bishop Alexander Gillespie on June 1, 1902 by President David John, George Taylor, George Ekins and Bishop Gillespie. John Rodham bought a small horse called Butte, a harness and buggy after he returned from his mission. He gave it to Susannah Temperance so she would have a way to go to Primary, Relief Society or to town. The horse was gentle. She enjoyed this convenience and expressed her appreciation for it. Many times she had walked to Primary, and took the children with her. Albert was not old enough to walk a long way, so she would let him walk a while and then carry him.
The Pleasant View Church House was two miles away from home. Sometimes in the winter, Susannah Temperance would go to Primary and the church house would be cold. She would start a fire to warm the church house. Her hands would have the hot aches, caused from the cold. She would rub one hand with the other and then put them under her arm until the fire began to get warm. She was Primary President for 9 years and 11 1/2 months, Second Counselor for 10 1/2 months, and an aid for 2 years and 6 months, making a total of 13 years and four months. She also worked in the Relief Society as First Counselor for 2 years and 6 1/2 months and as Second Counselor for 1 year and 2 months.
Susannah Temperance spend some of her time sewing dresses, aprons, slips, night gowns, pillow cases, hemmed sheets and table cloths. She made shirts for the small boys, and also did beautiful crochet work which included covers for the backs of chairs, lace for pillow cases, hoods for babies, hand bags for women, yokes and edgings for slips, booties for babies, and doilies and rugs. She made quilts for all of the beds, and rag carpets for her new home and some throw rugs. With the help of neighbors, her girls, and their girl friend, Mina Hallett, they made three quilts each for Zella and Maud. Susannah Temperance made two pair of pillow cases each for the girls and crocheted edgings and lace of them. She also bought lace curtains for their windows. They each had a trunk to put their belongings in.
Wedding receptions were given in honor of their daughters. Zella Temperance Stubbs and William Albert Penrod were married December 2, 1903 by Bishop Alexander Gillespie. They later took their family to the Logan Temple and had their work done July 28, 1922.
Charles Henry Ashton and Ellen Maude Stubbs

Ellen Maud Stubbs and Charles Henry Ashton were married the December l2, 1906 by Bishop Levi A. Colvin. They went to the Salt Lake Temple on August 19, 1959. Both girls were married at the beginning of their wedding receptions. They were congratulated by the guests and a delicious supper was served by Susannah Temperance, Mrs. Penrod, and Mrs. Ashton. The guests viewed the gifts, which were many and beautiful.
When Maud and Charles Ashton were married, John Rodham and Susannah Temperance bought a phonograph which had round sleeve records. John Rodham would tell the family to sit down and he would play the phonograph for them. The older ones sat in chairs around the room and the grand children would sit in the center. They enjoyed the evening's entertainment and would go home happy and contented.
John William Stubbs received a call to go on a mission to Great Britain. He left in September 1904. When John William returned from his mission, his parents gave him six acres east of City Creek and Jesse G. six acres west towards the river, for their share in the cattle they traded for the Scott Ranch. In 1908 they gave each one of the four boys ten acres of land up on the Scott Ranch.
John William Stubbs and Margaret Ritchie
John William Stubbs and Margaret Ritchie were sealed July 5, 1907 in the Salt Lake Temple. Margaret Ritchie Stubbs passed away and services were held for her April 17, 1919. John William later married Ella Ritchie on July 21, 1920 in the Logan Temple.
Jesse Goodman Stubbs and Annie Elizabeth Loveless were married December l8, 1907 in the Salt Lake Temple. Annie Elizabeth Loveless Stubbs passed away February 10, 1920 and services were held the February 14, 1920. Jesse Goodman Stubbs passed away September 25, 1926 and services were held September 28, 1926.
Wilford Richard Stubbs and Hannah Pearl Penrod

Wilford Richard Stubbs and Hannah Pearl Penrod were married November 2, 1910 in the Salt Lake Temple. Albert Owen Stubbs and Velma Smith were married September 20, 1916 in the Salt Lake Temple. Velma passed away July 29, 1933, and later Albert Owen Stubbs married Afton Salisbury on May 22, 1935 in the Salt Lake Temple.
Through the winter months, John Rodham would ask his sons and son in laws to come to a wood cutting bee at his place. With the help of the boys they would cut down the cotton wood trees, trim and drag the trees over to the barnyard. He had two saws with a handle on both ends. The trees were sawed in convenient lengths. The next day, the men all came and brought their families. With the help of the women, Susannah Temperance would prepare dinner for the family. Some men would saw off stove lengths of wood from the trees. Others would split and throw them in a pile to dry for next summers use. This was done at each child's home until all had wood cut for the coming summer. The families appreciated the wood, which made a quick hot fire when the house cooled off after dinner was prepared. These experiences typify some of the happy days spent on the farm.
The family purchased a seven passenger Studebaker car which first took the children, then one family and another, to spend the day at various places. Before long they had all been on a trip to Lagoon, Saratoga, the Salt Lake City zoo, or up to the Hot Pots at Midway. They had happy memories of these trips.
When Christmas came, married family members would go home most of the time. On arriving they tried to give their Christmas greeting first, which seemed to give them a thrill and start the day out right. They would tell each other what they had received for Christmas and take a look at the Christmas tree. They would then have dinner. After dinner they would sit and call the names of the children and they would go and get their gifts. The Stubbs children also received their gifts, and their parents would receive theirs. The rest of the afternoon was spent visiting and watching the children playing with their toys. The family had a player piano. They played and sang the songs with the records.
When the married children had sickness in their home, John Rodham and Susannah Temperance were their first thoughts. They were asked for their advice and help, which they gave freely to all of their children. Their grandchildren were taught to do likewise.
In 1919 there was an epidemic of influenza. Susannah Temperance became ill around March 24. She passed away April 3, 1919 after a short illness of about 10 days. She was buried April 7, 1919, in the Provo City Cemetery. She was fifty six years old and left her husband, seven children, and twenty-three grand children. She had been a wonderful wife and mother. Leora was the only one of the children not married. She lived with John Rodham until he married Mary Ritchie Wagstaff in the Logan Temple on July 21, 1920. They first lived in the River Bottoms and then moved to 690 West Center Street in Provo, where they made their home until they both died.
John Rodham gave Zella ten acres of land and water where the first home cabin had been. Maud Ellen also received ten acres of land and water where the first cabin home had been and where the spring was. Leora got two and one half acres with water and the home. This was the plan John Rodham and Susannah Temperance had before her death. Leora then moved to Jesse Goodman's home to live with him. Leora Stubbs and Harold Daniel Calder were married January 3, 1923 in the Salt Lake Temple by George F. Richards.
John Rodham was president of the Genealogical Association in the Third Ward, Utah Stake. He served in this position until ill health made it impossible to serve longer. While on his mission, John Rodham contracted inflammatory rheumatism, which seemed to get worse as he grew older. He died at his home on November 27, 1926, following an illness of more than a year. His funeral was held at the Third Ward on November 30, 1926. More than five hundred friends paid tribute to him. Music was furnished by a group from the Pleasant View Ward. Brother Thomas J. Foote offered the opening prayer and William Faucett, A.E. Eves, and Edwin S. Hindley spoke. James Ritchie closed with prayer and Bishop John Ritchie dedicated the grave.
John Rodham and Susannah Temperance were the parents of eight children, John William Stubbs, Jesse Goodman Stubbs, Zella Temperance Stubbs Penrod, Ellen Maud Stubbs Ashton, Wilford Richard Stubbs, David Alfonzo Stubbs, Albert Owen Stubbs and Leora Stubbs Calder. They had 42 grandchildren and at the time of this writing, 145 great grandchildren and 120 great great grandchildren. Both John Rodham and Susannah Temperance are buried in the Provo City Cemetery, Block #4, Lot #8O, east of lst East between 3rd and 4th North.
John William Stubbs
John William Stubbs was born on April 24, 1883 in a small adobe home on a lot his parents, John Rodham Stubbs and Susannah Temperance Goodman, bought one block west of Richard Stubbs' home.
When John William was young, his mother taught him to sing bass in a family quartet with Zella (soprano), Maud (alto) and Jesse (tenor). They provided entertainment at the Opera House in Provo, which was their biggest moment. They sang quite often after that. Wilford sang bass when John Rodham was away.
When John Rodham was called on a mission, John William was given the responsibilities of handling the horses. Their names were Molly and Topsy. They were high strung and hard to handle. John William said he could do this and father said all right since he had just turned sixteen in April, 1899. However, he cautioned John William often about handling the team. John Rodham asked Fred Ferguson if he would keep in contact with the boys and let him know how they were getting along.
John William received a call to go on a two year mission to Great Britain. He was given the following missionary blessing and set apart by President J.G. Kimball, of the First Council of the Seventies in the Annex of the Salt Lake Temple, September 13, 1904:
“ Dear Brother John William Stubbs: You have been called by divine authority to fill a mission to Great Britain, and we set you apart for that labor, and ask our Father to fit and qualify you for every duty and responsibility that shall be placed upon you. We admonish you to be faithful and true to every appointment that is given to you, that you may be humble, prayerful, and even as clay in the hands of the potter, that you may be molded and fashioned into a vessel of honor. We bless you that you may have exceeding great faith, that you may not fear the children of men, but rather that you may be afraid to become negligent or careless or indifferent to your duties. We bless you that the Holy Ghost shall be your constant companion, and admonish you to read the Bible, the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and Covenants, and the history of nations, and the Lord will strengthen your memory, enlighten you mind, quicken your understanding, loose your tongue and give you utterance, and you will be able to prophecy and to enjoy the spirit of revelation. Sudden strokes of inspiration will be given unto you by the influence of the Holy Spirit. Your heart will be made to rejoice, for you will realize more perfectly that you hold divine authority. You will be able to make friends upon the right hand and upon the left. The Lord will lead you to the doors of the honest in heart. Therefore, rejoice and glorify the name of your Father, and feel in your heart that you have been favored of the Lord to be privileged to go forth as a witness of the Lord to the nations of the earth, a preacher of righteousness; privileged in crying repentance unto the children of men, testifying that Jesus is the Christ, and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. Whenever you stand upon the street corners, in public places or in private, and testify of these things, the Holy Ghost will rest down upon you, and it shall bring you a joy and a happiness that shall be unspeakable. We bless you that you may be faithful and true, that you may avoid the very appearance of evil, that you may be afraid of women and wine, that you may not be tempted in this direction, but that you shall be blessed of the Lord; that you shall labor continuously and ardently in preaching the Gospel, in distributing tracts, in studying the scriptures, and preparing yourself for this great labor. We bless you that no harm or accident shall befall you. We bless you that you may have faith to be healed; that you may have faith to administer to those that are sick and they be healed under you administration. The Holy Ghost shall by conferred by the laying on of your hands, and in your labors you shall be successful, inasmuch as you keep all the commandments of the Lord. We admonish you to keep the Word of Wisdom. Follow the instruction that shall be given you by the President of the Mission and the President of the Conference. Never be found among that number that jar or contend with their companions, nor quarrel over what are considered the mysteries of the kingdom, but be frank, honest, truthful, straightforward, and remain until you have honorably and faithfully fulfilled this mission. If you will, every blessing and desire of you heart shall be granted unto you; for we ask our Father to bless you that you may go in peace and return in safety; which we do in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. ”
John William left for his mission shortly thereafter in September, 1904. When he returned, his father and mother gave him six acres east of City Creek for his share in the cattle the family traded for the Scott Ranch, in which John William later received ten acres of land.
McAffee Family
Sarah McAffee, the second child of John Sharp McAfee and Ann Thompson Lyons, was born in Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland on October 15, 1846. In 1860 her father, John Sharp McAffee, came to Utah and settled in Salt Lake City to work on the Salt Lake Temple until 1862 when his wife, Ann Thompson Lyons and their children, Samuel, Sarah, Ephraim, Moroni and Lizzie arrived from their home in Scotland. Mary Thompson and her daughter Eliza Saby came with them. They all took advantage of a new area opened to Mormon settlers in the early 1860s in Heber City, where they made their home for four years. Sarah's parents were among the first to settle there.
After four years in Heber they moved to Charleston and began settling some of the lands near Ephraim K. Hanks, an able assistant to President Brigham Young in the pioneer trek of 1847. Mr. Hanks, noted as a scout and peace-maker among the Indians, was also instrumental in saving the Martin Handcart Company from starvation in the snows of Wyoming.
Ritchie Family
John Ritchie, was born November 28, 1843 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland to James and Agnes Robertson Ritchie, who were married September 13, 1833. James was born May 15, 1807 in Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Scotland to John Ritchie and Ann Douglas. Agnes Robertson was born November 20, 1815 in Donaghadee, Down, Ireland to William Robertson and Agnes Murdock. Agnes Robertson died November 20, 1900 in Charleston, Utah.
John Ritchie came from Scotland with his mother in 1863 when he was twenty. John's father would not leave his lucrative fishing business in Scotland for some unknown possibility in Utah. John Ritchie landed in Heber in 1864.
John Ritchie meets Sarah McAffee
John Ritchie came in contact with Sarah McAffee in Charleston. It wasn't easy for John to convince Sarah that he was the man for her, but eventually persistence paid off. Sarah married John Ritchie on January 1, 1867 in Heber. They were sealed in the Endowment House on July 3, 1871.
Soon after they were married they took up land about two miles south of the present town of Charleston. They raised grain and, having sufficient cows, made butter from the milk which they sold in distant Park City and to other neighbors.
Their children attended the first school in Charleston, which was held in John Sharp McAffee's shop, just south of Sarah's home. By this time a number of families had settled on farms on each side of the river. Later a school was established where the town now is. The children walked more than two miles to school. There were four sons and seven daughters.
When Mary Elizabeth, the middle daughter, was about fifteen, her mother told her to take care of the youngest child. This made Mary very happy as she loved children. The little boy, whose name was David, was just a few months old when he was completely in Mary's care. When he was two he got diarrhea. It seemed like in those days they didn't know what to do for this condition. One day David was very sick and kept wanting Mary to take him for a ride down the road in his little red wagon. After they had gone a way, Mary turned to look at him and she pulled over to the side of the road. She couldn't help but cry as she could see how sick he was. Mary took him in her arms, and was told she would never take him riding again. When Mary got home she handed him to her mother, Sarah, and ran upstairs crying. Later David died. John and Sarah and the eight other children were beside themselves with grief.
In Heber, a patriarch by the name of William Wright, who knew them so well, heard of their grief. One day he came way down the canyon where the Ritchie's lived to visit with them. During the visit he asked Sarah if she had a patriarchal blessing and she said no. She said she would like one. Patriarch Wright gave her a lovely blessing, and in it told her she would have another baby. When the blessing was over, John told Patriarch Wright that Sarah was forty-seven. He told Sarah to prepare for another child, which made nine. A beautiful child, Ella Louisa, was born on the day the Salt Lake Temple was dedicated in April, 1893. William Wright became good friends of the family, and had a very sizeable family of twenty-one living children by two wives. One wife died leaving eight children, and the second wife raised them plus thirteen of her own. Three of his children married John Ritchie's children.
John and Sarah Ritchie lived for about sixty years in Charleston, where he served as Stake President. They later left for Provo. Much of the hay and grain of the valley was produced in the section of the valley where they lived. Sarah died June 23, 1919 in Provo, Utah. John also died there on January 10, 1932. They were parents of eleven children, only nine of which lived to marry. Most of their descendants lived and died in Wasatch County.
John William Stubbs married two of the children of John and Sarah Ritchie. Margaret, his first wife, was born October 28, 1844 in Charleston. She was baptized August 1, 1894. On January 23, 1905, she received the following blessing from John Smith, Patriarch, in Provo City, Utah County:
“ As thou hast desired it, I place my hand upon thy head. Be of good cheer. Remember the teachings of thy parents, honor their counsel and thy days and years shall be many. As you advance in years, study the laws of nature and thou shall be healthy and strong in body and mind, wise in council among thy sex, and in thy habitation. By reflection thou shalt know of a surety that the hand of the Lord has been over thee for good, that thy life has been preserved for a purpose. Thou shall realize also that the adversary has sought to place barriers in thy way to shorten thy days that if possible to thwart the plans of the Father, for at an early day a decree did go forth that you had a mission to fill. By reflection thou shalt realize that this mission is barely begun. By reflection thou shalt realize the necessity of being prudent, of seeking to inform thy mind, of learning to listen to the whisperings of the spirit and be guided thereby for thou art chosen to labor in the vineyard of our Father. It is thy province to assist in reclaiming the wayward, to assist also in gathering Scattered Israel. It is thy duty to seek the father for the gift of discernment that thou may have wisdom in the selection of a companion with whom thou shalt sojourn, thy name be perpetuated, and thou shalt receive thine inheritance. Therefore, be upon thy guard, be obedient to the whisperings of the spirit, for through this source thy guardian angel will converse with thee, give thee council in time of need and enable thee to hold the adversary at bay, that health and peace may reign in thy dwelling, thy table shall be spread with the bounties of the earth, and no one shall be turned from thy door hungry, and for thy kindness thou shalt be remembered in after years. Thou art of Ephraim and an heir to the blessings of the New and Everlasting Covenant. Therefore, look forward to the future with pleasure for the Lord is pleased with thine integrity, and thou shalt in no wise lose thy reward. It is necessary that you be cheerful in thy deportment for in the journey of life thy pathway may be met with difficulties, crosses, and perplexity of mind shall be thrown aside, peace and quiet restored, friends and influence gained among the people through cheerfulness. Therefore, remember and it shall be well with thee both here and hereafter. This, with thy former blessings, I seal upon thee in the name of Jesus Christ and I seal thee up unto Eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection. Even So Amen. (Copied by Maggie Ritchie February 8, 1905) ”
Margaret Ritchie received her endowments the day she was married to John William Stubbs on June 5, 1907 in Salt Lake City. They were sealed July 5, 1907 in the Salt Lake Temple. Lawrence Ritchie was born in Provo on March 27, 1908. Elva was born on May 27, 1909. She was blessed August 1 of the same year. She was the only girl in the family. Lloyd Ritchie was born October 18, 1910.
Because of serious heart trouble, a hired girl helped Margaret with all the chores when she got too ill to carry on herself. When Elva was four years old, the hired girl, Ellen, who was staying with them then, had a boy friend who took her out some nights. He had given her a box of chocolates which Ellen put in a drawer of the dresser. Elva knew that her mother put all her valuables in the dresser drawer because Elva watched her do it. One day when Elva was bored and didn't have any thing to do she decided to look in that dresser drawer and see what was in there. She found a box of delicious looking chocolates. Since they were so delicious looking, Elva said, "I am just going to take one of these chocolates."
The next day Elva saw Ellen telling her mother something. Her mother called Elva, her older brother Lawrence, and her next younger brother Lloyd. She said, "Which one of you took some chocolates out of Ellen's box that was in the drawer?" Elva's brothers were very surprised. Elva didn't say a word. Her mother looked at her and said, "Elva, did you take the chocolates?" Elva said "No" and her mother said, "Are you sure about that because Ellen found a chocolate missing out of the drawer?" Elva started to cry, and ran to her mother and sobbed in her lap. Finally Elva said, "Yes, mama I did eat one of those chocolates." Elva's mother said, "Don't you know that you are never supposed to touch anything that belongs to anybody else." Elva said, "I didn't know, but I know now--I'll never touch something that belongs to somebody else again." This was a very dear lesson for Elva to learn about being honest and truthful with her mother. Elva's mother didn't have to scold her, for she knew how heartbroken Elva was. Margaret turned to Ellen and said, "You won't have to worry. She'll never do it again."
One of the earliest thing Elva remembers was helping her mother in the kitchen. Elva always got to stir the cake, which was served plain with whipped cream almost every other day or so. Elva also helped with churning the butter. Margaret sold 14 pounds to Sutton Cafe in Provo every week. Elva was so glad when she saw the sour cream turning into butter she would shout for joy saying "Bring me ice water, its turning into butter now."
Orlin Stubbs was born April 6, 1912. John Ritchie was born February 10, 1914. Elva went with her brothers to take the cows up to a higher valley where they stayed all afternoon and ate green grass on the hillsides. There are now beautiful homes all over those hills, with the Osmond's home right on the place where they took the cattle most of the time.
One night as they were coming back and driving the cows back down to the corral Elva lost her brother. She couldn't tell were he was. It was getting dark and Elva was scared. She kept yelling, "Lawrence, Lawrence" where are you. He didn't answer, so Elva followed two or three of cows that she was taking down the valley. She was crying at the top of her voice. Elva thought she was lost for sure. Pretty soon Lawrence said, "Oh, you big boob--here you've been crying and I've been right here by you all the time." It was so dark Elva couldn't see him and the cows. She thought he had gone home and left her.
Elva's early childhood was spent in the northeast section of Provo, near the foothill designated as Pleasant View. She attended the Mountain View grade school which was quite a way from where they lived. Her father, John William always harnessed the cart (or the sleigh in winter) and took the children to school, which had only two large rooms. One teacher taught grades 1-3 in one room, and the principal taught grades 4-6 in the other.
From 1915-16 Elva was in the 1st grade in Charleston and Provo (Pleasant View) with Miss Urie and Miss Duke, respectively. From 1916-17 she was in 2nd grade in Charleston with Miss Tie. From 1917-18 she was in both schools. One of her teachers was Miss Meldrum.
On May 29, 1918, Margaret received a blessing in Salt Lake City, Utah from Hyrum G. Smith, Patriarch:
“ In the name of Jesus Christ and by virtue of the Holy Priesthood I place my hands upon thy head and give unto thee a blessing, which will be a comfort unto thee because of thy faithfulness. Thou art of the lineage of Ephraim, and thy name is written for good in the Lamb's Book of Life. The Lord has seen thy trials, thy weaknesses; He has also seen thy faith and thy devotion, and has accepted thy labors in His service. And because of thy devotion to duty thy labors will be blessed and sanctified for thy good and for the good of those among whom thou shalt labor. Thy influence and teaching shall bear fruits for good in thy home and in the midst of thy people. Any because of thy faith thou shalt be comforted with an answer to thy prayers. Therefore, continue to keep thy trust in the Lord; continue to follow the whisperings of that Still Small Voice, through which thy duties shall continue to be made known; doubts will be removed from thy mind. And as long as thou wilt acknowledge the hand of the Lord in thy blessings thou shalt be made equal to thy responsibilities. And if thou wilt continue to observe the laws of nature and the Words of Wisdom which are the commandments of the Lord, thou shalt be strengthened in body and in mind and be given power to rise above weakness and distress and to live and finish thy mission here upon the earth. And by virtue of the Holy Priesthood, and in the name of Jesus Christ, I rebuke the power of the destroyer from thy life, and pray our Father in Heaven to rebuke the same for thy good and blessing, to the end that thy privileges may not be thwarted, nor thy usefulness cut short in life, but that peace and the contentment and freedom from bodily suffering may be thy portion. And as long as thou art humble before the Lord, and will hold sacred thy covenants, it will be thy privilege to enjoy these blessings. I seal this blessing upon thy head through thy faithfulness. And seal thee up against the powers of the destroyer to live and work out thy righteous desires and accomplish thy mission upon the earth. And come forth in the resurrection of the Just crowned with thy blessings among the honored daughters and mothers in the House of Israel, by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. ”
Elva was baptized July 14, 1918 in Provo by James H. Snyder and confirmed the same day by Benjamin Larsen. She was in the 4th grade from 1918-19 in Charleston and Provo with Miss Gottferson and Miss Foote.
One day after her dad dropped her off, Elva found there was no teacher. While sitting in the room waiting for the teacher, the principle came in from the opposite room and said, "Elva, I want you to be the teacher today." After he announced she was appointed to be the teacher he said, "Teach all these children, keep them quiet, and see that they study their books." Elva thought, "I don't know how to be a teacher," but went on anyway and told them what to do. They read from the books and got along just fine all day long in the school. Several times when inclement weather kept the lower grades teacher from arriving at school, Elva was sent in as the substitute teacher until she arrived.
A year or two after that, Elva was supposed to be in the fifth grade. She was the only pupil of that age. The principal, who taught the three upper grades, consulted with the superintendent of schools. He asked if she was a good student and thought she could carry sixth grade subjects. The teacher said, "I'm sure she could--she should be one of the best in the sixth grade." So Elva was allowed to skip fifth grade and from 1919-20 carried 6th grade subjects in Provo with Miss Peters and Mr. Loveless.
When Elva was young she wanted to learn to play the piano. Her mother used to tell her, "Maybe one day we'll be able to buy a piano so that you can learn to play. But soon her mother became very ill. It was during the awful World War I years, 1819 and 1919, when a terrible flu epidemic swept across the entire country.
About two months before Elva was 10 years old, her dear Grandma Stubbs died with the flu on April 3, 1919. She had been taking care of Elva and her four brothers while Elva's mother was so ill. Then her father had to get a hired girl, and also a nurse who came to live with them. They were sort of used to hired girls, though, because her mother had heart trouble. They had outside help to take care of them several times when Elva was small.
On April 15, 1919 Elva's mother died of the influenza that was sweeping the country at that time. All of the children had the flu and weren't able to go to Grandma Stubbs funeral, who died 2 weeks before her mother. One of Elva's favorite aunts also died about the same time. The children were well enough to go to their mother's funeral which was held on April 17, 1919. This was a very, very sad time for the children, the very saddest time of their lives. Elva was nine years old at the time and felt a great responsibility towards her older brother, Lawrence and her three younger brothers, Lloyd, Orlin and Ritchie.
On October 5, 1919, John William received this blessing from Hyrum G. Smith, Patriarch, in Salt Lake City, Utah:
“ According to thy desire I place my hands upon thy head and give unto thee a blessing for thy comfort and benefit according to thy faith and faithfulness. And say unto thee, continue to keep thy trust in the Lord, honoring the Holy Priesthood which has been given thee and thy heart shall be comforted and sustained in thy trials, for the Lord has heard thy prayers, and He has accepted thy sacrifices and thy devotion in His service. And if thou wilt go forth with courage, the Lord will bless thee with health and with strength and with wisdom, with judgment, and with the necessities of life as a result of thine obedience and the fruits of thy labors. And thy heart shall be comforted in the fruits of thy labors. Thy children will rally round thee in love and support and in obedience, and bless thee because of thy teachings and thy good examples. Therefore, rejoice in thy blessings, and continue to follow the whisperings of the Holy Spirit, being obedient unto the counsels which thou hast received and the teachings of thy life, through valuable experiences, profiting by the past and preparing for the future in humility, acknowledging the hand of the Lord in thy blessings, and thy heart shall be comforted, and thou shalt be blessed in thy ministry and honored in responsibilities of trust in the quorums of the Holy Priesthood and in the auxiliary organizations of the Church. Therefore, rejoice in thy blessings, and shrink not from thy duties, neither procrastinate the day of thy usefulness, and the Lord through His mercies and favors will comfort thy heart and sustain thee in thy righteous endeavors. I seal this blessing upon thy head through thy faithfulness. And seal thee up to come forth in a glorious Resurrection with thy kindred and loved ones, with the redeemed and glorified of Israel, by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. ”
Ella Louise Ritchie

On July 21, 1920, a little over a year after his wife's death, John William married his wife's youngest sister, Ella Louisa Ritchie, after she received her endowments in the Logan Temple. She was known as Aunt Ella to the children. Ella was born April 12, 1893 in Charleston. She was baptized August 4, 1901. Ella was the youngest of 13 children. She didn't know anything about housekeeping or cooking because Grandma Ritchie, long before she passed away, had decided when Ella was very small that she was to be an accomplished musician. And that Ella was--the most prominent vocalist in Provo. She was a soloist in the Provo Tabernacle for years, and taught school and family members how to sing. She also played the piano very well. Because Ella was the youngest child in the family, she was able to move into Grandfather Ritchie's home in Provo City. Although the house where the family now lived had a piano, there was no time or money for Elva to take lessons.
On October 11, 1920, Ella received this blessing from Hyrum G. Smith, Patriarch, in Salt Lake City, Utah:
“ In the authority of thy Holy Priesthood I place my hands upon thy head, and as the Spirit of the Lord shall direct me, give unto thee a patriarchal blessing for thy comfort and benefit throughout this life because of thy faithfulness. Thou art of the lineage of Ephraim; born of goodly parents; numbered among the daughters of Zion of whom much is expected in these last days. And because of thine obedience in following the whisperings of that Still Small Voice and the teachings and counsels of thy parents, the Lord has abundantly blessed thee; He has spared thy life and protected thee from the designs of the Adversary. He has blessed thee in health and in virtue and given thee precious opportunities to prepare thyself for the duties of an important mission, which was given unto thee at an early period of thy life. And as long as thou wilt hold sacred thy birthright and be humble and diligent, following those sweet and peaceful promptings, the Lord will bless the labor of thy hands; He will strengthen thee in faith, quicken thy understanding; give thee of the spirit of Discernment, which will guide and direct thee in thy duties and in the ways of safety, and give unto thee the power to decide upon matters of importance for thy benefit and good as a teacher, as an exemplar, as a chosen daughter, and, to become and honored mother in Israel. For thy name shall live in loving remembrance, in the midst of thy people. For thy teachings will bear fruits for good; and thy influence will also be felt for good, for thou shalt receive the love and the confidence and the blessings of thine associates, and shall continue thy labors as a teacher and a defender of the Truth; and shall be especially blessed in thy labors in the midst of little children. And through observing the laws of Nature and the Words of Wisdom thou shalt be blessed with health and with strength sufficient for thy responsibilities, and thy life shall be spared to live and fulfill thy mission even the full measure thereof to enjoy the blessings which have been promised unto the faithful in Israel. Therefore, be comforted; hold sacred thy blessings; shrink not from thy duties, neither allow the spirit of gloom or despondency to come into thy life, for these are tricks of the Adversary to destroy thy faith. And as long as thou art firm in thy righteous convictions and will acknowledge the hand of the Lord in thy blessings thou need not suffer want for friends, or food, nor for raiment, nor for shelter, nor any of the necessities of life. Be comforted, therefore in thy blessings and in the labors of thy mission, keeping sacred thy covenants, and the blessings of the Lord will be upon thee for good throughout the journey of life. I seal this blessing upon thy head through thy faithfulness. And seal thee up to come forth in a glorious Resurrection, with thy kindred and many friends by virtue of the Holy Priesthood and in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. ”
After her father's second marriage, Elva attended Central Junior High School in Provo for grades 7-9 from 1920-1923. She tried to stay on the honor roll in each grade, even though Elva was a year younger than the other students. Elva began the 10th grade at Provo High School in 1923. She had good enough grades to skip the 11th grade and from 1924-25 attended the 12th grade and graduated in May, 1925 after three instead of four years.
Because she completed high school early, she was two years younger than all her girl friends who were going to college. They included Lenore Rasmussen, Alta Clark, Jeannette Scott and Anna Smoot. Anna's father was Mayor Smoot, who was also postmaster of Provo. From 1925-16 Elva was a Freshman at Brigham Young University with the four very dear girl friends she had then. From 1926-27 she was a Sophomore and in May, 1927, she and all these wonderful girl friends graduated with a Normal Diploma, which was needed to be a teacher in the elementary grades. She was issued a 5 year Teaching Certificate in June, 1927. While Elva was there, Ezra Taft Benson had been BYU's student body president.
Prior to graduation, Elva sent written applications to various superintendents to see if she could get a job. When she wrote her first letter of application, Anna Smoot and the other girl friends looked at it. They were all brilliant because they were older than Elva. They said, "Elva Stubbs is an ugly name--why don't we do something to make it more interesting." She asked, "What do you suggest doing with it?" They said, "Let's give you a middle name, and call you Elva Jean, which will be more interesting than just Elva Stubbs." So she said, "Okay, I'm willing--I'll sign my application Elva Jean."
In the spring of 1927 all the superintendents were coming to BYU to sign up new teachers they needed for the next year. One day the girls were all being interviewed by two or three superintendents that were there. The first interview Elva had was with Superintendent Carlisle, originally a native of Logan, Utah but now over schools in Beaver County. He interviewed her for a fifth grade teaching position in Milford, Utah. He said, "Why do you want to go out of town--have you applied for any positions here?" Elva said, "No I haven't because I don't want to stay in Provo, but want to go elsewhere." He said, "Why do you want to go elsewhere?" She said, "So I can have some fun which I've never had in my life because every night when I go home I study and wash, patch, darn or mend something for my four brothers with dirty overalls and dirty socks." Elva said, "I'm so tired of hard work and getting up at four a.m. to study my lessons, I want to get away from all I've done over the years and have a life all my own." He said, "I can understand that, but why go to Milford where I'm taking the application for right now?" Elva said, "I want to go to there because I've heard it's a lively railroad town where you can have a lot of fun." He said, "You've got the job."
After signing her up, Elva went out to see her other four girl friends. They got out earlier because their interviews hadn't taken so long. All were sitting on the grass and said, "Well, you didn't get a job either, did you." She said, "Yes, I did." They asked, "Where did you get your job?" Elva explained all about it and said that Superintendent Carlisle of Beaver County said she could teach the fifth grade in Milford. They said, "How come none of us got a job, and you did?" Elva explained, "Because I told the truth--I told him I was sick and tired of working so hard every night when I went home from school, of doing housework and darning socks and mending overalls, I wanted a life of my own." She said, "I think that's the reason he gave me the job, because he must have felt sorry for me." So, Elva signed a contract with the Superintendent of Beaver County School District, L. W. Poulson to teach fifth grade in Milford prior to her graduation. None of the other girls got a job that spring or all summer.
Elva was 18 years old the summer before she left Provo to go to Milford to start teaching school. She spent some of the money she earned working at the strawberry packing plant for some piano lessons. There was time for only a few lessons as Elva didn't get paid until after July 1, and she had to leave for Milford the latter part of August.
Elva Jean Stubbs

Elva Stubbs Leaves for Milford
In September, 1927, Elva left her father crying at the old depot in Provo as she boarded the train for Milford to begin teaching. He hated to see her go. She had never ridden a train or travelled alone before. Elva arrived in Milford, Utah and inquired about where would be a good place for a new school teacher to stay. Someone told her there were school teachers staying at the Fargee Apartments. She could probably stay with them.
The first night Elva stayed in the hotel. The next day was Sunday, and she decided to go to Sunday School. The girls that were going to teach at the same school were there too. Elva got acquainted with them. They had a very interesting Sunday School teacher, and he gave the best lesson. Elva thought, "Oh, boy--he's a good teacher and so interesting."
The girls asked Elva to come live with the three of them. She and Nell could room together and the two others could room by themselves. They rented a big enough apartment to accommodate all. The next morning they all got up and went to Sunday School, where they were taught in class again by the same very interesting man. Elva didn't find out his name or anything, but thought he was charming and good looking. Monday morning they all went to the grade school on the hill which was quite new and overlooked the whole town.
Griffiths Family
David Griffiths was born in 1769 in Llenarth, Cardiganshire, Wales. He married Catherine Hughes. Their son, Evan Griffiths was born in 1798 in Merthyn Tydfil, Glams, Wales. Catherine died on October 12, 1850 in the same area. David died in May 1852.
Evan Griffiths (1798) marries Eleanor Jones
Evan Griffiths and Eleanor Jones were married on July 1, 1822 in Llanarth, Cardiganshire, Wales. Eleanor was christened on May 2, 1797, the daughter of Rees Jones (born 1771 ) and Esther (born 1775) of the same area. Evan died on August 18, 1858 in Merthyn Tydfil, Glams, Wales. Eleanor died on February 3, 1878 in Llanarth. Evan and Eleanor had 8 children, all born and/or christened in Llanarth, Cardiganshire, Wales:
- 1. Catherine Davies or Griffiths was born on August 7, 1824. She married Evan John Jones on on October 8, 1843. Their daughter Margaret Jones was born July 27, 1864 in Dowlais, Glamorgan, Wales, England. She married Evan Griffiths (1860 of Pengardyy) on March 7, 1883 in St. George, Utah. Catherine died on May 30, 1893. Margaret died on February 8, 1944 and was later buried in Beaver, Utah.
- 2. David was christened on July 27, 1828. He died March 11, 1857.
- 3. Rees was born on May 20, 1830. Around 1852, Rees married Catherine Prosser. He died September 8, 1899.
- 4. Elizabeth was born in 1851 and christened in 1852.
- 5. John Evan was born on Sept 15, 1833.
- 6. Sarah was born May 21, 1835. She married John J. Jones. She died Feb 2 ,1892.
- 7. Lewis was born Jan 15, 1840
- 8. Esther was born 1842.
Jones Family of Devils Bridge
Margaret Jones was born on January 11, 1834 in Devils Bridge, Cardiganshire, Wales to:
~ John Jones (born 1812 in Devils Bridge), whose father was also named John (born 1785 in Cardiganshire, Wales) and whose mother was Mary Pickering (born 1787 in the same area)
~ Margaret Thomas (born 1815 in Devils Bridge) to Mr. Thomas (born 1789) and Mrs. Margaret (born 1793) both of the same area.
John Jones and Margaret Thomas were married July 12, 1833 in Devils Bridge and had 5 children:
- 1. Margaret who married John Evan Griffiths.
- 2. John, born February 12, 1836 in Devils Bridge. He died May, 1907.
- 3. Thomas, born February 26, 1838 in Devils Bridge.
- 4. William, born February 18, 1842 in Pencarnddu, Dowlais, Glamorgan, Wales.
- 5. Abraham, born November 29, 1844 in Dowlais, Glamorgan, Wales.
John Evan Griffiths marries Margaret Jones
John Evan married Margaret Jones on Dec 26, 1853 in Hebron Chapel, Dowlais, Merthyr Tydfil, Wales. John Evan and Margaret were sealed in the Endowment House on January 5, 1869, the same day as his daughter, Margaret Griffiths, and David Pierce (1845) were married in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City by Daniel H. Wells. John Evan and Margaret Jones had 11 children. Seven children were born to John Evan and Margaret in Wales, but four died. Four more children were born in Lehi, Utah. When they left to settle the small town of Adamsville in Beaver County, Utah, two or three children were supposedly born, but they are not shown below.
- 1. Margaret, born July 28, 1854 in Pencarnddu, Dowlais, Glamorgan, Wales. She married David Pierce (1845) on January 5, 1869 in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah. Margaret died February 12, 1945 in Provo, Utah and was later buried in Beaver, Utah
- 2. Eleanor, born December 16, 1855 in Pengardyy, Glamorgan, Wales and died April 5, 1857 or 58.
- 3. William, born June 20, 1857 in Penwern, Glamorgan, Wales, England and died July 1, 1857
- 4. Jane, born July 8, 1858 in Pengardyy, Glamorgan, Wales. She died in 1858
- 5. Evan, born February 29, 1860 in Pengardyy, Glamorgan, Wales. He married Margaret Jones on March 7, 1883 in St. George, Utah. Margaret was born on July 27, 1864 in Dowlais, Glamorgan, Wales to Evan John Jones, married 8 October 1843 to Catherine Davies (or Griffiths) who was born August 7, 1824 in Llanarth to Evan Griffiths and Eleanor Jones.
- 1. John born November 28, 1883 in Adamsville, Utah. He married Libbie Luella Wimmer on July 10, 1907.
- 2. Evan Albert born January 5, 1885 in Adamsville, Utah. He married Elizabeth Morris on January 5, 1910. He died January 23, 1942.
- 3. David Franklin born April 25, 1888 in Adamsville, Utah. He married Retta Myers on September 14, 1910. He died August 10, 1965. Evan died September 7, 1891 in Adamsville, Utah and was later buried in Beaver. Margaret died on February 8, 1944 in Midvale, Utah and was later buried in Beaver, Utah
- 6. Abraham, born December 26, 1862 in Pengardyy, Glamorgan, Wales. He died in 1864.
- 7. Sarah Ann, born January 6, 1865 in Pengardyy, Glamorgan, Wales. She married David E. Jones on January 4, 1880. She died January 3, 1943 in Adamsville, Utah and was later buried in Beaver, Utah.
- 8. John Rees, born December 4, 1867 in Lehi, Utah. He married Mary Jane Joseph , born Dec 19, 1872 in Adamsville, Utah to Henry Joseph and Mary Ann Richards.
- 1. Lorin, born March 25, 1892.
- 2. John Raymond, born Dec 30, 1994. He married Thelma Macaulay on May 1, 1918.
- 3. Arbiteen, born July 5, 1897. She married Philip Nadauld on November 29, 1917.
- 4. Evelyn, born Dec 8, 1899. She married Harold August Ohran on Nov 4, 1918. John died January 7, 1938. Mary died March 27, 1902 in Adamsville, and was later buried in Beaver.
- 9. David, born Nov 16, 1870 in Lehi, Utah. He died in 1872.
- 10. Catherine Elizabeth, born Dec 18, 1872 in Lehi, Utah. She married Joseph Hyrum Joseph on April 20, 1892. She died March 23, 1926 in Beaver, Utah and was buried there.
- 11. Thomas Lewis, born Oct 6, 1874 in Lehi, Utah. He married Minnie Augusta Halsey on Jan 27, 1907 in Salt Lake City, Utah. He died Oct 18, 1949 in Beaver, Utah, where he was buried. John Evan died June 9, 1875 in Lehi, Utah and was buried there. Margaret died March 25, 1922 in Adamsville and was later buried in Beaver, Utah
John Evan Griffiths was a miner and worked in the coal mines. It was very hard work at that time as most of the work was done by hand. John Evan did not have very good health but labored at all times to support his wife and family.
John Evan and Margaret J., being very good people and religiously inclined, were very much impressed with the LDS missionaries who visited their home. So like many others who believed and had great faith in the teachings and doctrines of the Elders, they were soon baptized and became members of the LDS church. Shortly afterward they began to make preparations to gather to Zion. They soon sold and gave away all of their belongings that they could possibly get along without and packed the remaining articles and left their home on March 30, 1866. They had a short distance to go by bus. There they remained until the following day.
On April 1, 1866 they left Liverpool by ship. The name of the ship on which they sailed was "Old John Bright." The Captain of their company was Henry Chipman, of American Fork, Utah. Margaret J. was ill all the way over, but otherwise stood the voyage fine. Her daughter, Margaret, was just 12 years old and was always well and strong so of course with Margaret J. ill she had the responsibility of the two younger children -- Evan and Sarah Ann, who was only one year old.
After sailing some distance the ship sprung a leak and for some time there was a great deal of excitement and worry. We can imagine ourselves in such a predicament. But owing to the goodness of the Lord and the quick alertness of Margaret J. the trouble was solved. She quickly took a big pair of white wool blankets off her bed and gave to the captain to put into the hole, through which the water was entering the boat. They then poured a big bucketful of tar over the blanket and that checked the flow of water. Each person who was able was given a bucket to help dip the water from the boat. So in a very short time everything was clear sailing once more.
However, this was the last trip this ship ever made. It was a long and tedious voyage of six weeks. Margaret has often told how cheerful the entire group of people were. And what devout, faith-loving and courageous families they were; for including John Evan and Margaret Jones Griffiths' family, there was John Evan's sister and her husband (Evan Jones) and family and Margaret Jones' brother John J. Jones and family. They came the entire distance together from Wales to Lehi, Utah.
At the end of six weeks, about June 12, 1866, they landed safely and were ready to join others across the trackless plains. But to their disappointment there were no immigrants there to meet them so they had to wait there for three weeks. At first they were quite disappointed but while they were waiting the people there learned that they were miners so they came to them and gave them work drilling wells. They were very glad to get this opportunity as it enabled them to get quite a sum of money to assist on their journey westward.
How happy they must have been to take up their journey once more after being delayed so long. Three weeks must have seemed a long time to camp out and to know there were still days and weeks ahead. They surely must have been very brave indeed.
John Evan was so very ill all the way across the plains that he had to ride. But Margaret J. and Margaret walked all the way and took turns in carrying the baby, Sarah Ann, who was one year old and too small to walk at all.
One of the drivers had his sweetheart along with him and she rode the entire distance while mothers with babes in their arms walked along with their little children. One day two of the girls who had been walking every day got so tired they just decided they could go no further, so they sat down in the road and refused to take another step. The wagons rolled on for some distance before they discovered the girls were not there. They were quite concerned for some time but when they did not show up, they had to send someone back for them.
But the trip was not all sad and tedious. They had some quite enjoyable times while they rested and camped for the night. There were some who were always full of life and would start a good jolly song or game to cheer them up. It would be no time before each of them would forget their troubles for the present and join in the fun.
There were also many trying occasions, such as the times when the Indians caused so much trouble. Alverda Heslington Hunter remembered her grandmother, Margaret, who had long beautiful black hair, telling that she had to be hidden under a barrel when some Indians came as they insisted on taking her with them.
On another occasion, the group camped for a short time and some of the boys, ages 14 and 15, thought they would go to the creek nearby for a swim. The boys had been gone but a few minutes when they heard a commotion among the horses and cattle. Looking up they saw some Indians driving off the cattle and horses so they quickly ran to camp and notified the men, who immediately shouldered their guns and ran after the Indians. The men began firing as soon as possible. This frightened the Indians and they fled but not until many of their arrows had found their mark in the horses and cattle, wounding several and killing some. Some of the horses and cattle were saved as the arrow could be pulled out and the animal doctored. Others had to be killed but could be used for food if not too badly shot with the arrows.
Among these boys who gave the alarm were three whom most of us know well: B. H. Roberts, John G. Jones, and John E. Jones. This incident caused delays because the loss of the horses and oxen meant they had to use cows in their place. They would have to stop more often to let them rest as they were not so strong and couldn't go very far at a time.
Margaret often told of B. H. Roberts and what a brave boy he was. He was very poor at that time and walked bare foot most of the way. When the journey was nearing its end, a man died, so they took his shoes and gave them to B. H. Everyone felt so sorry for him as his feet were bleeding and really sore by this time. He was indeed grateful to get any kind of shoes.
After a long and tedious journey of five and one-half months, they arrived in Salt Lake City on October 16, 1866. How tired and worn out they must have been. But the trip was not over with yet.
On arriving in Salt Lake, their names were listed as usual. There were several men from Lehi, Utah and it was the custom for them to look at names of the new immigrants. Seeing so many by the name of Jones, and their names being Jones, they were more than interested. They went and invited them to their homes in Lehi. The invitations were accepted. Among the men from Lehi, were Thomas R. Jones and Thomas R. Davis, who had come to Utah two years previously and were brothers-in-law to John Evan Griffiths, having married his two sisters, both of whom died while crossing the plains. So of course they had no trouble in persuading them to go to Lehi. It took three more days to reach their final destination.
People were very kind and considerate and helped them to get settled. At first they lived in little log houses as most people did at that time. In a short time Erastus Snow and his brother William were called to go to St. George in Southern Utah to assist in settlements down there. They were both polygamists and each had two women and lived in what was called large houses at that time. They each had two large rooms, one room for each wife and family. When they moved out, John Evan Griffiths moved his family in two rooms and his sister's family took the other two rooms. So they were quite comfortable. Four more children were born to John Evan and Margaret J. in Lehi, Utah. They lived there for quite some time and then left to settle the small town of Adamsville in Beaver County, Utah, where two or three children were born. The children born in Utah include Evan, Sarah Ann, John R, Kate (Catherine), and Thomas Lewis.
After they were settled and getting acquainted in Lehi, Margaret went to work for many women as she was very large and strong for her age of nearly thirteen. She lived with Abby Ellison and spent most of her spare time earning her clothes, which helped her parents out a great deal. It also helped her in many ways as she learned to do lots of work that was very beneficial in later years. Whenever a herd of sheep would pass through the town, the children were sent out to gather the wool that would be caught on the brush. She always did her share of this kind of work. This wool was then spun and corded by the women. It was while she was living with Abby Ellison that Margaret learned to cord and spin.
Margaret also lived with and worked for Mrs. Frank Moulan, who was very well off and always had plenty to get along with. When a meal was over, everything that was left over was thrown out. Margaret had never seen this extravagance before and she sure hated to see it done. Once she asked if she couldn't take a large piece of meat and other things home rather than throw them away as they hardly knew what meat was at that time. Mrs. Moulan gladly consented and told Margaret she was welcome to do that any time, as they wouldn't use it afterwards. So, of course, that helped too.
William Snow's wife was very good to Margaret Jones Griffiths too. Many times she gave her a large piece of tallow and loaned her the candle moulds and taught her how to make candles. This was the only light they had at that time and the candles cost 25 cents each if one had to buy them.
They had lots of good friends and everyone seemed so willing to help each other. One day Margaret J. was just wondering what she would have for supper when a dear old lady came in with a big bowl of something and said, "Sister Griffiths, I brought you this," thinking she would know what it was. Margaret J. said, "Oh, thank you. That will be dandy soup for the children and all of us for supper." Then she laughed and said, "Why Sister Griffiths, don't you know what this is? It is soft soap." Well, she was just as pleased anyway as that was a luxury too in those days. They had a good laugh about it.
They also had a barrel of sugar cane given to them. After it stood for a certain length of time, as it should have, it granulated. Margaret J. felt terrible about it. Someone came in and she told them how badly she felt as her sugar cane had all gone to sand. She was going to throw it out.
After they had been in Lehi for some time, the soldiers who had been in Echo Canyon fighting the Indians and keeping them from attacking the town and villages, came home. Among these brave stalwart men and boys was David Pearce.
Pearce Family
David Robert Pearce and Mary Phillips were born in Wales, England. They named their son David.
David Pearce was born March 15, 1804 in Flintshire, Wales. He was married in Wales, England about 1831 to Jane Johnson, who was also born in Flintshire on May 2, 1908. Her parents were Richard Johnson and Janes Jones. David Pearce and Jane Johnson had 6 children.
- 1. Richard was born in 1832 in Aberdare, Monmouth, Wales. He died in 1878
- 2. Priscilla was born in 1834 in Llanelly, Breconshire, Wales
- 3. Jane was born in 1836 in Llanelly
- 4. Elizabeth was born August 2, 1839 in Glenhurst, Monmouth, Wales. She married Issac Chilton on November 14, 1863 in Logan, Utah. Elizabeth died on March 12, 1878 in Lehi, Utah and was buried there.
- 5. Ann was born October 21, 1841 in Llanelly
- 6. David was born April 5, 1845 in Llanelly.
David Pearce (1845) marries Margaret Griffiths
After returning home from fighting Indians, David met and fell in love with Margaret Griffiths. They were married in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City, Utah by Daniel H. Wells on January 6, 1869. John Evan Griffiths and Margaret Jones were sealed in the Endowment House the same day as their daughter was married. Margaret Griffiths was just a girl of fifteen years when married, but fully as capable of rearing a family and taking care of a home as any girl of twenty years is today. They had 8 children:
- 1. David was born April 9, 1870 in Lehi, Utah. He married Elizabeth Reese on December 31, 1891. He died July 30, 1948.
- 2. Margaret Ann was born October 31, 1871 in Lehi, Utah. She died on April 4, 1874 and was buried there.
- 3. John was born May 14, 1873 in Lehi, Utah. He married Catherine Jean Rees on December 26, 1900. He died December 13, 1959.
- 4. Jane was born August 8, 1875 in Adamsville, Utah. She married David James Reese on November 24, 1897 in Manti, Utah. She died August 25, 1967 in Lake View, Utah and was later buried in Provo, Utah.
- 5. Richard was born July 11, 1877 in Adamsville, Utah. He married Lottie Lavern Paschall on August 25, 1898. He died January 25, 1919 in Beaver, Utah of influenza. He left his wife and six children.
- 6. Elizabeth was born February 20, 1879 in Adamsville, Utah. She married Willard Arthur Rees on August 11, 1897 in St. George, Utah. She died April 21, 1937 in Adamsville, Utah and was later buried in Beaver.
- 7. Sarah Ellen was born February 9. 1881 in Adamsville, Utah. She married William Firth Heslington on April 26, 1899 in Manti, Utah. She died January 4, 1970 in Provo, Utah and was buried there.
- 8. Mary Rosetta was born December 5, 1882 in Adamsville, Utah. She married Thomas Johnson on June 23, 1909. She died May 1, 1969.
David and Margaret were very happily married. David worked hard at any kind of work or any place where work was available to support his family. He worked a great deal on the railroad that was being built at that time, and there was lots of work being done in Cottonwood Canyon where he spent weeks and months at a time. He would send his pay or bring it home and Margaret always managed to save a portion of it for future use and never thought of spending it all carelessly.
On April 9, 1870, their first of eight children was born--a boy named David after his father. Then their happiness sure seemed complete. Eighteen months later Margaret Ann was born but only lived 2 ½ years. This was very sad of course but they stood it bravely. On May 14, 1873 John was born with the usual great rejoicing.
It was about two years after this in the spring of 1875 that David Sr. made his first trip to the southern part of the state, Beaver County, to sell some produce and to look at some land that was for sale. He was very much interested as the land was very fertile and he could readily see that with lots of hard work and careful planning it could be made very productive. He immediately purchased several acres of land and at once returned to Lehi to break the news to Margaret and make preparations to return in time to get crops planted for the coming year. He quickly prepared a place for his family. Then about June 1, 1875 they packed their belongings and moved. It took about a week to make the trip to Adamsville, Beaver, Utah at that time.
The little village of Adamsville is located on the right bank of the Beaver River adjacent to Highway 21 about nine miles west of Beaver. The first settlers were David B. Adams and three other families. They arrived the spring of 1862, and began farming and raising stock. Water came from the Beaver River, and most of the land was rich and produced good crops. The founders were joined by others forced to leave Iron, Garfield, and Sevier counties because of Indian trouble.
The first homes were dug-outs, with part of the house under ground and part above. Electricity was unheard of. Light was furnished by homemade tallow candles and kerosene lamps. Washing was done by hand. Wood for fuel was hauled from the nearby canyons. The community furnished its own recreation. They had parties, dances, dramatics, and a good choir. A blacksmith shop took care of the farmers needs. At a fairly well stocked store, butter and eggs were traded for merchandise. Many families made weekly trips to stores in nearby Beaver for a more complete line of goods. Mail service was daily except Sunday. It came in first by stage and later by automobile.
The Adams home was used as a meeting place until an adobe community house of worship was built in 1863. This served until it became too small. Townsmen then donated their labor and hired stone masons to help make a building out of native rock. School was held in the meeting house. Desks were built around the sides of the building and seats were made of split plank. An average of forty children attended. Reading, writing, and arithmetic were taught. When the Beaver Stake of Zion was organized in 1869, Brother Adams became bishop of the Beaver Third Ward. It included the villages of Adamsville and Greenville until separate units were formed in 1877, and the Beaver Third Ward ceased to exist. The early settlers attended regularly. They had a fully staffed organization. Other families, such as the Pearces, Jones, and Griffiths, came and added their thrift and ability in promoting the village's growth. There was never any elected civil officer or presiding authority other than the ward bishop, who acted as the community's official father. Some of the Bishops who later served in Adamsville were Fred T. Gunn (1886-1906) and Thomas L. Griffiths (1906-1911).
Upon coming into the little door of John Evan and Margaret J's home, the wash basin was on the right of the door on a stand. It was such a spic and span home. The path to the outside bathroom was between apple trees and fruit bushes. The front yard was filled with flowers, very well kept. Margaret J. grew Columbines in profusion.
David Pearce Sr. and Margaret had been in Adamsville about a week when they received word that Margaret's father, John Evan Griffiths, had died on June 9, 1875 in Lehi. Margaret Jones Griffiths was left a widow in her Adamsville home.
This was very sad news to receive so soon and it was made worse by the knowledge that Margaret would be unable to attend the funeral as it would take so long and she was not in a condition to go as they were expecting the arrival of another baby.
On August 8, 1875 Jane (to become Jane Reese) was born to David Sr. and Margaret. They were very happy in their new little home and they worked so unitedly together. Four more children were born after this. Richard on July 11, 1877; Elizabeth, February 20, 1879; Sarah Ellen, February 9, 1881; and Mary Rosetta, December 5, 1882.
David Sr. died in Adamsville on June 25, 1882, five months before his last child was born. He was buried in Beaver, Utah. He hurt his hand while bailing hay and blood poisoning set in and he died within a week. His wife, Margaret, had a dream the night before he went to bale hay. She tried to get him not to go that day. His death was a great shock to Margaret, but she was very brave and dear as she has always been.
It took a lot of grit to care for seven children when the oldest was only 12 years of age. However, Dave Jr. had been taught to work and was able to do quite a good deal on the farm. By this time David Sr. had a great many acres of land, implements of all kinds, horses, harnesses, cows, and nearly everything that was necessary to run a farm, including some money. Margaret was able to hire a good deal of help. She always insisted on paying for help, and never accepted a cent of charity from anyone nor from County or State.
Margaret worked very hard to rear her family and her children did all they could to help her too. She not only took care of her own family but was always ready and willing to help her neighbors and friends. Whenever there was sickness in any home, Margaret was always there to assist in any way. She and sister Mary Ann Stewart brought dozens of babies to this world as they were miles from a doctor and it would take hours to go for him and return.
After the mother was delivered, Margaret would help at this home for ten or twelve mornings and take care of mother and babe and some times do lots of the work. Most of the time all this work was charity. Sometimes, if the party concerned could afford it, they would give her something for her labor but not so often. She never set a price. Day or night she was always ready to help.
Whenever there was a death in the ward, Margaret and Sister Elizabeth Reese (D. J. Reese's mother) were always on hand to take care of the body and see that there was someone to remain with it while they went and bought material for the burial clothes. Then they would probably stay up most of that night sewing and making clothes as it was impossible to buy anything ready made at that time.
Margaret not only did this kind of work, but she helped in the different organizations of the ward. Shortly after moving to Adamsville, Margaret was chosen 1st Counselor to Aunt Sarah Jones who was President of the Relief Society at that time and faithfully served for 26 years in the Adamsville Ward. She used to go from house to house doing good for all and gathering donations to help other people who were less fortunate. At the time David Sr. died in 1882, Margaret was president of the Young Women's Mutual Association.
While she labored so diligently for others she never neglected her own family. She worked any place and any time to get things to help the family. She helped Sister Stewart with sewing, washing, mending, or anything she had to do, and would take Mary Rosetta with her. It was about 1 1/2 miles out of town and they always had to walk there and back again after Margaret had worked all day. Sometimes Margaret would go 2-3 days a week and she would take produce or something of the kind for pay and carry it home. No complaints were heard from Margaret, and she was so glad to be able to do this. This is the kind of life Margaret lived--doing good wherever she could. She was always a wonderful mother, neighbor and friend, and was loved, appreciated, and honored for all she did.
Alverda Heslington Hunter said of Margaret, "This is the kind of a life she has lived, doing good wherever she could. I am thankful to have known such a grandmother as she was truly great. We lived on a farm in the summer and I would walk 2 miles 2-3 times a week to read to her all day. She surely enjoyed this and she would fix me the nicest things she could find to eat. She would prepare my favorite foods and this was better than playing with my friends. She always saw that I had the things I thought were important, such as a school sweater, class ring, etc. as she bought them for me. I lived with my grandmother a lot and never have I found her when she wasn't trying to find something to give someone. Even after I was married and used to go home she would always get in her purse and try and give me some money."
"My grandmother Pearce was the most loved and influential person in my life. I loved her very much and loved to stay with her, and did so very often. She only lived a short distance from our home and my mother did her washing and ironing. As a girl, I would pick up her washing every Sunday evening and return it on Tuesday. She said she could always hear me coming as she knew my whistle and she usually met me at the door. She always had goodies fixed for me and would give me the remaining goodies saying she would buy more for the next day."
"We used to spend many happy days at my grandmother's home. She had so many currants, gooseberries, and plum trees and we would all go and spend the day picking fruit and then making jelly the next day. We, as children, had such a good time. We played hide-and-seek and would make a home in the blackberry shrubs."
"She was such a clean wonderful person. I remember that her steps at the back door were always spotless. They were scrubbed until they were perfectly white. She kept the ground free from weeds. After a rain storm we would go out and pull weeds to keep the ground clean."
After David Sr. died, Margaret built a new home in Adamsville where she did most of her work. But she enjoyed visiting with her children, and during the last years of her life spend her time with her three daughters in Provo. Most of the time was with Sarah Ellen, where she spent eight or nine months at a time. Each year she spent most of the winter with Mary Rosetta and her sister Jane at Lake View, Utah. They loved to have her as she was so understanding, so contented with life, so kind and gentle to each of them at all times. They always loved her and hoped to be able to repay her in kindness and good deeds for the devotion and love she had shown them. At one time she had 25 grandchildren, and 36 great grandchildren living.
Their son, Richard died on influenza on January 24, 1919 in Beaver, Utah. He left a wife and six children. This was a terrible thing for Margaret to endure. Her mother, Margaret Jones Griffiths, died March 25, 1922 in Adamsville, Beaver, Utah. Margaret passed away in Provo during her sleep--which was a well earned rest--on February 12, 1945 at the age of 90. She would have been 91 in one month. She was buried February 16, 1945 in Beaver City, Utah.
Hesling(ton) Family
Jeremiah Hesling was born in England in 1762. He died in Bingley on September 27, 1814. He married El(l)enor Hey on September 8, 1788 in Bingley.
El(l)enor Hey was christened in the same location on October 19, 1760, the daughter of Abraham Hey and Jane Gott. Abraham Hey's parents were Ambrose and Mrs. Hey. Abraham and Jane were married in Bingley on July 27, 1756. They had 4 children, all christened and married in Bingley, with the exception of Elizabeth:
- 1. Robert Hey, christened April 10, 1757. He married Tabitha Waterhouse on March 25, 1792.
- 2. William Hey, christened September 27, 1758. He married his wife, Sarah, on March 3, 1778.
- 3. El(l)enor Hey, christened October 19, 1760. She married Jeremiah Hesling on September 8, 1788.
- 4. Elizabeth Hey, christened December 25, 1763. She married Thomas Norminton on January 30, 1787 in Bradford, Yorkshire.
Jeremiah and El(l)eanor had 7 children:
- 1. Elizabeth (Betty) Hes(z)ling, born November 20, 1790 in Bingley, where she was also christened on January 24, 1791. Elizabeth married John Crowther February 21, 1814. John was christened in Bingley on Jan 26, 1794 by his parents Joseph and Mrs. Crowther. John and Elizabeth had 9 children in Harden where they were born and christened. Some children died there:
- 1. Jane, born May 8, 1814 and christened on July 10, 1814. Jane married Joseph Parkinson on July 8, 1833 in Bradford, Yorkshire.
- 2. Martha, born September 15, 1815 and christened on November 12, 1815. She died there on April 15, 1817.
- 3. James, born May 9, 1817 and christened July 6, 1817.
- 4. Zilla, born February 17, 1819 and christened May 4, 1819.
- 5. Hannah, born September 16, 1820 and christened February 18, 1821.
- 6. Jonas, born November 25, 1822 and christened February 23, 1823. Jonas married Mrs. Mary Ann Crowther, who was born in 1822 in Todmorden, Lancashire.
- 7. David, born December 15, 1824 and christened February 9, 1825. He married Nancy Barrett on September 24, 1849 in Bradford, Yorkshire. Nancy was born there about 1828 to Benjamin and Mrs. Barrett.
- 8. Andrew, born January 21, 1827 and christened April 22, 1827.
- 9. Abra(ha)m, born September 14, 1831 and christened November 6, 1831. He died May 9, 1835.
- 2. John Hesling (Heslendine), christened June 17, 1795 in Bradford, Yorkshire. He married Nancy Lighthowler on November 24, 1816 in Tong, Yorkshire. They had 9 children, who were all christened in Bradford, Yorkshire:
- 1. William Hesling, February 8, 1818
- 2. Sarah Hesling, May 30, 1819
- 3. Ann Hesling/Hesting, May 15, 1882
- 4. Jonathan Hesling, November 28, 1823
- 5. Mark Hesling, April 6, 1825
- 6. Esther Hesling, February 23, 1831
- 7. Michael Hesling, August 28, 1833
- 8. Betty Hesling, August 28, 1833
- 9. Mary Hesling, March 25, 1835
- 3. William Hes(z)lin, born March 16, 1798 in Bingley and christened May 27, 1798 in Wilsden, Yorkshire. He married Alice Waddington on April 30, 1820 in Bingley. They had 2 children in Bingley, Cottingly:
- 1. Abraham Hesling, born November 9, 1820.
- 2. Sarah Hessling, born September 6, 1822 and christened March 30, 1823.
- 1. William, born July 26, 1840 in Manningham. On April 7, 1862 in Manningham he married Jane Walker, born in 1838 in Baildon, Yorkshire to Mr. and Mrs. Mary Walker. Mary was born about 1810 in Addingham, Yorkshire. Her sister, Mary A., was born in Cowling, Lancashire about 1850. William and Jane had 6 children:
- 1. Abraham, born about 1863 in Bradford.
- 2. Walker, born about 1864 in Manningham. On December 13, 1884 in West Bowling, Bradford he married Sarah Helen Hargreaves, who was born in 1862 in Bradford to Emor (born about 1837 in Bradford) and Mrs. Mary Hargreaves (born about 1837 in Heaton, Yorkshire). Sarah had 2 siblings: Benjamin (born about 1864 in Manningham) and Hannah (born about 1870 in Bradford). Sarah and Walker had 4 children:
- 1. William Terey, christened May 25, 1885 in Manningham.
- 2. Joshua, christened August 7, 1886 in Manningham. He was married on September 12, 1906 in Gerlington, Yorkshire to Laura Sutcliff, born about 1886 to Samuel Sutcliff (born about 1848 in Clockheaten, Yorkshire) and Susannah Widdop (christened August 27, 1847 in Heptonstall, Yorkshire). Susannah's parents were Richard and Mrs. Grace Widdop. Laura's parents, Samuel and Susannah Sutcliffe, had 5 children:
- 1. Albert, born about 1871 in Clockheaten.
- 2. Harriett, born about 1879 in Clockheaten.
- 3. Frank Thomas, born about 1881 in Clockheaten. He married Mrs. Margaret Sutcliffe of Bradford.
- 4. Bertha, born about 1885 in Clockheaten.
- 5. Laura, born about 1886.
- 3. Mary, born about 1888 in Manningham.
- 4. William, born July 3, 1890 in Manningham.
- 3. Fredrik William, born about 1867 in Manningham. On August 6, 1888 in Manningham he married Ada Coldwell, born about 1862 in Sheffield, Yorkshire to Joseph (born about 1811 in Brightanly, Yorkshire) and Mrs. Jane Coldwell (about 1818 in Walsingham, Durham). Frederik William and Ada had 2 children:
- 1. William Hy, about 1886 in Sheffield.
- 2. Bertha, born in Bradford and christened in Manningham on October 3, 1889.
- 1. Joseph, born about 1842.
- 2. Mary, born about 1844.
- 3. William Henry, christened September 11, 1853 in Bradford
- 4. Sarah Jane, christened November 25, 1855 in Bradford.
- 5. Caldwell, christened November 1, 1857 in Bradford.
- 6. Rachael, christened November 1, 1857 in Bradford.
- 7. Lucy Ann, born about 1861.
- 8. Ada, born about 1862.
- 4. Thomas Laycock, born about 1872 in Manningham. On May 23, 1908 in Bradford, he married Edna Bates (divorced from William Boyes, born about 1867 in Leeds, Yorkshire) the daughter of William (born about 1831 in North Bierly, Yorkshire) and Mrs. Sarah Bates (born about 1833 in North Bierly). William and Sarah Bates had 8 children in North Bierly:
- 1. Harriet A., born about 1854.
- 2. Ellen, born about 1858.
- 3. Edwin (Edward), born about 1860.
- 4. Squire, born about 1862.
- 5. Hannah, born about 1865.
- 6. Edna, born about 1867. She married Thomas Laycock.
- 7. Jesse, born about 1872. He married Mrs. Emily Bates(born about 1869 in Bradford).
- 1. Arthur, born about 1897
- 2. Alice, born about 1899
- 8. Willie, born about 1875.
- 5. James Heslington born about 1876 in Manningham. On May 23, 1900 in Manningham, he married Alice Kelly, born about 1880 in Conisborough, Yorkshire to Patrick Kelley (born about 1831 in Ireland) and Mrs. Ellen Kelley (born about 1839 in Ireland).
- 6.Janes Walker Heslington born about 1880 in Manningham. On June 20, 1899 she married Ernest Lincoln Townend (born about 1873 in Bradford)
- 1. William, born about 1900.
- 2. Dor(r)is, born about 1901.
- 2. Firth, born April 27, 1842 in Manningham. He died there February 7, 1857.
- 3. Alfred, born June 17, 1844 in Manningham. He married Hannah Mounsey, who was born August 19, 1845 in Bradford to Samuel Mounsey (born November 25, 1817 in Bradford) and Hannah Harnor (born February 18, 1823 in Shelf or Habergham, Lancashire). Samuel and Hannah H. were married April 1, 1839 in West Riding, Bradford, Yorkshire. The parents of Hannah H. were William and Mrs. Polland.
- 1. Mary, who married Joseph Mounsey
- 2. Elizabeth, born October 20, 1820
- 3. Margaret, born September 12, 1825
- 1. Samuel, born November 25, 1817 in North Bierly. He married Hannah Harnor.
- 2. Ann, born September 17, 1820.
- 3. Harriot, born February 17, 1828.
- 4. Alice, born September 3, 1846 in Manningham. She married James Lee Nightingale (born 1845 in Bolton, Lancashire) on June 28, 1879 in Bradford.
- 5. Emma, born May 16, 1851 in Manningham. She married Benjamin Day (born 1849 in Bradford) on November 10, 1870 in Bradford.
- 6. Atwood, born April 1, 1856 in Manningham, where he died June 2, 1858.
- 7. Benson, born March 16, 1858 in Manningham. He was 21 when he sailed to New Zealand on the ship Western Monarch which left London on October 18, 1878 and arrived in Bluff on January 20, 1879 and Dunedin on January 26, 1979.
He married and had 5 children: - 1. Amy, born in 1884
- 2. Gladyes Florence E., born in 1886
- 3. Frances Sarah, born about 1888
- 4. Clara, born 1891
- 5. William Alfred, born 1896
- 8. Sam, born May 20, 1860 in Bradford, where he christened June 5, 1861 and died July 26, 1861.
- 9. Thomas, born March 16, 1863.
- 4. Mary Hesling, christened November 5, 1800 in Bradford. He died August 7, 1828 in Cottingley.
- 5. Edmond (Neddy) Hesling (Heslendine), christened May 30, 1803. He died February 12, 1819 in Cottingley.
- 6. Tholnas (Thomas) Hes(z)ling, born 1806 in Cottingley and christened April 9, 1806 in Bradford. He married Agnes (Ann) Ralph from Cottingley on July 30, 1824 in Bingley.
They had 5 children: - 1. Ellen Hes(z)ling, born December 31, 1824 in Cottingley and christened in Bingley March 4, 1825.
- 2. Jane Hes(z)ling, born April 30, 1826 in Cottingley and christened July 26, 1826 in Bingley. Jane married Jonathan Parker and
had 4 children in Cottingley, Bradford: - 1. Bramwell, born about 1845. He married Eliza Pyrah in Bradford, June 14, 1868. She was born October 24, 1847 in the same area and christened January 16, 1848 in Bierley, Yorkshire by Joseph and Mrs. Lydia Pyrah. Bramwell and
Eliza had 4 children: - 1. Ruth Ann, christened February 21, 1869 in Horton, Bradford.
- 2. Joseph P., born about 1872 in Bradford.
- 3. Jonathan, born about 1876 in Leeds, Yorkshire.
- 4. Bertha Lydia, christened October 15, 1881 in Shipley, Birdstall, Yorkshire.
- 1. James, born in Great Horton, Bradford and christened in Bradford on October 15, 1830.
- 2. Martha, born June 24, 1833 in Great Horton and christened July 21 at Bethel Primitive Methodist in Great Horton.
- 3. Eliza, born October 24, 1847 in Bradford and christened January 16, 1848 in Bierley, Yorkshire.
- 2. Rhoda, born about 1851.
- 3. Jabez, born about 1852.
- 4. Naomi, born about 1859.
- 3. Mary Hes(z)ling, born February 19, 1831 in Cottingley, Yorkshire. She was christened July 9, 1832 in Bingley. She married Edward Hartley, born April 4, 1829, to Barnard and Mrs. Mary Hartley.
Edward and Mary had 9 children: - 1. Alice, born 1854 in Saltaire, Yorkshire.
- 2. Mary Ann, born about 1855 in Saltaire, Shipley, Bradford. She married Abraham B. Thresh, and they had a son, William B., born about 1884 in Saltaire.
- 3-9 Undifined
- Abraham B. Thresh was born about 1857 in Saltaire to Issac Thresh (born about 1823 in Castley, Yorkshire) and Hanna Greenwood, born in 1836 to Mr. and Mrs. Grace Greenwood (born about 1795).
Issac Thresh and Hannah Greenwood had 6 children: - 1. Abraham B., born about 1857 in Saltaire. He married Mary Ann Hartley.
- 2. Mark P., born about 1859 in Shipley.
- 3. William F., born about 1860 in Shipley.
- 4. Triscilla Ann, born about 1864 in Shipley.
- 5. John Oliver, born about 1867 in Shipley.
- 6.Livinia Emily, born about 1870 in Shipley.
- 4. Edward Hes(z)ling(ton), born September 10, 1833 in Cottingley, and christened December 30, 1833 in Bingley. On July 29, 1855 in Bradford, he married Mary Briggs and about 1857 John Hes(z)ling(ton) was born to them in Bingley. Mary Briggs was born July 6, 1834 in Bingley to Joshua Briggs (born August 29, 1813 in Bingley) and Hanna Longbottom who were married October 13, 1833 in Otley, Yorkshire. Joshua's parents were John Brigg and Mary Hill. Joshua and Hannah Briggs had 2 children:
- 1. Mary, born July 6, 1834 in Bingley, who married Edward Hes(z)ling(ton) on July 29, 1855 in Bradford.
- 2. Jane, christened August 21, 1836 in Bingley.
- 5. Kezia Hes(z)ling, born July 1, 1836 in Bradford, where she was also christened October 30, 1836. She married Thomas Maskew, born April 1, 1833 in Baildon, Yorkshire, to David Maskew and Sarah Hodgson, who were married on July 16, 1832 in Otley, Yorkshire.
Their 2 children were: - 1. Thomas, born April 1, 1833 in Baildon, Yorkshire, who married Kezia Hes(z)ling on December 24, 1859 in Bradford.
They had 10 children: - 1. Benjamin, born about 1859 in Cottingley.
- 2. Alice, born about 1861 in Bingley. On April 14, 1884 in Calverley, Yorkshire, she married George Bramham, born about 1861 in Sunderland, Durham to George and Mrs. Sarah Bramham (born about 1829 in Brotherton, Yorkshire). George and Sarah
had 4 children: - 1. George, born about 1861 in Sunderland. He married Alice Maskew April 14, 1884 in Calverley, Yorkshire.
- 2. Ada F., born about 1865 in Goole, Yorkshire
- 3. John T (P), born about 1867 in Goole.
- 4. Alfred H., born about 1873 in Goole. George and Alice had 2 children:
- 1. Thomas, born about 1887 in Saltaire.
- 2. Agnes, born in Saltaire and christened August 31, 1890 in Shipley.
- 3. John, born about 1863 in Saltaire.
- 4. Agnes, born about 1864 in Shipley.
- 5. Emily, born about 1866 in Shipley.
- 6. Edward, born about 1869 in Shipley. On January 24, 1891 in Eccles Hill, Yorkshire he married Mary Taylor, born about 1866 in Eccles Hill to John (born about 1825 in Eccles Hill) and Mrs. Sarah Taylor (born about 1827 in Idle, Yorkshire).
- 7. Herbert, born about 1871 in Saltaire.
- 8. Arthur, born about 1871 in Saltaire.
- 9. Fred, born in Shipley and christened on February 20, 1873 in Saltaire. On December 24, 1900 in Shipley, he married Mary Jane Whittaker, the 1st child of Thomas (born about 1839 in Craven Hebden, Yorkshire) and Mrs. Whitaker. Mary Jane was born about 1875 in Shipley. Their 2nd child, Lilian E., was also born in Shipley.
- 10. Ada, born about 1875 in Shipley. On February 3, 1902 in Shipley, she married George Robinson who was born about 1868 to Benjamin (born about 1827 in Otley, Yorkshire) and Mrs. Martha Robinson (born about 1833 in Clifton, Yorkshire). Benjamin and
Martha had 7 children in Otley: - 1. Alice, born about 1853. She married Mr. Robinson. They had Martha who was born about 1879 in Baildon, Yorkshire.
- 2. William, born about 1856.
- 3. Ada, born about 1860.
- 4. Annie, born about 1862.
- 5. Joseph, born about 1865.
- 6. George, born about 1868. He married Ada Maskew on February 3, 1902.
- 7. Willie, born about 1870.
- 2. John, born August 17, 1834 in Baildon, where he waschristened June 5, 1837. He married Mrs. Eden Maskew (born about 1839 in Baildon).
They had 4 children in Baildon: - 1. Arthur E., born about 1868.
- 2. Livinia, born about 1869.
- 3. Emma, born about 1870.
- 4. Sarah A., born about 1875.
- 7. Charles Hesling, christened June 24, 1807 in Bradford. Married Mary Todd (born about 1807) on November 19, 1827 in Bradford.
They had 7 children: - 1. Thomas Hesling, born June 30, 1930 and christened March 16, 1837 in Bingley, where he died February 15, 1846.
- 2. Eliza Hesling, born November 76, 1832 and christened March 16, 1837 in Bingley.
- 3. Sara Ann Hesling born June 7, 1836 and christened March 16, 1837 in Bingley. She was married in Bradford in 1836 to TimothyEarnshaw, who was born about 1836 in Bradford.
They had 2 children: - 1. Alice, born about 1856 in Bingley.
- 2. James William, born about 1858 in Bingley.
- 4. Elizabeth, born about 1839.
- 5. Hannah, born about 1842. On September 19, 1886 in Bradford, she married Robert Edmondson, born about 1836 to William and Mrs. Edmondson.
- 6. Mary Ann, born about 1844.
- 7. Charles, born about 1850.
Abraham married Sarah Goldsborough on February 2, 1840. Sarah was born March 7, 1841 in Manningham, Bradford to Thomas Goldsborough and Mary Ann Firth. Both Thomas and Mary Ann were born Bradford, Yorkshire - he in 1800, and she in 1801. Abraham and Sarah were married on May 2, 1840 in Bradford. Abraham Heslington died June 14, 1887 in Greenville, Beaver, Utah. Sara Goldsbrough died in 1890.
Abraham and Sarah had 9 children:
Joseph and Jane Coldwell had 8 children in Sheffield:
They had 2 children in Bradford:
They had 2 children in Bradford:
Samuel's parents were Joseph Mounsey and Mary Illingworth. They were married December 15, 1815 in Bradford. Mary was born to John and Elizabeth Illingsworth,
who had 3 children:
Joseph and Mary Mounsey had 3 children in Bradford:
Hannah Mounsey (daughter of Samuel and Hannah Harnor) came from England with her parents in the ship Minnesota in 1869. Samuel was 54. Alfred Heslington also came with them. They all went west with the Emigration Company. Hannah was later divorced from Alfred. She lived in the small town of Greenville, and it was difficult for those in Adamsville to see her often. She did not have a very happy or easy life. Alfred left her with a large family to raise. She had ten children. She kept her beautiful white hair rolled up on top of her head by combs. When she did stay with relatives in Adamsville, she kneaded bread, and insisted that was her job. Alfred Heslington died on September 18, 1899 in Marysvale, Piute, Utah. Hannah Mounsey died January 14, 1925 in Greenville, Beaver, Utah, where her parents Samuel and Hannah also died.
Eliza's parents, Joseph and Lydia Pyrah, were born about 1808, he in Bolton, Bradford and she in Great Horton, Bradford.
They had had 3 children:
William Firth Heslington Marries Sarah Ellen Pearce
William Firth Heslington was born July 27, 1877 in Greenville, Utah to Alfred Heslington and Hannah Mounsey. William was educated in Beaver schools and married Sarah Ellen (Nell) Pearce. She was born February 9, 1881 in Adamsville, Utah, a town of 150 people. They were married on April 26, 1899 in the Manti Temple.
William was a tall, handsome man. He was a very loveable and kind man, with a very mild disposition. Sarah Ellen said they would never know what William gave away. If someone needed a sheep, some meat, or other items, he would give it to them. He was an active member of the LDS Church and served in the bishopric of the Adamsville Ward. William was a good hard worker. For a short time, he was employed as a miner in the Frisco and New House mining boom during the great Silver Rush to that area. He also was a foreman at the large smelter located at New House.
After the mining boom, the family moved to Adamsville and purchased a farm where he was a farmer and rancher who raised cattle, sheep and turkeys. When the family grew up, the parents moved to Milford, Utah where William drove a truck carrying mail to Garrison in Millard County. He also made deliveries for the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) which was in evidence at that time. Sarah Ellen was very small, but so fast and a very hard worker. She served in the Adamsville Ward Relief Society for several years.
William and Sarah Ellen were the parents of seven children. All were born in Adamsville, Beaver County, with the exception of their second son, Mel, who was born in Frisco, a town of 5,000.
- 1. David Clinton was born January 5, 1900 and blessed February 4, 1900 by Frederick T. Gunn. Dave was baptized in Adamsville on July 12, 1908 by John T. Joseph, and confirmed the same day by Thomas L. Griffith. Graduated from Murdock academy, University of Utah. He served on a mission for the LDS church. A steady performer, a great athlete, the scholar of the family. Loved by everyone. Married Elva Stubbs a wonderful woman.
- 2. William Melbourne was born October 30, 1901 in Frisco, Utah. He married Alice Alvira Ward, a noble and life long beautiful, clean, proud wife and mother who loved her children and grand children. Her love and ability to handle and conduct the home was remarkable. She was a wonderful convert to the church. They lived in Beaver. Alice was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was classified as untreatable and she passed away April 21, 1983.
- 3. Abraham Richard was born February 14, 1905. Rich graduated from Beaver High School and attended college for a while. He was a quiet, soft spoken type, loyal to his family ties. He married Lucille Hanks, a beautiful girl from Shelley, Idaho. They had a family of beautiful, wonderful girls. He was loved by all who know him, clean and honest as the days are long. They resided in Provo, Utah.
- 4. Alverda was born on December 1, 1908, the first of three girls, was born. She was blessed on February 7, 1909 by Thomas L. Griffiths. She was a great girl, wife and home maker. Active in church and community work. A scholarly woman who served 2 missions for the LDS church, including a second one to the Navaho Indians in the 4 corners area. Graduated from Beaver High School, attended BYU. A great woman married to Morrill Hunter, a very splendid man. They lived in Springville.
- 5. Audrey was born on June 10, 1914. Lithe and nimble, soft spoken and the shy type. The home girl, hard working and devoted to the family. Graduated from Beaver High School. She married Clinton C. Tanner, was later divorced and remarried a real man, Walter Tracy, they made their home in San Diego, CA. Loved by all who know her. She served a mission in Iowa in 1981-82.
- 6. Deloy was born November 9, 1916, although he died as an infant of pneumonia.
- 7. Cerola was born October 2, 1922. Beautiful and graceful. Graduated from Beaver High School, attended BYU. Married Robert Edward Nichols and resides in Boise, Idaho. They have raised two girls. She was loving, kind and admired by everyone.
Alverda's three older brothers were very dear to her. No one could ever say a word about them. If they were going somewhere on the bike, many times Alverda would go along, riding on the handle bars. In later years, Dave, gave her the dress and hat she got married in, and Mel and Rich gave her and Morrell their first set of silver for a wedding present.
The little village of Adamsville was the center or fun, co-operation, solidarity and nearly all the young people learned valuable lessons of dependability, and how to work hard. Thrift, respect for other people, close family ties and independence were learned early in life. There was family unity and love. They attended church on Sundays and enjoyed Sunday School.
Finances were sufficient to send all the kids to school. They dressed well for that period and didn't want for things to eat. They were not only rich in spirit, but had the best parents in the world. They didn't have two much but were satisfied and grateful for what they did have.
The family lived on a farm two miles from town during the summer and until the fall harvest was in. Before they moved to their home in town when harvest was done in the fall, they had a horse and buggy to take them to school. By the time they arrived at school they had quite a load as they picked up the other children on the way. They would put the horse in their corral downtown where they would get it after school to go home.
The horse and buggy was the chief means of transportation. Prom home to Beaver and Milford was a whole day's trip. It was a privilege to have lived in the horse and buggy days, and they were wonderful days. They would take their team and buggy to Greenville for July 4th and 24th celebrations. These were big days in their early childhood. They went to Milford with their team and buggy once to see the Barnum and Bailey Circus. It took around 12 hours for the return trip
The family had a white top baggy and two black horses, Dick and Coalie, beautiful, swift and graceful. They took grist loads of wheat to the Beaver grist mill each fall and brought back their winters flour. They hauled wood from the hills south of town for winters use. The family owned good saddle horses they could ride for sport, race, and care for the cattle and sheep they raised. Mel always had beautiful riding horses.
Harry Larsen had the first automobile that came to the area. He operated a mail run from Beaver to Milford. The boys would pick rocks out of the road and Harry would pick them up and give them a ride home for doing this road cleaning. The roads were dirt and in real bad shape. The boys loved this and thought they were big shots.
The family enterprise was a commercial turkey raising project, supervised by Mother Heslington. They raised turkeys on their farm and before Thanksgiving they would spend a whole day getting them ready for market. They had one big old tom turkey that was really mean, and had to keep a big long stick by the back door when they went to the outdoor bathroom. They would take the stick, hit him, and run. He would put his head down and run after them.
Mel helped lamb a herd of sheep owned by C.D. White of Beaver two different summers. He stayed for about five weeks each summer. They were real long weeks, but they had fun at times. Mel worked with Heber Atkins, Glen Blackner, Allen Blackner, Morgan Evans, Dave (Dad) Edwards and Alton Atkins. The family also raised sheep and probably got most of their flock from Mel who brought little doggy lambs from the shepherd who he loved to visit. He stayed overnight and the next day the children watched all afternoon to see if he was coming. When they saw him he had his arms full of little baby lambs. The children feed them morning, night, and noon with a bottle and nipple. They raised quite a flock of sheep and this probably helped to pay off the farm.
The children did much work on the farm such as tromping hay and riding the derrick horse. Sarah Ellen made wonderful homemade root beer and had it ready for the children to drink after they came in from the field. It was so nice and cool. When first made, it was put behind the stove to keep warm for a while. Then it was put down in the cellar, which was dug in the ground and had a roof on it. The floor was packed down and it was spotlessly clean. This was where the separating was done and the milk and butter kept. It was so nice and cool and clean.
Every fall they would have butcher day when four or five fine hogs were butchered. They heated the water in large vats, scalded the animals, scraped and cleaned them. They were cut up into hams, side pork, etc. salted and placed away for winter use. They made sausage, head cheese, processed the lard for cooking.
In the fall, soap was made to last for the year. The children watched it, and if it started to boil over they added a small amount of water. This soap was really good to make the clothes white. It could be ground and water added. When it was soft or dissolved it would be used for washing.
They had a building where the grain was stored. Some would be taken to the mill, where they got their flour for the winter. They would store or sell the rest until they could get a good buy from it. They always had wonderful gardens, with many vegetables to store for the winter months.
On Saturday the children were expected to clean the house from top to bottom, even laying on their backs to dust the springs of the bed. If they were going to a movie, everything had to be done before they could go. Sarah Ellen was very strict but usually a tongue lashing was all the children got. She was very immaculate and everything had to be done perfectly. If there was a speck of dust the children were to do it over.
Alverda never remembers going to bed and leaving a dirty dish. Sarah Ellen not only did the house work and garden, but many times did the milking while the men were in the field. Alverda would go to the corral with her to milk and take her cup to get the nice warm milk to drink. Although her childhood was a happy time, at times Alverda felt she was really picked on because she would have to stay at noon and wash the dishes instead of hurrying back to school to play ball or sports.
Adamsville was a small town, but large enough to support a baseball team of eleven boys. Lorin Griffiths was the coach and Sam Johnson Sr. was manager. The baseball team was good and went to Greenville and Beaver to play their teams. The baseball field on what is now the east end of the Minersville Reservoir.
The children had to work and were expected to do their share. They always had time to play and there were happy times. Living in a small town, everyone played together. They always made a bonfire in their alley and baked potatoes, maybe corn, and almost every night played games such kick-the-can, hopscotch, eenie-I-over, Relievo-0 and hide-and-seek using the wood William had hauled for the winter. He would also get on the floor and play games with the children. Alverda loved to sit on his lap and comb his hair. She never remembered her dad saying a cross word to her. Mel was a good marble player. The old swimming pool by the Chaffon Dam was used for ice skating in the winter and spearing carp during the low water periods in the summer were high lights of our young life.
Birthday parties were something to look forward to. All the children took something to eat and it was really good. Then they would spend the evening playing games such as musical chairs, wink, spin the bottle, and many others.
The Heslingtons and some of their neighbors would take their wagons and go into Beaver Canyon for a vacation. It was truly beautiful. They would use pine boughs to put under the quilts for a mattress. On one such trip, William took the children on a hike to Strawberry Flat. They went and had their fill of strawberries and started home. They decided to have a race back to camp. They began to run and Alverda stubbed her toe and went rolling down the mountain. A large rock kept her from going into the river. Needless to say this was the end of the vacation since Alverda had a really bad knee and had to be taken home. It ruined the trip and she was laid up for quite some time. It was probably broken but doctors were not as readily available as today and one did not go to them for everything as we do now.
David Clinton Heslington's Family
Dave graduated from the Eighth Grade in Adamsville. School consisted of two rooms divided by a curtain into two classes for two teachers. It was used for church on Sunday. The only record currently available of any Aaronic Priesthood ordination was that Dave was ordained a Deacon by E. E. Erickson on December 6, 1914. The population that year was 121. It was then that the Delta Land and Water Company came into Adamsville to buy farm land for a reservoir. Many families sold and moved away to other counties. Adamsville lost many of its citizens, and the population was scattered far and wide. School was closed and the students were transported by bus to Beaver.
In his youth, Dave was knocked over by a cow and hit on the head by a pail. He lingered between life and death for several days. His mother's faith and a covenant she made with the Lord saved him. His mother never broke her covenant with the Lord.
When Dave was 13, he began high school at the old Murdock Academy two miles east of Beaver at the Old Fort Cameron. He lived in buildings used one time to house fort personnel. His outstanding teachers included Reinhard Maeser, William Gardiner, E.E. Erickson, and Sherwin Maeser. Most rural communities in Southern Utah sent their children there to school. A faculty member lived in each house. Several students were housed in the same building. Religion was taught in daily classes. Church services were held on Sunday. After graduating from Murdock (probably prior to the U.S. entering World War I in 1917), Dave attended BYU for one year. The following year he went to the University of Utah in the SATC, a student division of the Army. Influenza closed the school down and the armistice brought an end to Dave's experience at the U, where he was not able to complete that year's work.
Teachers must have been scarce in those days. One Memorial Day when Dave was 20, a Superintendent of Schools from Star Valley, Wyoming met him and asked if he would teach. David signed a contract and began as principal teacher in a three-teacher school at Auburn, Wyoming. After teaching in two other places - Marysvale, where the schoolhouse was falling down and they went to school in a Methodist Church and he was the principal of Emily Dennis Algood, and Adamsville, Utah. Dave saved nearly enough money to go on a mission. The family all pitched with the rest and Dave was able to go. He and his boyfriend planned this since their little community had so few missionaries. He was ordained an Elder by Ross B. Cutler on May 13, 1924. The same month he received his endowment in the Salt Lake Temple and departed on May 24 to the Western States Mission. He began work in June. The mission address was 538 East Seventh Avenue in Denver, Colorado. He was later transferred to Casper, Wyoming. That fall he was made the Conference President in Sheridan, Wyoming. For almost two years he presided over this conference, which included eastern Wyoming, western Nebraska and parts of Colorado. He had many grand experiences there. Besides serving as missionaries, the elders did other church work which included buying an old home in the heart of Casper and converting it into a ward house. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. Dave was released July 6, 1926. He returned home on July 21. That fall he began teaching again, and became principal of a grade school with 6-8 teachers in Milford, Utah. There he did a lot of church work and served in just about all of the church jobs. He often felt like a minister. He preached most of the funeral sermons and, at times, preached several Sunday evenings in a row.
Elva Jean Stubbs meets David Clinton Heslington
A solemn young girl, slightly past eighteen, descended from the train one afternoon early in September and thoughtfully surveyed her surroundings. The Depot, with its large restaurant, and ostentatious sign "THE BEANERY" made quite an impression. The cosmopolitan air of the place and the mien of the employees assured her that she had arrived at a place too urban to be dubbed a one-horse town.
The train ride from Provo to Milford, Utah, had seemed long, for prior to this time her longest journey had been from Provo to Salt Lake City via automobile. During the monotonous trip she had ample time to ponder her decision in accepting a Fifth Grade teaching position at Milford. As the train had glided over that endless desert she had some misgivings, and wondered if she had been wise in turning down offers for teaching positions in Provo, American Fork and Pleasant Grove. Perhaps her father had been right in chastising her for not accepting a position closer to home. Maybe, if she had been able to counsel with her mother, she wouldn't have made this rash decision. Her eyes welled with tears whenever she thought of her mother who had died one week and a month before she turned nine. She wondered if her mother could be unhappy because she was going so far from home. Since her mother's death she had felt largely responsible for her four brothers. The one who was one and one-half years older, she was sure, would be well taken care of, at least for the time being, for he was soon to leave on a Mission to the Southern States. But her three younger brothers--would their overalls get patched and their socks ever be darned, and their shirts mended? Her step-mother had been reared to be a musician, and was a very prominent one, not adept at running a household, and besides, she was kept busy at rearing her own young family. Now, right or not, the decision had been made and she'd have to make the best of it. She recalled how elated she'd been the day she signed the contract. Her Teaching Counselor had informed her, the last minute that a Superintendent of Schools from Beaver County was interviewing for teaching positions. She found the long line-up and saw two of her girl friends near the front. They were "brains" and she doubted that she'd have a chance.
But the school year was nearly over, and with triple applicants for every job her chance of getting one later was practically nil. The thought of staying in, or around staid Provo prodded her to join the long line. When she finally faced the amiable Superintendent, he informed her that four positions wore open, but for her particular qualifications only two were available, both 5th Grade - one in Beaver and one in Milford. Since his description of the latter had been very exciting, for it was reputed to be a lively railroad town, she had chosen that one. As the train glided along, mile after mile, through the vast, forsaken desert she had wondered how an exciting town could ever grow and survive in such an arid region. Now that she had arrived, the place seemed very much alive and inviting.
When Elva went in to meet the principal, he was the Sunday School teacher she had met the day before. She was very pleasantly surprised, and thought, "It's wonderful that my principal is such a smart man."
The principal put Elva in the fifth grade because that is what she signed up for. She was overjoyed to find that she would be teaching 5th grade under this charming, good looking principal. He said, "There are some other openings in the lower grades if you would rather change." Elva said, "No, I trained for fifth and sixth grades, and I would like the fifth." He said, "Well, you know that's the hardest grade of all, don't you?" She said, "No, I didn't know it would be any harder than the sixth grade." He said, "In the fifth grade you have to teach fractions, and children have an awful time with them." Elva said she still wanted to stay where she was.
She had some very challenging boys and one or two challenging girls. One girl liked to talk and talk all the time. No one could shut her up. Finally Elva got so angry she scolded her. She said, "Don't say another word all day--we're sick of hearing you gab and gab instead of doing your lessons and what you are supposed to." Early the next morning when Elva got to school, the girls mother was waiting. She was very angry because Elva had scolded her daughter and made her cry. Elva said, "Well if Virginia would ever do her work like she is supposed to, instead of talking to and keeping everybody else from working, she wouldn't have been scolded. Elva said, "If she is going to stay in my classroom she has to behave." The mother said, "You really hurt her and our feelings because she was adopted as a child since we could never have our own children, and we think a lot of her." Elva said, "We need to talk and show her we love her, and try to straighten her out so she won't be such a nuisance." They worked together and the girl became a very good pupil.
About 5 p.m. about ten day later, the principal came to Elva's room. He usually locked up the building after seeing everyone was out. Elva said, "Oh, Mr. Heslington, I'm sorry to keep you waiting, but I wanted to put this question on the board for tomorrow and, if you don't mind, I'll finish and then go." He said, "Go ahead and finish because I didn't come up to rush you out, but wanted to see if you would like to walk around town and see what it's like." He explained they could go up on the bench and look all around. Elva said, "Oh, I would like that very much." He said, "All right, finish writing your question and we'll take a walk." They walked all around the outskirts of town and Elva became acquainted with it for the first time.
Upon returning to the apartment, the girls had finished dinner. They cleaned up the dishes, leaving no food on the table for Elva. She wasn't angry at that because she hadn't been there to help get it. However, she was dead hungry and didn't have anything to eat. She got up to have breakfast the next morning and was starved.
Unknown to Elva, Dave had been engaged for several months. Elva went to buy groceries at the store in the middle of town not far from the Fargee Apartments. She met Dave's younger brother, Mel, who coached the Milford basketball team. He asked to come see her that night. Elva wondered why, since she had been doing things with Dave. Mel said that Friday night Dave was leaving for Ogden to marry a girl he was engaged to. Elva was flabbergasted, but realized perhaps she was too young for Dave. Mel asked her to go out that night. Elva said she had to take the groceries home and fix dinner first. By the time she got things taken care of, Dave had decided not to go. He was downtown, and called Elva from the Drugstore. He asked if he could see her that night. She explained Mel told her Dave was going to Ogden to marry the girl he was engaged to. Elva wondered why Dave was wanted to see her that night, and asked if he hadn't already gone. He said, "No, I didn't go, so may I come up and see you." Elva said, "Well, I guess so." Undoubtedly the girl who Dave was engaged to was very, very upset about his decision.
Elva continued at school. The next weekend Dave asked her to go pine nut hunting just west of Milford. Teachers from the grade school and high school were going. He said, "Did you bring hiking clothes to wear on the pine nut hunt?" Elva didn't bring any and said, "I don't have to go and think it would be better to stay home." Dave said, "You're not staying home," and took her to Clines Toggery, a very exclusive clothing store. He told the sales lady to bring out some hiking pants, a belt, a shirt, and boots to go with them--everything to complete the outfit. The sales lady brought everything Elva needed, and she put them on. Dave said she looked just like a million. Elva said. "I can't afford to buy these things since I don't have my pay yet." He told her, "I didn't bring you here so you could buy anything and want to buy these as a gift for you." Dave paid for everything. The group stayed overnight after gathering a lot of wonderful pine nuts, which were roasted in hot coals. Because the pine nuts were very delicious, yet so expensive to buy, people in that part of the country gathered them every year just west of Milford.
From 1927-28 Elva taught 4th & 5th grades in Milford. From 1928-29 she was hired by Superintendent J. C. Carlisle to teach 4th grade.
David Clinton Heslington marries Elva Jean Stubbs
About two and a half years after Dave's mission, and during Christmas vacation one year and three months after he met Elva, they were sealed in the Salt Lake Temple on Friday morning December 21, 1928 by George F. Richards. Friday evening they had a shower at the home of Alta Clark, assisted by Anna Smoot and Jeanette Scott. Dinner followed. Afterwards they spent the holidays in Provo with relatives and friends. Before their marriage, Dave brought Elva to Salt Lake to meet his Aunts Zetta Johnson and Jane Wright.
From September 6, 1927 to May 24, 1928 Dave earned $80 per month for a total of $720. From September 10, 1928 to May 17, 1929 he earned $85 per month, for a total of $765.
From 1929-33 Elva taught 4th grade in Milford. S. M. Wittwer was Superintendent for some of that time. In June 1932 she was issued a Life Teaching Certificate. They spent the summers of 1932 in Berkeley with the Beecher families and 1933 in San Diego where Dave sold life insurance for Metropolitan. Their friends were the Heatons, Johnsons and Footes. From 1933-34 they lived at Scott Tanner's apartment in Milford. Jean taught school for five years before their dark-eyed, beautiful daughter, Beverly, was born. They were so happy to have her because the doctor told them Elva would never live through another childbirth. In June, 1934 the family went to Provo where Dave and Mel attended summer school at BYU. They lived in a basement apartment at Mrs. Huffs. The summer of 1934, the family went to Coronado, CA. They spent a month with Mel and Alice Heslington, and their family and lived in an apartment.
From 1934-35 the family lived in the Foutz duplex east of Milford High. It was on the same street as the grade school (which is now the site of an LDS Church) and north of the old hospital on the corner. It was near the Hickman house at about 36 North and 100 West. From 1934-1938 Elva substituted in grades 1-9 for various teachers, including Dave's brother Mel. She left Beverly with Grandma Heslington, who Elva loved dearly.
In May, 1935, Elva turned 26. For her birthday, Dave bought her a piano. She started to take lessons, which made her so happy. Getting time to practice, though, was an ordeal. Elva taught Primary and also Relief Society. In time, she was able to finish two beginner's books of piano lessons and began a third book which was much more advanced. She loved the pieces in that book and may still have it to this day. Through the years Elva longed to get back to the piano. However, time passed so fast there was never enough to do many things she wanted to, such as playing the piano. She did insist her children take several years of lessons.
In September, 1935, they moved from the duplex and in September bought their first home in Milford. It was a white Hillary on a hill. In the Spring of 1936, when school closed, they rented the house to Jack Neelys. In Provo they rented Aunt Sarah Ann's basement while Dave attended summer school.
Dave was the best teacher of the Sunday School Adult class that anyone could ever hope to listen to. He was made 1st Counselor in the bishopric, a position which he held until the family left Milford. He was ordained a High Priest on May 2, 1937 by Melvin J. Ballard. He was very busy serving with Alvin H. Baker in the Milford bishopric. He not only gave talks for church and school at conferences throughout the area, but also went all over Southern Utah to referee basketball and football games. In addition to caring for her darling baby, busy husband, and working feverishly in the various church organizations, Jean had gone back to teaching three years before moving to Salt Lake City.
In the summer of 1937, because Dave felt his schooling was limited, Elva stayed home to take care of a great, big yard. She did this for several summers during the next 20 years or so, while Dave went to various universities such as BYU, the U of U, the Agricultural College at Logan, and UC Berkeley, etc. until he finally got his administrator's degree. Although it was a lot of hard work, there were many enjoyable features. However, Dave was afraid he was not much assistance to his bishop as a result of being away all summer. In the summer of 1938, David attended the University of Utah, where he lived in an apartment. LeRoy Coles was the Dean of the school. From September 6, 1938 to May 24, 1937, Dave earned $105 per month.
In May, 1938, they sold their Hillary House to Dwight Lynn. They lived in the Carlton's house with Mel and Alice during the summer. In September, 1938 they moved into George Rodgers home. Elva did substitute teaching for Miss Noble right after the opening of school while she had a contagious disease. In October 1938 she began regular teaching of a combined 3rd and 4th grade class.
In February, 1939, Elva started having allergy troubles. They planned a trip to the World's Fair and left Sunday morning, May 1939, at 4 am. She had a breakdown in Fillmore and spent 3 weeks with Aunt Zetta. They lived in Bill Cowles basement apartment during the summer which Dave attended school at the University of Utah.
In the fall of 1939, they moved into Dave Tanner's home. Elva stayed in Salt Lake for one week at Institute time for treatment under Dr. Pyotl. They spent Christmas with S. Beecher in Brigham. Elva was still ill most of the winter. She spent 2 weeks at LDS Hospital in March and stayed at Chloe's and Edna's after. When school was out in the spring, they lived at Dean Cowles. Mel lived with them and attended summer school.
Dave and Elva spent about 14 years in Milford, Beaver County, Utah where Dave's father, William Firth, and his mother, Sarah Ellen (Nell) Pearce also lived until 1942 when they moved to Provo, where William was first employed at the County Infirmary, and later spent about 10 years at Brigham Young University as a custodian. In 1956, William died in Provo at the age of 79 on Friday, October 12, 1956. He was buried in Provo. He was a quiet type person, tall, handsome and willing to help any person. He lived a clean life, was a hard worker and set a good example for his family to follow. He was survived by his wife, three sons and three daughters, and two grandchildren who they reared - Shirlene Tanner Farr and Richard Tanner.
Sarah Ellen passed away at Provo, January 4, 1970 at the age of 88. A small woman who cast a large shadow, she was a tremendous force in her family of six children. Dynamic, forceful and a great manager, her life was devoted to her husband and family. She was a dear, beautiful and kind woman who was loved and honored and respected by her family and was a tremendous force for the good things in life.
Bill and Nellie, as they were known by everyone, were thrifty, honest and industrious people. They were friendly to all and were loved by many people. The family had a rich heritage they inherited from their parents, and several had important positions in the education field, nursing profession, and important jobs in the industrial field. The children respected and loved their parents who made it possible for them to be successful in various fields. Bill and Nellie made a good home for their family, a home where cleanliness and godliness prevailed. They were born under the covenant and all their children are sealed to them. They embraced the faith and set the example for them to follow.
Heslington Family moves to Salt Lake City
On March 20, 1940, Elva was recovering from an illness at 1637 Princeton Avenue in Salt Lake. In the summer of 1940, shortly before Grandpa and Grandma Heslington moved to Provo, Dave and Elva moved to Salt Lake. This was a step up for Dave since he would be teaching at junior high. In July they purchased a house at 27 Boulevard Gardens in the McKinley Ward, which was the old Farmers Ward. In August they moved in.
In September, 1940, Elva began working extra at the Paris Co. On November 28, 1940 she also began working regularly at Hudson Bay Fur Co. with Fred Provol, manager and C.D. Creel, assistant. Part of the time Dave was in Milford and she didn't want him to know that she left Beverly, who was young.
World affairs in these times were not very bright. The next year, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese declared war in a surprise early morning attack. They dealt a staggering blow to the main base of the U.S. Pacific fleet when 19 ships were disabled or sank, 150 aircraft were destroyed, and there were 2,335 military and 1,200 civilian casualties.
On Sunday morning, May 19, 1942, at 5:30 am Dave and Beverly sent Elva a letter saying, "On this Mother's Day we are more appreciative of you than usual. Maybe our actions don't always show our affection for you, but we do love you and love you, and love you. Always will! We would like you to get some little token that will remind you of us and of out devotion to you. Best wishes to you on this day, and may you really enjoy many, many more of them. As always, Dave & Beverly"
Heslington Family Life and Health during War Time
Dave and Elva joined a study group consisting of ward members that continued meeting for several years. Dave worked as 1st Counselor in the bishopric with Bishop Ray V. Liljenquist. During their sojourn there, Dave developed a heart condition that curtailed his activities. A clot in the brain put him out of action for a month or so. The massive heart attack was so bad that after several weeks of recovery, Dr. Taylor warned him against any physical exertion whatever. To do grocery shopping, or carry a bag of groceries to the car was absolutely forbidden. Being the 1st counselor n the ward bishopric at the time, Dr. Taylor warned that there was to be no strain whatsoever. Thereafter there was a definite limit to what he could, and was permitted to do. His condition was very precarious. As Elva sat in the congregation and watched him sitting up front she observed so many times the ghostly pallor that so often swept over him, causing profuse perspiration, and prayed each time that this would not be the end. He taught at Granite High School in Salt Lake City for 5 months from September 1, 1942 until January 29, 1943 and earned $1,025. He later taught at Cyprus High for a few years.
On September 1, 1942, Elva began teaching 4th grade at the Madison School on State Street in the Granite School District. After teaching 44 pupils the 1st year and 45 pupils the 2nd year, she decided to find an easier way of making money and enrolled in night classes at Henager Stevens Business College for typing, shorthand, and business English from September 1942 until February 1943. Within a few weeks Elva got a job earning a good salary at the head office of the Remington Arms Plant so she dropped the Business Course, which she was enjoying very much, especially the Business English part. Word Studies were a part of that Business English Course that she thought was great.
During war time, the arms plant got materials ready for war. Elva learned she could make twice as much money a day by working there. A lot of other teachers did the same because their salaries were so low. Elva quit teaching the 4th grade at Madison Elementary on January 29, 1943 and started working at the arms plant on February 1, 1943 for a $145 monthly salary, which was raised to $156 in October. She quit working at the arms plant on March 15, 1944 but was paid for 2 extra weeks until it closed on March 29, 1944.
On June 6, 1944, the D-Day invasion occurred. In the first week, 326,000 allied men arrived with 100,000 tons of supplies. Allied forces in Northern France landed in 4,000 ships and 11,000 planes in the largest amphibious operation in history. They hoped to destroy the power of Hitler's Germany and wrest enslaved Europe from the Nazis. After World War II ended, the cold war began in 1948 when the Russians imposed a state of siege on Berlin.
On April 10, 1944 Elva began working as assistant bookkeeper for the Comptroller for the Auerbach Co. The office manager was G. Wayne Clark. Her monthly starting salary was $165 for a 42 hour week, plus 1 ½ overtime pay. July 1st her salary was raised to $175 plus overtime.
As the years went on, Elva longed so much for another baby that it became a great obsession with her. Elva got through a miserable pregnancy with the help and encouragement of Dr. Taylor, whom they met through ward activities upon moving to Salt Lake. He said she had a very small pelvis but with the right diet and exercise he thought he could get her through it all right. On November 4, 1944 Elva quit work at Auerbach when she was five months pregnant. But as the pregnancy progressed food didn't agree with her, and she started swelling terribly. By the beginning of the 8th month, she was so swollen that she could barely get through a door and the pain was unbearable. When Dave called the doctor in the middle of the night and told him she couldn't stand the pain any longer, he met them at the hospital. The nurse strapped Elva's terribly swollen ankles too tight in the stirrups to hold her down while the doctor took the baby, a boy, which was stillborn.
Although the baby died at birth, Elva felt her life was saved mainly through the faith and steadfastness of her marvelous doctor friend. They didn't know until two days afterwards when they got Elva up into a wheelchair, that her right foot was paralyzed and she couldn't walk. The paralyzed leg required constant therapy for over three months, but gradually she was able to walk on it again. She was on crutches for six months. One night after being administered to by a member of their wonderful bishopric she felt a tiny bit of feeling as she desperately tried to wiggle her toes. Her wonderful doctor friend, Dr. Maurice J. Taylor, made a wide elastic contraption that went under her underwear down around her foot and up and over her shoulder. The strong elastic raised her foot with every step so that she no longer stumbled over it. After several months with this help she finally got so that she could walk again.
September 5, 1945, Elva received her Patriarchal Blessing from Joseph A. Cornwall. It contained the counsel to "Be kind, always, loving and true to your husband. Be devoted to his interests. Love the little girl that you have as your daughter, for the time will come when she will look up into your eyes and say, "Mother, I thank you for what you life has meant to me." And this will give you great comfort for there is nothing so comforting as the love of children."
Following World War II, Elva returned to work at Auerbach from January 28 to March 31, 1946 for $175 monthly plus 1½ for overtime. June 28, 1947 to June 18, 1948 she began selling women's garments at Miriam's for 6% commission. During 1947-48 she took an extension course at the University of Utah called Visual Education 205 from instructor Claude Lemmon of the La Fayette School. She earned an A and 5 credit hours to supplement the 91 she had at BYU.
From September 7, 1947 to May 28, 1948 she was a 4th grade teacher at Madison School on 3212 So. State in the Granite School District where David Gourley was Superintendent.
On August 9, 1948 she began working as a saleslady and modeling in the fur and dress department at Makoff, an exclusive women's clothing store where she developed a more affluent and extensive clientele throughout the intermountain area and beyond to Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Nevada and Wyoming. She stopped working there the first time September 30, 1950.
In 1949 the family was living at 1808 Hillcrest, a duplex near Highland High School. Elva's friends were:
- Saressa Baker - 742 Bryan Ave.
- Thurza Strong - 59 Layton Ave.
- Pearl Lilenquist - 1817 S. Main St.
- In July, Dave and Elva were able to stay at 4519 - 58th St in San Diego, CA.
On the world front, General Douglas MacArthur, who commanded U.S. and U.N. troops in the Far East, had cleared out all the "Reds" in South Korea, except for one small northwest fragment by April, 1951. General MacArthur wanted to bomb Red Chinese bases in Manchuria and to release Nationalist Chinese troops from Formosa to fight the "Reds." The Truman administration felt these policies could lead to all-out war with China. Many U.S. allies regarded Europe as the critical area and wanted to concentrate defenses there.
Undaunted by the previous grief and sad experience of loosing a baby six years earlier, Elva went back to Dr. Taylor and told him her life wouldn't be fulfilled until she had the child she so incessantly longed for. Now more than forty years old, Elva told him that if he would okay another pregnancy, she was sure that everything would be all right. He said, "Somehow, I feel that you are right. You have my blessing." Elva had been reading a "Natural Childbirth" book by the Reads, a man and his wife, and knew if she did the prescribed exercises and followed their recommended diet that everything will be all right. He said "By the faith that I feel you have, I think you're right. I will take care of you at the time of delivery." David was born within an hour after the pains started. In fact, they barely made it to the LDS hospital.
Dr. Maurice J. Taylor was the doctor, but Dr. Ed M. Jeppson made the delivery. At the birth of the baby, Elva wouldn't let them give her an anesthetic. She didn't want anything to numb her senses or in any way affect the child. She got through beautifully, with extreme pain, but of short duration. The day that Elva knew she was pregnant she began taking natural childbirth exercises. Her body responded beautifully for David's birth, and no difficulty whatsoever was encountered.
Dave was 51 years old and Elva was 42. After David Craig's birth Dave seemed to gradually make some progress with his health, perhaps because he was so thrilled about having a boy after the sad catastrophe of losing a baby at birth six years before. Two months after his birth, David Craig was blessed by his father in the Roselyn Heights/Crystal Heights Ward on April 15, 1951. He was named for his father and Craig Liljenquist, the son of Ray V. Liljenquist in the McKinley Ward bishopric. Shortly after David was born, the family moved to 2990 South 14th East.
On January 8, 1952, Elva began working at the Utah Hotel Co. part time for 4 days a month for which she received $30 per month. This continued through the first few months of 1953. During her working years, she supplemented her income with Utah Power & Light dividends. On September 13, 1952, Elva began working part-time at Makoff for a 2nd time. She made good money at a wonderful job for a couple of years. In later years, a lot of women first remembered meeting her while waiting on them at Makoff. The store had very beautiful clothes and was the best rated place for women's clothing in Salt Lake. When Beverly was in High School, she asked her mom why she bought clothes from Makoff and her dad bought from Pullman Wholesale Tailors. Elva said, "That's all he could afford."
After the death of Mr. Makoff, a wonderful manager who was very good to Elva, the two boys took over the operations. They didn't know anything about running the store efficiently, which is why Elva quit. The boys had financial difficulties, and the store had to close a short time later. Elva's work lasted until April 15, 1953.
On June 23, 1953, Dave wrote to Beverly who was traveling in Europe. He had started to paint some rooms in the new home, and the closets in all the rooms. The workers were all through in the basement, and had moved all the junk. The outside was a mess, with piles of dirt all around. They were supposed to come and level it off. The garage wasn't finished yet, but the walls were up, the roof was on, but not shingled. They did have a place for the car, so it wouldn't be too long now. They put a few flowers around the edge of the house (on the north rear side). David surely enjoyed the dirt. Dave built him a sand pile by the garage, but he preferred other places that were dirtier. Although the weather was hot, and the house was quite comfortable, it would have been cooler is there were curtains or drapes. Elva hadn't been too well although she was getting a little better and had gone to the doctor. They hadn't had much time to do anything but did go out with the Worthens and the Beechers.
Everything was ok at home. Nothing was new, just work - they never had time for anything else. They never saw so much to do. Still, no lawns were in or drapes up, etc. etc. Most of the ground was level for lawns but they were waiting for a planter box for up front. Lloyd brought up another load of top soil that saved them 14 bucks. That, with what Orlin brought when they moved in, should be enough soil.
They had done a lot downstairs but there was still plenty to do. Beverly's room was nearly finished. Ceilings, walls and cupboards were painted. Doors only needed painting and a few pieces of tile were needed around the edge. Furniture was in and Dave swept things a few times. They wanted to tile the bathroom floor and little hall downstairs. However, the plumber had to come and do a little list of work first. The floor sander had been there to do over both bedrooms. They had him do one at a time while they lived in the other.
July 24, 1953 was programmed as usual with the parade on TV, which they would watch. There was a rodeo each night and musicals at U stadium. They expect to see little or nothing of this and drove down to Provo since they hadn't seen any of the folks there for quite a while. Mother and dad felt quite blue about Dick leaving to go into the Navy the day before.
Uncle Mel had been staying with Grandma and going to school at the "Y" but he had gone home and they didn't get to see him. In fact, they hadn't seen anyone for weeks. Verd and Morrell went to Washington to see Phyllis and after getting home went to Cincinnatti. The clothes people he worked for operated from there. Cerola and Bob came up the other evening and helped move the bedroom furniture down stairs. They said Richard left for the Navy on July 23 and mother and dad felt very badly about it.
The weather was still extremely hot - in the 90's every day. They did have a little rain a week or 10 days ago but they could sure use some now. The Beechers were still away - but they didn't think they would stay much longer. Dave went over to their place to water a couple of times a week. They got one card from them in Cuba and they were leaving for Yucatan.
Mr. Nielsen, who had the big estate north of them, was a member of the bishopric and came over to visit. David was a card and thought he had to put on a show when someone came. He had a boy (David) about the same age, and they would probably have to pass them back and forth over the fence.
Elva hadn't yet written a long letter to Beverly but she was able to write while at the Paris Beauty Salon under the dryer. She hoped to get out of there soon and go home. She felt like fainting several times and couldn't understand why it was taking her so long to get back on her feet. Pearl Liljenquist asked them to go to Bear Lake over the weekend. Elva though she was going to hate this permanent more than Beverly hated the one Elva got her and she had to pay $10 more. After having straight hair for 3 years, the permanent was a radical change and it was just as Elva feared, the curliest thing she'd ever seen.
On August 10, 1953 Beverly was returning home by ship. They received a letter from her in London and a couple of cards from Paris. The summer had gone and Dave felt they had accomplished so little. They had a back lawn, also a small piece in front. They were waiting for the flower box before finishing. The lawn wasn't so hot - they had one rain when it was first planted and some seed was washed out. Dogs (average about one per family) made the front lawn look like a buffalo's corral. Elva had the front window curtain finished. Maybe by Christmas they would get things done. They wanted to get the bathrooms down stairs painted and floors covered as soon as possible.
It was still quite hot. They had a few small storms, and lots of clouds, but hoped it wouldn't rain too hard until lawn was up better. The nights were getting nice and cool.
It wouldn't be long before school started. It was expected to begin the last of August or the first part of September. Educational leaders and others were still trying to persuade Governor Lee to call a special session of the legislature to straighten out affairs. He hadn't seen the light as yet. He wanted school to start first so he can show that he's still boss. Elva called the U for Beverly's application blank and would try and find out about classes from Dr. Phillips who was out of town but had returned.
The Beechers got back from their vacation. They visited Cuba, Yucatan, Guatemala, Old Mexico, etc. They'd been home over a week and all were going to ride to Saltair in the morning for a couple of hours. They wanted David to take the train out to the lake. They got him a little trike. He practically lived on it and visited all the neighbors.
Elva wrote Beverly that it didn't seem possible the summer was all over and she'd soon be back home again. She was so glad Beverly was able to have a wonderful trip and hoped she felt she got her money's worth. Jerry Theobald called to invite her to club. Pearl Liljenquist called and was so happy about getting a card from her. She said Val was definitely going next year. Several boys called right after she left - didn't tell her their names. Elva hoped when school started Beverly could forget all the former ones anyway and make new friends.
Dave helped Mr. Friedman build his garage when Mr. Freedman needed someone to hold boards, tar paper, etc. They had really been having some thunder and lightning storms the past week. Since hearing the little neighbor girl talk about being scared David is really becoming frightened.
They really liked their house and hoped Beverly would enjoy her quarters downstairs. They had to get busy again or they wouldn't have the bath and hall done before school started. None of the teachers had any contracts yet, thanks to "despicable" Gov. Lee. Cerola called and was very thrilled to get Beverly's card. Aunt Verd had been in the hospital about 2 weeks and would be there perhaps another week. She had a tumor removed from her rectum and base of spine. It was quite serious but she was doing ok.
Heslington Family Life in the Fifties
Because teacher's salaries were raised to a reasonable level following the war, Elva started teaching 2nd grade at Dilworth Elementary after they had moved to a new house at 2179 Blaine Avenue. This began on September 22, 1953 and lasted to November 30, 1955. Wayne, Merle, and Dallas Beckstead, who lived just west of 2100 East, babysat David Craig until he was old enough to go the nursery school south of Dilworth Elementary.
On June 2, 1955 she received a note from Phyllis Everhard and her son Stephen who "both want to tell you how very much we appreciate you for the wonderful teacher you have been to him. You have been so understanding and sympathetic with him and we will always love you for it. Kindest personal regards always."
Lynn Hales was the principal in March of 1955. When she went to Mr. Hales to tell him she decided to quit teaching after finding a job that would pay much more money and was much more interesting, he about had a fit. He said, "Why would you, of all people, quit your job teaching when you do such a wonderful job." He went on, "I don't have a teacher in this school that teaches as effectively and has as good a discipline." Elva told him the reason she was quitting was because she could make twice as much money. She didn't like to do the hard work that teaching was, and just make half as much money as she could elsewhere. Elva said, "Well I'm sorry, but I think you can find another teacher." Mr. Hales said, "Yes we can find another teacher, but what a sorry lot we have to deal with at times when we do find them." Elva quit because everyone's salaries were printed and she was making less than a new teacher earning $300 a month.
Elva left Dilworth and got a job selling clothes at Jedwins, an exclusive women's clothing manufacturer on Washington Boulevard in Ogden where she earned $1,000 a month. She worked there until 1958. She could make twice as much money there as she could teaching school.
Elva always kept meticulous records of her earnings on the back of envelopes so she could pay tithing. In addition she tracked the mileage on the Plymouth and Oldsmobile and business related expenses, including David's child care. At work, Elva picked up the styles she wanted and went around visiting women and older teenage girls to sell them clothing. It was a fun job because she could model clothing and pretty sweaters, and have a pleasant and valuable experience selling clothes. On December 1, 1955 she began selling for the Family Record Plan in Los Angeles which continued until 1959, when she also began selling Nutri Bio and protein supplements until 1960.
About this time, Elva was employed as an Interior Decorator for an exclusive Furniture Store, Robert Morris Furniture. Before asking for this job as a sales representative in the fall of 1959, Elva read and studied several of the best books on interior decorating, interspersed with Interior Decorating courses, for the prior 10 years. She then met Robert Morris, the nephew of a very wealthy woman who opened and furnished a beautiful furniture and interior decorating store at a wonderful location on 20th East by 27th South. It was near wealthy clientele on the east bench. Rob had trouble getting anybody qualified to work at his store. When Elva said she thought she would be a good interior decorator, he said, "You're hired." She enjoyed this fun job and did very well with him. While there, Elva also met many of the women she lived by in her later life. She also learned extensively about the business side of the operation, especially about how not to run a business
While Elva was working at Robert Morris, the family did its grocery shopping at a store on the opposite corner. Dave took David to get his haircuts at a barbershop there. Later Elva started worked at Distinctive Decorating and Draperies on 2100 South. On February 1, 1962, Elva opened her own store, Jean's Interiors.
David Clinton Heslington's Failing Health and Death
Around 1963, the Heslingtons left their house on 2179 Blaine Avenue and ultimately moved to 2220 Belaire Drive. David never saw his mother work so hard as when they had a deadline to be out of the house. She looked like she was about to have a heart attack from exhaustion. David couldn't remember his father helping much because of his health, but they finally vacated the premises. They spent a short time before their house was done in the Scenic Motel at 1345 Foothill Drive. This move meant a change from the Monument Park 10th Ward in the Monument Park West Stake to the llth Ward in the Monument Park Stake. George L. Nelson was the stake president, and had a noted 2nd counselor, Royden Derrick. David had graduated from Dilworth Elementary School and was attending Hillside Junior High School. The ward was divided shortly after they moved to Belaire Drive, and they became members of the l4th Ward.
Dave first taught high school at Granite High in Salt Lake City, and then at Cyprus High, near Magna, Utah. He took David to basketball games with him. In the late 50's, Dave later transferred to Olympus High School where he taught U.S. History. He was involved in orientation and was a sponsor for Key Club and Men's Association. Shortly after Dave began teaching at Olympus High School, he had a very serious heart attack and the future looked dismal, indeed. Through sheer perseverance he kept on teaching, and two years before his death was presented "The outstanding Teacher of the Year" award and a $50 Savings Bond from the Daughters of the American Revolution. He took David to football and basketball games. Dave liked sports very much. He played, coached and refereed much of his life until heart attacks, brought on by rheumatic fever when he was a child, limited his activity. Dave was, on occasion, able to go on fishing and camping trips.
Around 1965, Dave had a stroke and his health was failing. Elva had the dual responsibility of managing the home and being the chief breadwinner. Dave undoubtedly felt sad about not being able to share in family responsibilities. His normally good disposition was adversely affected by his many illnesses.
About 2 weeks before Christmas, on December 9, 1965, David Clinton Heslington died. Elva was left alone to support her family, and she was forced to work many long hours and days with all her strength, which helped fill the very lonely hours after her lifelong companion was gone. Although her work address at 1330 South 21st East remained the same during the 1960's, the name of Jean's Decorating and Drapery changed to Jean's Interiors, which advertised having "Everything for the Home."
When David turned sixteen, Elva so often wished that his father were there to aid in directing an ambitious and headstrong young man in the correct direction. He spent many hours working with Jean at her decorating store and she often felt guilty while David was helping her at the store when he should have been studying. As David became older, his role in the business increased and during his years at Highland High School, until his graduation in 1969, work became the principal activity of his later teenage years.
Although Elva loved to read when she had spare time, which wasn't often, by October, 1968 she was reading dance books and taking lessons from the Tony DeCarlo Studio. On October 24, 1970 Elva received a Full Bronze Qualified Medal at a Medal Presentation Ball. She also encouraged David to take lessons, which he reluctantly did for a little while. The thing of most value from David's association with Tony DeCarlo Studio was an old abandoned Renault which was left in the parking lot. Tony allowed David to have it and he finally got it running, which served to get him to the U of U.
When David left on a mission to Northern Mexico in January, 1971, Elva rented out one of the levels of her house to get some additional income. Unknown to David, Elva apparently had some serious health problems during his mission. December 31, 1972 David returned to Salt Lake City on the Western Airlines New Year's Eve Champagne Flight.
Linda Neilson and George Nelson join the family
In the latter part of 1973, David met Linda Karen Neilson, who he married on June 1, 1974. On March 20, 1975, Elva married George L. Nelson, a prominent attorney for 60 years, President of Monument Park Stake for 18 years and Patriarch for 7 years. Because he wanted her to live in his condominium, attend social functions and travel with him, she was able to end the hard work load Elva had to carry as a single woman, although she had to give up something she loved and needed more than anyone knew -- her business. When Elva sold her house, it was possible for David and Linda to get a loan for an April, 1976 down payment on their first home at 2401 Baltusrol Drive in Alhambra, California. All but the oldest of their 6 daughters, were born in nearby Pasadena.
September 22, 1998 George Leonard Nelson died in Salt Lake City, Utah. His services were at the Mount Olympus Firth Ward. Presidents Gordon B. Hinckley and Thomas S. Monson spoke. He was interred in Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park, Gilcrest Section.
On March 10, 2002 Elva (Jean) Stubbs Heslington Nelson died in Salt Lake City, Utah following complications of pneumonia. She had been receiving alzheimers care at the home of Fleurette and Gary Petersen in Salt Lake. Jean taught school, was a saleswoman, and owned a successful decorating business that she truly loved, Jean's Interiors. Her family memorial services were held at the Larkin Sunset Gardens in Sandy, Utah.
Linda's Links to the Mayflower and American Revolution
Augustus Oliver Artemis Stowell Ancestors
Augustus Oliver Artimus studied law and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on May 11, 1808 by the Honorable James Kent, the Chief Justice. At the time he lived in the town of Solon, Oneida County, State of New York. On his certificate it correctly contains his first three given names, but his surname was spelled, "Stoel." In 1808 he married Hulda Warren. They were the parents of 4 children: Eliza (1810), Marie Louise (1813), George Washington (1815) and Daniel (1817). He also practiced law when he moved his family to Westfield, Chatauque County, New York. In addition to practicing law, he became a thrifty and prosperous farmer, with houses, barns, fine stock, orchards and all the conveniences and comforts of a wealthy farmer. In 1819 his wife Hulda died. Augustus was married March 2, 1820, to Mary Stephens Holmes in Westfield, Chautauqua, New York. They were the parents of nine children and later divorced. Augustus Oliver Artimus Stowell died on August 30, 1869 in Westfield, Chautauqua, New York.
Holmes Family
Augustus was married March 2, 1820, to Mary Stephens Holmes in Westfield, Chautauqua, New York. They were the parents of nine children and later divorced. Mary Stephens Holmes was born September 15, 1798 in Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts.
Mary Stephens Holmes' parents were born, married and died in the same area. Mary's father, James Holmes, was born about 1781. Mary's mother, Milly Rawson, was born on December 19, 1775, and she married James Holmes on June 30, 1796. Milly, was the daughter of Josiah Rawson and Hannah Bass.
James Holmes' father was also named James and was born about 1742 in Berwick, York County, Maine. His wife, Mary, was born about the same time. Samuel Holmes was James' father, and was born February 12, 1702 in Kittery, York, Maine. He was married December 14, 1727 to Mary Pevey. She was born about 1704 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to William Pevy who was born in Rockingham, New Hampshire about 1689 and married his wife, Sarah, in the same city. Sarah was also born there about 1693. Samuel died in Scarboro, Cumberland, Maine. His parents were John Holmes who was born December 18, 1673, and married Mary Abbott, who was born about 1680. Mary's father was from England, and was born about 1649. John's father was Thomas Holmes who was also born in England about 1647, and married Joanna J Freathy (Freythe) who was born about 1649 in England. Thomas died in Berwick, York, Maine.
Rawson Family
Josiah Rawson was born on January 31, 1727 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts. Hannah Bass was born on March 12, 1732 in the same town. They were married there on August 28, 1750. Josiah Rawson died on February 24, 1812 in Warwick, Franklin, Mass. Hannah Bass died on August 28, 1750.
Josiah Rawson's father was David Rawson, who was born on December 13, 1683 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. His mother, Mary Gulliver, was born on January 27, 1688 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. They were married on November 18, 1710 in Dorchester, Mass. David died April 20, 1752. Mary died after 1752. Mary's mother was Mary Robernson, who was born about 1652 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass. She died February 16, 1703 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. Her husband, Captain Jonathan Gulliver was born October 27, 1659 in the same town. They were married there on January 17, 1686. He died in the same town on July 3, 1737. Jonathan's father was Anthony Gulliver, who was born about 1619 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass. His wife, Eleanor Kinsley, was born February 16, 1703 in the same town. Anthony died November 28, 1706 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. Eleanor died January 10, 1691.
David Rawson's father, William, was born May 21, 1651 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. to Edward Rawson and Rachel Perne. Edward was born April 16, 1615 in Gillingham, Dorset, England. Rachel was born about 1619 in the same town. They were married in England between 1635-1636. Edward died August 27, 1693 in Gillingham, Dorset, England. Rachel died October 11, 1677 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. David's mother, Ann Glover, was born between 1655-56 in Dorchester, Massachusetts . They were married July 31, 1673 in Braintree, Norfolk, Mass. William died September 20, 1726 in Braintree, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Ann died July 29, 1730 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Ann's father, Nathaniel Glover, was born March 30, 1631 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. His wife, Mary Smith, was born on July 20, 1630 in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, Lancaster, England. Nathaniel died May 21, 1657 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Mary died on July 29, 1703 in Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Bass Family
Milly Rawson, was born on December 19, 1775, and married James Holmes on June 30, 1796. Milly, was the daughter of Josiah Rawson and Hannah Bass, who was born on March 12, 1732 in 1727 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts. She married Josiah Rawson on August 28, 1750. Hannah Bass died on August 28, 1750.
Hannah Bass' father, John, was born June 8, 1688 in Braintree, Norfolk, Mass. Her mother, Hannah Neale was born there on March 15, 1692. They were married in the same town on June 21, 1716. John died September 30, 1724. Hannah Neale died May 15, 1761 in Braintree, where her parents were born and married. Hannah's father, Benjamin Neale, was born March 7, 1669 to Henry Neale and Hannah Pray. Henry was born about 1617 in Castle, Fennington, Leicester, England. Hannah Pray was born about 1623 in Kittery, York, Maine. They were married February 14, 1655-66 in Braintree, where they both died. Henry's recorded death is October 16, 1688.
Hannah Bass' mother Lydia Payne, was born July 20, 1670 to Stephen Paine and Hannah Bass. Stephen was born May 7, 1626 in Tenterden, Kent, England. His wife, Hannah, was born November 25, 1632 in Saffron Walden, Essex, England. They were married November 15, 1651 in Roxbury, Norfolk, Mass. Both died in Braintree - Stephen on July 29, 1691, and Hannah about 1696.
John Bass's father was also named John and known as John Bass Jr. He was born November 26, 1658 in Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. He married Abagail Adams, who was born February 27, 1658 in the same town. Their child was John Bass (1688-1762)*relationship calculated. They both died there - Abigail on October 21 or 26, 1696 and John on September 30, 1724. Both were buried in the Hancock Cemetery in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. This was the Burial Ground for the Town of Braintree, incorporated in 1640, and was the only burial place until 1716. Thereafter, it was the burial ground for the North Precinct and then the Town of Quincy until the 1840s
John Bass Jr's father was Captain John Bass (1630-1716) who was born and baptized September 18, 1630 at Saffron Walden, County Essex, England, the son of Samuel Bass (1600-1694) and Ann Saville Bass (1601-1693). His mother was Ruth Alden Bass (1634/5/7-1674) who married John on February 3, 1657, when she was 22/ 23 and he was 24 years of age. They had eight children together - John Bass Jr. (1658-1724)*, Samuel Bass (1660-1751)*, Ruth Bass Webb (TBD)*, Joseph Bass (TBD)*, Hannah Bass Adams (1667-1705)*, Mary Bass Webb Copeland Spear (1669-1725)*, Sarah Bass Thayer (1672-1751)* and Philip Bass (TBD)*. United States Presidents - 2nd - John Adams (1797-1801) and 6th - John Quincy Adams (1825-1829) are two of their descendants. Ruth died when she was about 40 years of age... *relationship calculated. Captain John was married again on September 21,1675 to Anne, the widow of Samuel Sturtevant. He had no children by that marriage. He died on September 12, 1716 in Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
Captain John Bass' parents, Samuel Bass (1600-1694) and Ann Saville Bass (1601-1693) had these children: Samuel Bass (1626-TBD)*, Mary Bass Capen (1628-1704)*, John Bass (1630-1716), Ann/Hannah Bass Paine Wilbore (1632-TBD)*, Thomas Bass (1635-1720)*, Ruth Bass Walsbee (1637-TBD)*, Joseph Bass (1639-TBD)*, Sarah Bass Stone Penniman (1643-TBD)*, Ruth Bass Webb (1662-1699)*
Adams Family
Abigail Adams was born February 27, 1658 in Braintree, Norfolk County, Massachusetts. She married John Bass Jr. Their child was John Bass (1688-1762)*relationship calculated. They both died there - Abigail on October 21 or 26, 1696 and John on September 30, 1724. Both were buried in the Hancock Cemetery in Quincy, Norfolk County, Massachusetts.
Abigail Adam's father was Capt. Joseph Adams Sr., who was born in Kingweston, South Somerset District, Somerset, England on February 9, 1625/6. Joseph was a maltster. Abigail Adam's mother was Abigail Baxter, who was born March/Sept 28, 1634 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts . They were married November 26, 1650 in Braintree. Joseph became a freeman in 1653 and a selectman in 1673. Their children were Hannah Adams Savil (1652-1726)*, Joseph G. Adams (1654-1736)*, Abigail Adams Bass (1658-1696)*, John Adams (1661-1702)*, Mary Adams Bass (1667-1706)**, Peter Adams (1669-1747)* and Mehitable Adams White (1673-1713)* relationship calculated, **half-sibling. Both parents died in Braintree and were buried in in Hancock Cemetery, Quincy, Norfolk Country, Massachusetts - Abigail at age 58 on August 27, 1692 and Joseph on Monday, December 6, 1694 at age 68 years, 9 months and 27 days. Joseph left a will on July 18, 1594 and it was proved on January 10, 1695. Abigail Adams inscription reads: Here Lyeth Buried ye Body of Abigail Adams Wife to Joseph Adams Sen Died August y 27 1692. Joseph's original inscription: Here Lyeth Buried ye Body of Joseph Adams Senior Aged 68 years Died December ye 6 1694. An 1817 gravestone inscription reads: To the memory of Joseph Adams, senior who died December 6, 1694, aged, 68 And to his wife whose first name was Baxter who died Aug. 27, 1692, aged 58. This tomb Erected by a great grandson in 1817.
Abigail Baxter's parents were Gregory Baxter (1607-1659) and Margaret Paddy (TBD-1661). Their children were Abigail Baxter Adams (1634-1692) and John Baxter (1639-1719)* calculated relationship.
Joseph's parents were Henry Adams (1583-1646) and Edith Squire Fussell (1587-1672). Joseph was mentioned in the well of Henry. Their children were: Henry Adams (1609-1676)*, Thomas Adams (1612-1688)*, Jonathan Adams (1614-1690)**, Samuel Adams (1617-1689)*, Ursula Adams Streeter Hosier Robinson Crafts (1619-1679)*, John Adams (1626-1694)*, Mary Adams Fairbanks (1625-1711)*, Joseph Adams (1626-1694), Edward Adams (1629-1716)* calculated relationship ** half-sibling
Alden Family
Ruth Alden Bass was born in 1637 in Plymouth, Plymouth County. Massachusetts, USA. She died October 12, 16o came to America on the Mayflower in the year 1620. Ruth was a second generation Mayflower descendant. Her parents married in Plymouth, Mass. in 1622 or 1623 and it was the first European-American wedding to take place. They are buried in the small town of South Duxbury that is north of Plymouth, at an old pioneer cemetery called Miles Standish Burial Ground. It is located south of where they settled in the town of Duxbury, on their 169 acre farm.
Ruth Alden Bass (1637-1674) was the younger sister of Elizabeth Alden Pabodie (1624-1717), John Alden (1626-1702), Sarah Alden Standish (1627-1688), Joseph Alden (1627-1697), and Jonathan Alden (1632-1697) and the older sister of Priscilla Alden (TBD), Mary Alden (1638-1688), David Alden (1646-1719) and Rebecca Alden Delano (1649-1688). All relationships are calculated.
Stowell Family
The earliest Stowell we have record of is John Stowell, who was born in 1520 in Bath Abbey, Somerset, England. He married in 1548, but his wife's name is unknown. No other information is known about them other than they had a son, James Stowell, who was born in 1549. James married in 1574. Her name is also unknown, but her birth was in 1553. James died in England June 6, 1587. They had 6 children. Their fourth child was Samuel Stowell born January 5, 1581 in Resmeen, England. At some point he married, but the date and his wife's name is unknown. Samuel died in December 1628, and was buried in Chudleigh, Devon, England. They had a child who they also named Samuel. He was born in1625 in Hingham, Norfolk, England.
Samuel married Mary Farrow October 25, 1649. She was born 22 Sept. 1633 in the same area. Mary's father, John Farrow was born about 1590. Mary's mother, Frances Carpenter, was born about 1612. John and Frances were married in the same area about 1632. Both died in Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, with John first on July 7, 1687, and Frances on January 28, 1688.
Young Samuel, a blacksmith, his wife Mary, and her parents immigrated to Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts (named after their city in England). Here they had their 11 children. Their fourth son, David was born on April 8, 1660. Samuel died on November 9, 1683. Mary Farrow died on October 24, 1708.
On April 7, 1692, David Stowell, a weaver, married his second wife, Mary Stedman, in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Mary was born on April 7, 1667 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Her father, Nathaniel Stedman, was born in Biddenden, Kent, England, on September 9, 1632 to Isaac Stedman and Elizabeth. Isaac was born April 21 1605 in Biddenden, Kent, England and Elizabeth was born about 1609. Isaac and Elizabeth had 7 children. The first 3, including Nathaniel, were born in England. The family moved to Massachusetts around 1636 where their remaining 4 children were born. Nathaniel married Temperance Wills (Willis/Wells) in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts on 13 Jan. 1967. Temperance was born between 1628-1636 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, where her parents, Michael and Mildred, were also born. Nathaniel died in November, 1678 at Muddy River, Essex, Mass. His father, Isaac, died on December 19, 1678 in Boston, Suffock, Mass, where his mother Elizabeth also died. Temperance died after 1678 in Newton, Middlesex, Mass.
David and Mary had 8 children. Their 5th child, and 4th son, was Nathaniel Stowell. He was born about 1703 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts, and was baptized on November 20, 1709. He was a successful farmer. Nathaniel was married in the town of his birth on October 22, 1731 to Margaret Trowbridge, who was also born there on October 29, 1709.
Margaret's parents were James Trowbridge and Hannah Bacon. They were born and married in Newton, Middlesex, Mass. Hannah's father, Daniel Bacon, was born about 1654, and her mother, Mary Reed, was born about 1658. They were married about 1685. There are no actual death dates for the parents, but we know Hannah died about 1711 in Newton.
James Trowbridge's father was also named James. He was the son of Thomas Trowbridge, who was born February 8, 1598 in Taunton, Somerset, England. Thomas' wife was Elizabeth Marshall, who was born March 24, 1603 in St. Mary Arches, Exeter, Devonshire, England. Thomas and Elizabeth were married on March 26, 1627 in Exeter, Devonshire, England. They had 5 children. The first four children were born in England and their fifth son, James, was born about 1636 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Elizabeth died between 1640-41 in New Haven, Connecticut. Thomas died on February 7, 1672 in back in Taunton, England. On January 30, 1674, James married Margaret Jackson. She was born on January 1, 1633 to Edward Jackson and Frances, both of Stepney, London, England, who were officially married April 19, 1671 in London, England. Edward was born of February 3, 1604. Frances was born about 1607. They both died in Cambridge (Newton), Middlesex, Mass. - Edward, on June 17, 1681, and Frances on October 5, 1684. Their daughter, Margaret, died on September 16, 1727, in the same place as did her husband, James, on May 22, 1717, and their son, James, on May 21, 1714.
Oliver Stowell
Nathaniel Stowell and Margaret Trowbridge had 9 children. Their 6th child, Oliver was born December 7, 1744 in Pomfret, Windham County, Connecticut. Oliver's parents died in the same town - Nathaniel on March 11, 1757, and Margaret on November 3, 1794. Oliver served in the war of independence from Great Britain and was a professional physician. Oliver Stowell married Abigail Strickland, January 30, 1778. She was born August 16, 1757 and died August 18, 1836 in New London, Connecticut. Oliver Stowell died 20 July, 1836 in Abington, Windham, Connecticut.
Abigail Strickland was born on August 16, 1757 to Jonathan Strickland and Joanna Hibbard in New London, Conn, where the Stricklands and Hibbards were born, married and died. Joanna Hibbard was born about 1733 to Joseph Hibbard and his wife, who were married about 1732. Joseph Hibbard was born about 1701, and his wife was born about 1705. Jonathan Strickland was born about 1729 to Samuel Strickland and Elizabeth Williams, who were married October 31, 1754. Elizabeth Williams was born about 1692 in New London to Thomas Williams and his wife, Joanna, who was born in the same area between 1650-1654, and died on September 28, 1744. Thomas' father was also named Thomas, and was born about 1629 in Rocky Hill, Hartford, Conn. His wife, Rebecca, was born in the same area about 1632. The older Thomas died February 5, 1692 in Wethersfield, Hartford, Conn., and the younger Thomas died September 24, 1705 in New London.
Samuel was the son of Peter Strickland, who was born about 1646. Peter was married about 1674 to Elizabeth Comstock, who was born April 9, 1671. Elizabeth's parents were Daniel Comstock, who was born on July 21, 1630, and married in Lynn, Essex, Mass. about 1653 to Palthiah Elderkin, who was born between 1632-1645 in Norwich, New London, Connecticut. Daniel died about 1636 in New London, and Palthiah died on February 21, 1713 somewhere in Connecticut. Elizabeth Comstock died on May 9, 1734 in New London. Her husband, Peter Strickland, died in the same place after February 7, 1718-1719.
Oliver Stowell and Abigail Strickland had five children, of whom Augustus Oliver Artimus was the 3rd child and 2nd son. He was born on June 4, 1783 in Stafford, Tolland, Conn.
Augustus Oliver Artemis Stowell
Augustus Oliver Artimus studied law and was admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the State of New York on May 11, 1808 by the Honorable James Kent, the Chief Justice. At the time he lived in the town of Solon, Oneida County, State of New York. On his certificate it correctly contains his first three given names, but his surname was spelled, "Stoel." In 1808 he married Hulda Warren. They were the parents of 4 children: Eliza (1810), Marie Louise (1813), George Washington (1815) and Daniel (1817). He also practiced law when he moved his family to Westfield, Chatauque County, New York. In addition to practicing law, he became a thrifty and prosperous farmer, with houses, barns, fine stock, orchards and all the conveniences and comforts of a wealthy farmer. In 1819 his wife Hulda died. He was married March 2, 1820, to Mary Stephens Holmes in Westfield, Chautauqua, New York. They were the parents of nine children and later divorced.
Mary Stephens Holmes was born September 15, 1797 in Warwick, Franklin County, Massachusetts. Her parents were born, married and died in the same area. Mary's father, James Holmes, was born about 1781. His wife, Milly Rawson, was born on December 19, 1775, and they were married on June 30, 1796. James' father was also named James and was born about 1742 in Berwick, York County, Maine. His wife, Mary, was born about the same time. Samuel Holmes was James' father, and was born February 12, 1702 in Kittery, York, Maine. He was married December 14, 1727 to Mary Pevey. She was born about 1704 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to William Pevy who was born in Rockingham, New Hampshire about 1689 and married his wife, Sarah, in the same city. Sarah was also born there about 1693. Samuel died in Scarboro, Cumberland, Maine. His parents were John Holmes who was born December 18, 1673, and married Mary Abbott, who was born about 1680. Mary's father was from England, and was born about 1649. John's father was Thomas Holmes who was also born in England about 1647, and married Joanna J Freathy (Freythe) who was born about 1649 in England. Thomas died in Berwick, York, Maine.
Mary Stephens Holmes mother, Milly, was the daughter of Josiah Rawson and Hannah Bass. Josiah was born on January 31, 1727 in Braintree, Norfolk, Massachusetts. Hannah was born on March 12, 1732 in the same town. They were married there on August 28, 1750. Josiah died on February 24, 1812 in Warwick, Franklin, Mass. Hannah died on August 28, 1750. Josiah's father was David Rawson, who was born on December 13, 1683 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. His mother, Mary Gulliver, was born on January 27, 1688 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. They were married on November 18, 1710 in Dorchester, Mass. David died April 20, 1752. Mary died after 1752. Mary's mother was Mary Robernson, who was born about 1652 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass. She died February 16, 1703 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. Her husband, Captain Jonathan Gulliver was born October 27, 1659 in the same town. They were married there on January 17, 1686. He died in the same town on July 3, 1737. Jonathan's father was Anthony Gulliver, who was born about 1619 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass. His wife, Eleanor Kinsley, was born February 16, 1703 in the same town. Anthony died November 28, 1706 in Milton, Norfolk, Mass. Eleanor died January 10, 1691.
David Rawson's father, William, was born May 21, 1651 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. to Edward Rawson and Rachel Perne. Edward was born April 16, 1615 in Gillingham, Dorset, England. Rachel was born about 1619 in the same town. They were married in England between 1635-1636. Edward died August 27, 1693 in Gillingham, Dorset, England. Rachel died October 11, 1677 in Boston, Suffolk, Mass. David's mother, Ann Glover, was born between 1655-56 in Dorchester, Massachusetts . They were married July 31, 1673 in Braintree, Norfolk, Mass. William died September 20, 1726 in Braintree, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Ann died July 29, 1730 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Ann's father, Nathaniel Glover, was born March 30, 1631 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. His wife, Mary Smith, was born on July 20, 1630 in Toxteth Park, Liverpool, Lancaster, England. Nathaniel died May 21, 1657 in Dorchester, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Mary died on July 29, 1703 in Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Hannah Bass' father, John, was born June 8, 1688 in Braintree, Norfolk, Mass. Her mother, Hannah Neale was born there on March 15, 1692. They were married in the same town on June 21, 1716. John died September 30, 1724. Hannah Neale died May 15, 1761 in Braintree, where her parents were born and married. Her father, Benjamin Neale, was born March 7, 1669 to Henry Neale and Hannah Pray. Henry was born about 1617 in Castle, Fennington, Leicester, England. Hannah was born about 1623 in Kittery, York, Maine. They were married February 14, 1655-66 in Braintree, where they both died. Henry's recorded death is October 16, 1688. Hannah Bass' mother Lydia Payne, was born July 20, 1670 to Stephen Paine and Hannah Bass. Stephen was born May 7, 1626 in Tenterden, Kent, England. His wife Hannah, was born November 25, 1632 in Saffron Walden, Essex, England. They were married November 15, 1651 in Roxbury, Norfolk, Mass. Both died in Braintree - Stephen on July 29, 1691, and Hannah about 1696.
John Bass's father was also named John. He was born November 26, 1658 in Braintree. He married Abagail Adams, who was born February 27, 1658 in the same town. They both died there - John on September 30, 1724, and Abagail on October 21, 1696. Abagail's parents were Joseph Adams, who was born in Kings Weston, Somerset, England on February 9, 1626, and Abigail Baxter, who was born March 28, 1634 in Roxbury, Suffolk, Mass. They were married November 26, 1650 in Braintree, where they both died - Joseph on December 6, 1694 and Abigail on August 27, 1672. Augustus Oliver Artimus Stowell died on August 30,1869 in Westfield, Chautauqua, New York.
William Rufus Rogers Stowell

William Rufus Rogers Stowell
William Rufus Rogers Stowell was born in the town of Solon, Oneida County, New York, September 23, 1822. He was the second of nine children from Oliver's second wife, Mary Stephen Holmes. In August 1825 the family moved to the town of Westfield, Chautauqua County, New York. It was a heavily wooded country requiring great labor to clear the ground for cultivation. His father, Oliver, at first purchased about one hundred acres of land and subsequently bought additions until his farm comprised two hundred and sixty acres.
The improvements on his first purchase consisted of three acres of cleared land and shanty, constructed of small poles, 14 feet square. Oliver was not satisfied with scanty conveniences and he soon built a more comfortable house, but lumber was scarce and it became necessary to remedy this by building a saw mill before making extensive improvements. He took with him a blooded Stallion of Droc Breed and a good Jack, the former he later sold for $900.00. He bred considerable fine stock for the market and disposed of it at good prices. He was so thrifty and prosperous that in a few years he possessed a good farm with houses, barns, orchards and the conveniences and comforts of a wealthy farmer of that time. William Rufus Rogers labored diligently during his childhood and youth to assist his father in gathering wealth and comfort. When about six years old his leg was accidently broken; but in a few weeks nature repaired the accident.
While yet in his childhood very important events were transpiring which molded his life and transformed his destiny. That event was the restoration of the Gospel to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith and the translation of the record of the ancient inhabitants of the American Continents known as the Book of Mormon. On April 6, 1830 in Fayette, Seneca County, New York, he organized the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Within a year a large group of the Church was established in Kirtland, Ohio and it became a gathering place for the Saints. Elders were also sent to Missouri, preaching by the way. This indicated that still further to the West than Kirtland was another gathering place of the Church. July 23, 1833 the corner stone of the first temple was laid in Kirtland. In the meantime persecution began to rage in Missouri and in November of this year the Saints were driven from Jackson County by a mob.
In February 1833, Dan, the half brother of William Rufus Rogers, and five years his senior, accompanied his father with a load of hay to the village of Westfield where it was disposed of. On their return home they overtook a Mrs. Brewster who was walking. She requested the privilege of riding on one of the sleds. As she seated herself Mr. Stowell remarked, "It is a very cold day." "Yes" replied Mrs. Brewster, "It is very cold, but five persons have been baptized today." Mr. Stowell queried, "Of what denomination?" She replied, "Mormons." With some surprise Mr. Stowell remarked that he had never before heard of such a people. Mrs. Brewster informed him that they were a new sect of religionists; and that they would hold a meeting that evening to attend which she was then on her way. She also extended an invitation to him to attend the meeting. He accepted while his son, Dan, took the teams home and informed the family that his father had remained behind to attend a Mormon meeting. The following day the father arrived home about 11:00 am accompanied by a Mr. Higbee, who came to Mr. Stowell's saw-mill for a load of lumber. Mr. Stowell brought home a copy of the Book of Mormon, which he had obtained of John Gould. Mr. Stowell was in a cheerful mood and related to his family what he had seen and heard of a new sect of religionists. His sons were old enough to attend to the usual duties of taking care of home and he, at once, became absorbed in reading the new book. He made no remarks until he had carefully read it and then when he closed the book he remarked with some emphasis, "That book is a true as the Bible!" These circumstances from the first were attended with a strong testimony of the spirit that the doctrines of the new religion were of God. After further investigation Oliver Stowell became fully convinced that the doctrines taught by the Mormon Elders were of divine origin, and was baptized in his own mill-pond the following April by Elder James Higbee, who had accompanied him home the day after he attended his first Mormon meeting. Soon after, his wife and some of the children followed him into the Church. William Rufus Rogers did not follow his father and mother into the Church until August 1834, when he was twelve years old.
These were difficult times for the Latter-day Saints. The Saints in Missouri were subjected to many wrongs, and were driven by mobs from their homes in Jackson County. The prophet was the subject of discord, apostasy, and opposition caused by false reports and accusations. These events served to weaken the faith of Oliver Stowell in the religion he had embraced only a few months before. In the winter of 1833 Elders visited the Westfield Branch of the Saints to preach and gather men to send to Missouri to the assist the Saints who had been driven from Jackson County. This and other rumors impressed Oliver Stowell with the idea that the Mormons were about to break out in rebellion against the government of the United States. He was a strong patriot and very loyal to the government of his country. These views prepared him to sacrifice his religion to his patriotism and he withdrew from the church. He doubtless was honest in motive, but in error with the facts. In time he became more intolerant and forbid his wife and children to associate with the Saints. After eight years his wife felt she could no longer endure the pressure on herself and family. In 1843 William Rufus Rogers was ordained an Elder. At this time he rented a house and according to her wishes moved his mother and rest of family into it. Mrs. Stowell sued her husband for divorce and separate maintenance. The court decided that the children could choose which parent to live with and the property should be proportionately divided. William Rufus Rogers took an active part in the proceedings and said it was one of the most painful experiences of his life to defend his mother as the wronged and weaker party against his father.
In the autumn of 1837 the spirit of apostasy began to develop in Kirtland. The Prophet had been to Missouri to aid the Saints and when he returned, he found several of the quorum of the Apostles in open rebellion, and these with others, united for the over-throw of the Church. So great was the pressure that Brigham Young, a staunch supporter left for Missouri. The power of the apostates continued to increase until Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon were compelled to flee in the night. They arrived in Far West, Missouri, March 14, 1838, and it became the headquarters of the Church and gathering place for the Saints. The Missourians feared the political power of the Saints on account of their unity and opposed their voting at the August election. From that time antagonisms strengthened. Mobs became legalized military bodies under State authority; the judiciary instead of defending the injured became a mere tool in the hands of a vindictive populace. The climax of tyranny and wrong was reached when Lilburn W. Boggs, the governor of the state issued a decree that the Mormons must either leave the State of be exterminated. The Saints were disarmed, their leaders imprisoned and were robbed of their property.
On May 1, 1839, Joseph Smith purchased the first land in Commerce, Illinois, on the east bank of the Mississippi River, as a gathering place for the Saints. The exodus of the Saints from Missouri was under circumstances of extreme destitution and suffering. The area was renamed Nauvoo and increased rapidly in population. It was, at first, a place of poverty and unhealthy conditions. Along the river were a succession of ponds of stagnant water filled with decaying vegetation and filled the air with seeds of disease. After a year of urgent labor draining the ponds, there was a marked improvement in the health of the place. But it proved only another wayside station where the Saints might gather strength for a still greater move. On July 14, 1843, at a meeting, Joseph Smith uttered the prophecy that the Saints would be driven to the Rocky Mountains.
The spirit of gathering was upon William Rufus Rogers and he was no longer content to remain in the area of his childhood and youth. On September 25, 1843 he bid farewell to his mother, brother and seven sisters and started alone and on foot for Nauvoo.
About two days before leaving home he dreamed he stood on a sand-hill of considerable elevation south-west of the Temple in Nauvoo. From it he looked over a considerable country and east and south-east. A little to the north-west stood the Temple with the walls about half the height of the windows of the first story above the basement. Around him lay the city with many small brick houses, log houses and cabins, indiscriminately mingled together. Accustomed as he was to older and more solidly built cities and villages, it appeared to him scattered and very primitive. When he arose in the morning he told his mother that he had seen Nauvoo and related to her his dream.
The second day after leaving home he fell in with four men who were going west with a team. They offered to take him with them if he would defray proportionate expenses of travel, and they appointed him clerk of the company. This association proved agreeable and on arriving at Chicago, where young Stowell parted with them, the expense account was settled agreeably to all parties. Chicago was then only a village and was garrisoned by a company of soldiers with whom the travelers encamped for the night. At Chicago William Rufus Rogers embarked on a lake steamer for Milwaukie. From there he traveled west through Wisconsin to Pe-waukie where his sister, Maria Wheeler, lived. He remained with her for two weeks during which he worked as a carpenter and joiner on a grist-mill at Prairieville. It was the first grist-mill built in the county. His friends wished him to remain with them, and offered him 80 acres of land, but none of these things influenced him as he was determined to associate with the Mormons whose fortunes he had chosen to share.
After leaving his sister he continued his journey to Rockford and went down the river with two other men to Dixon. He was at Dixon in November. There he left the Rock River and went through the country on foot to Nauvoo, passing through the towns of Monmouth and Galesburg. In approaching Nauvoo he met some dissatisfied people who belonged to the Church who gave him unsatisfactory reports about the Prophet and the Saints. He arrived in Nauvoo November 23, 1843. In the south-east corner of the city, on Parley Street lived Stephen Perry with whom he had corresponded by letter before leaving Westfield. He stayed with him overnight.
The morning after his arrival he inquired the way to the Temple. On arriving there he saw a hill a little to the south-west and at once recognized it as the one he had seen in his dream before leaving home. He ascended it and fully recognized the fulfillment of his dream. From there he went to the temple and viewed with much interest the peculiar architecture and construction.
The next object that interested him was the prophet, Joseph Smith. He felt and believed that he should recognize him on sight and the complete realization of his dream which he had just been contemplating served to strengthen his idea. He walked down to the Nauvoo Mansion which he learned was built for the entertainment of strangers. He entered the bar-room and as the weather was cool, stood before the fire. Several men were in the room, but none of them filled his conception of the Prophet. In a short time a man came in and gave William Rufus Rogers the impression that he was the Prophet. The man walked up to the bar and took a drink, took from his pocket a handkerchief and wiped his lips with all the nonchalance of a habitual customer. The act seemed so inconsistent with the character of a Prophet of God that he queried in his mind, what does it mean? Is it possible that the Prophet patronizes a place where intoxicants are sold? But he still decided; it is certainly him.
In a short time the Prophet walked to the back of the room and sat down by himself on a bench that stood against the wall. William Rufus Rogers went over, introduced himself, and sat down. He delivered to the Prophet an inquiry from a man he had met 40 miles from the city. This man wanted to sell some property and had given William Rufus Rogers the terms of sale. Joseph Smith listened attentively until he was through, then abruptly arose from his seat, took a long step or two and declared, "Young man, you have done well to fully deliver the message, but we do not want the land." This first recognition and interview with Joseph Smith, as a whole, was not very flattering in the mind of William Rufus Rogers. In a day or two he was walking on the side walk of one of the streets of Nauvoo when he met Joseph and passed him with the usual salutations. Joseph suddenly turned and said, "Stowell; Brother Stowell; I would like to talk with you." At the same time he turned to the fence and put his arm on top and leaned his head into his hand. Mr. Stowell assumed a similar attitude facing him. Then he began to realize that he was indeed a prophet of God; for instruction in doctrine, words of wisdom and counsel flowed from him the force and power of Divine inspiration. The words sank deep into the heart of the young man and helped to mould his future and make his life useful.
In looking around the city, William Rufus Rogers soon learned that there was plenty of work to do, but not means in circulation to reward the laborers who sought employment. He found men that were offering to work for their board. It was not his nature to remain idle. He found one Philander Colton, who had a new house with the walls up and the roof on. He sought the job of finishing this. A bargain was concluded by which he was to have one dollar per day and his board for his labor. He did the work, received his board throughout the winter, however, his dollar wages remained unpaid.
“ William, I lay my hands upon your head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth to bless you. Although it is in the days of your youth great shall be your blessings in consequence of the exercise of faith in the morning of your days. Therefore I say unto you, William, if you will continue faithful as you have begun you shall be a bright and shining light unto this generation and unto your father's house, which light shall shine in your house through which salvation shall be administered unto posterity and to future generations. The same will commemorate your name and make it honorable from generation to generation. This blessing is before you and again I say unto you, William, you are of the lineage of Ephraim, and shall be blessed with the Priesthood and a Dispensation of the Gospel, and in due time you shall administer and officiate in your office and calling wherein you are and shall receive light; cleave unto the Lord with all your might and where to lay you head, and finally bring you to your inheritance, and to your place and station in the end of your days, as also to perpetuate your name in honor, which will go down in lineage with the blessings of the Priesthood unto the latest generation. And if your faith fail not, your days shall be continued unto the coming of the Son of Man.
These blessings I seal upon your head, even so, AMEN(recorded in Book C. Page 196) ”
In February William Rufus Rogers was very sick with the measles, but well cared for by a Bro. Coltons.
After the Prophet, Joseph Smith, was delivered from the difficulties that resulted from his arrest at Dixon on the 23rd of June 1843, his liberty and life were almost constantly threatened by his enemies. Some remarks of his in a meeting of the city Council of Nauvoo give a comprehensive view of the general situation. Joseph Smith said, "I am exposed to a far greater danger from traitors among ourselves than from enemies without, although my life has been sought for many years by the civil and military authorities, priests and people of Missouri; and if I can escape from the ungrateful treachery of assassins, I can live as CEASAR MIGHT HAVE LIVED, WERE IT NOT FOR RIGHT HAND BRUTUS. I have had pretended friends betray me. All the enemies upon the face of the earth may roar and exert all their power to bring about my death, but they can accomplish nothing, unless some who are among us, who had enjoyed our society, have been with us in our councils, participated in our confidence, taken us by the hand, called us brother, saluted us with a kiss, join our enemies, turn our virtues into faults and by falsehood and deceit stir up their wrath and indignation against us and bring their united vengeance upon our heads. All the hue and cry of the chief priests and elders against the Savior could not bring down the wrath of the Jewish nation upon his head, and thereby cause the crucifixion of the Son of god, until Judas said unto the, "Whomsoever I shall kiss he is the man; hold him fast." Judas was one of the Twelve Apostles, even their treasurer, and dipped with their Master in the dish and through his treachery the crucifixion was brought about; and WE HAVE A JUDAS IN OUR MIDST."
Surrounded by enemies without and traitors within, at a political meeting held in the city of Nauvoo on the 29th of January 1844, Joseph Smith was nominated as a candidate for President of the United States and on the 17th of May at a State Convention held in the same place the nomination was sustained. The Prophet said, "I would not have suffered my name to have been used by my friends on anywise as President of the Untied States, or candidate for the office, if I and my friends could have had the privilege of enjoying our religious and civil rights as American citizens, even those rights which the constitution guarantees to all her citizens alike. But this we as a people have been denied from the beginning. Persecution has rolled upon our heads from time to time, from portion of the government as yet belonging to the United States, like peals of thunder, because of our religion; and no portion of the government as yet has stepped forward to our relief. And under view of these things I feel it my right and privilege to obtain what influence and power I can, lawfully, in the United States, for the protection of injured innocence; and if I lose my life in a good cause, I am willing to be sacrificed on the Altar of Virtue, righteousness and truth, in maintaining the laws and constitution of the United States, if need, be, for the general good of mankind."
Soon after his nomination he wrote an address to the American people which was published with the caption, "Joseph Smith's view of the powers and policy of the government of the United States." The following are the most important paragraphs of this remarkable document.
“ Myself born in a land of liberty and breathing an air uncorrupted with the sirocco of barbarous slimes, I feel a double anxiety for the happiness of all men, both in time and in eternity. My cogitations, like Daniel's have for a long time troubled me, when I viewed the condition of men throughout the world, and more especially in this boasted realm, where the Declaration of Independence holds these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; but at the same time some two or three millions of people are held as slaves for life, because the spirit of them is covered with a darker skin than ours; and hundreds of our own kindred for an infraction, or supposed infraction, of some over wise statue, have been incarcerated in dungeon place glooms, or suffer the moral penitentiary gravitation mercy in a nutshell, while the duelist, the debauchee, and the defaulter for millions and other criminals, take the uppermost room at feasts, or like the bird of passage, find a more congenial clime by flight.
The wisdom which ought to characterize the freest, wisest and most noble nation of the nineteenth century, should like the sun in its meridian splendor, warm every object beneath its rays; and the main efforts of her officers, who are nothing more or less than the servants of the people ought to be directed to ameliorate the condition of all, black or white, bond or free; for the best of books says; 'God hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.' Our common country presents to all men the same advantages, the same facilities, the same prospects, the same honors and the same rewards, and without hypocrisy, the constitution, when it says, WE, THE PEOPLE of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America, meant just what it said without reference to color or condition, ad infinitum. The aspirations and expectations of a virtuous people, environed with so wise, so liberal, so deep, so broad, and so high a charter of equal rights as appears in said constitution, ought to be treated by those to whom the administration of the laws is entrusted with as much sanctity as the prayers of the Saints are treated in heaven, that love, confidence and union like the sun, moon and stars, should bear witness.
Unity is power; and when I reflect on the importance of it to the stability of all governments, I am astounded at the silly moves of the persons and parties to foment discord in order to ride into power on the current of popular excitement; nor less am I surprised at the stretches of power or restrictions of right which too often appear as acts of legislatures to pave the way to some favorite scheme as destitute of intrinsic merit as a wolf's heart is of the milk of human kindness.
Now People! People! Turn unto the Lord and live and reform this nation. Frustrate the designs of wicked men, reduce congress at least two thirds. Two senators for every state and two members to a million of population will do more business than the army that now occupies the halls of the national legislature. Pay them two dollars and their board per day, except Sundays, that is more than the farmer gets and he lives honestly. Curtail the officers of the government in pay and numbers; for the Philistine lords have shorn our nation of its goodly locks in the lap of Delilah.
Advise your legislators, when they make laws for larceny, burglary or any felony, to make the penalty applicable to work upon the roads, public works or any place where the culprit can be taught more wisdom and more virtue and become more enlightened. Rigor and seclusion will never do as much to reform the propensities of men as reason and friendship. Murder only can claim confinement or death. Let the penitentiaries be turned into seminaries of learning, where intelligence like the angles of heaven, would banish some fragments of barbarism. Imprisonment for debt is a meaner practice than the savage tolerates, with all his ferocity. Amor vincit omnia (Love conquers all). Petition, also, ye goodly inhabitants of the slave States, your legislators to abolish slavery by the year 1850, or now, and save the abolitionist from reproach and ruin, infamy and shame. Pray congress to pay every man a reasonable price for his slaves out of the surplus revenue arising from the sale of public lands and from the deduction of pay from the members of congress.
Break off the shackles from the poor black man, and hire him to labor like other human beings; for an hour of virtuous liberty of earth is worth a whole eternity of bandage. Abolish the practice in the army and navy of trying men by court-martial for desertion. If a soldier or marine runs away, send him his wages, with this instruction, that his country will never trust him again; he has forfeited his honor. More economy in the national and state governments would make less taxes among the people; more equality through the cities, towns and country, would make less distinction among the people; and more loyalty, honesty and familiarity in societies, would make less hypocrisy and flattery in all branches of the community; and open, frank, candid decorum to all men, in this casted land of liberty, would beget esteem, confidence, union and love; and the neighbor from any state, or from any country, of whatever country, of whatever color, clime or tongue, could rejoice when he put his foot on the sacred soil of freedom and reclaim 'The very name of American is fraught with friendship." Oh, then, create confidence, restore freedom, break down slavery, banish imprisonment for debt and be in love fellowship and peace with all the world. Remember that honesty is not subject to the law: the law was made for transgressors.
We have had Democratic presidents, Whig presidents, and pseudo-Democratic-Whig presidents, and now it is time to have a president of the United States; and let the people of the whole Union like the inflexible, Romans, whenever they find a promise made by a candidate that is not practice as an officer, hurl the miserable sycophant from his exaltation, as God did Nebuchadnezzar, to crop the grass of the field with a beast's heart among cattle.
In the United States the people are the government, and their united voice is the only sovereign that should rule, the only power that should be obeyed, and the only gentleman that should be honored at home and abroad, on the land and on the sea. Wherefore, were I the president of the United States, by the voice of a virtuous people, I would honor the old paths of the venerated fathers of freedom; I would walk in the tracks of the illustrious patriots, who carried the ark of the government upon their shoulders with an eye single to the glory of the people; and when that people petitioned to abolish slavery in the slave states I would use all honorable means to have their prayers granted and give the liberty to the captive by paying the southern gentlemen a reasonable equivalent for his property, that the whole nation might be free indeed!
And when the people petitioned to possess the territory of Oregon or any other contiguous territory, I would lend the influence of a chief magistrate to grant so reasonable a request, that they might extend the mighty effort and enterprise of a free people from the east to the west sea, and make the wilderness blossom as a rose. And when a neighboring realm petitioned to join the Union of the sons of Liberty, my voice would be, "Come, yea, come, Texas, come, Mexico, come, Canada; and come, all the world; let us be brethren, let us be one great family and let there be universal peace. ”
To bring before the people of the United States more fully the political principles of Joseph Smith and also his nomination as a candidate for the presidency, at the ensuing fall election, a large corps of Elders was selected at the April Conference. These were headed by the Twelve Apostles and were distributed over the United States. William Rufus Rogers was selected one of these gospel political missionaries. As a fitting preparation for this important work on April 8, 1844, he was ordained a Seventy, in Nauvoo, under the hands of Pres. Joseph Young and Elder George A. Smith. Through the previous winter he had been a regular attendant at the meetings of the elders Quorum to which he belonged and was diligent in acquiring all the information of doctrine and the policies of the Church. Occasionally the Prophet or Apostle John Taylor would attend the elders meetings and give much valuable information and instruction. This attention to the duties of his office in the priesthood made him much better fitted for the important mission before him.
On the 9th of April, they were appointed to go on this mission, and left of the 1st of May, 1844 on foot. Elder William H. Parshall was his traveling companion. They were appointed to make the state of New York their objective. At first they directed toward Chicago, but before reaching there turned east through South Bend, Indiana, to St. Joseph, Michigan. From there to Toledo, Ohio. They took a steamer for Detroit, Michigan and then for Sandusky, Ohio. From here they traveled again on foot south to Waterford and Wattsburg, PA. and then on to Westfield, Chautauqua County, New York. This was a lonely journey on foot, probably a thousand miles, and accomplished without purse or script, depending on the providence of the Lord for subsistence. When Elder Stowell started he had had but little experience in church policies or general political affairs. From a human standpoint there could have been little hope of accomplishing the object for which these Elders labored; but it was all the program of the latter day work in which they were engaged. The following incidents will serve as a partial illustration of his labors and of the spirit of the people.
Towards evening of the day's travel on foot in the state of Indiana representing themselves as Mormon Elders from Nauvoo, they asked for food and lodging for the night at all houses along the road only to be refused. As darkness approached they came to a new house partially finished with the door invitingly open through which could be seen the carpenter's bench surrounded with shavings. In these they found shelter and repose for the night. Although they lay down supperless, they rose in the morning quite refreshed with sleep. They brushed off the shavings that clung to their clothes and continued the journey. About nine o'clock they arrived at a farmhouse which looked prosperous. At the gate stood an elderly gentleman with whom Elder Stowell exchanged the customary salutations. He then stated that they were Mormon Elders from Nauvoo and how they had spent the previous night and then asked for breakfast. The gentleman replied that he lived there with his son-in-law who was out on the farm at work but he would go in and see his daughter. She soon appeared at the door when the following conversation took place:
"My father tells me you are Mormon Elders and want some breakfast."
"Yes, madam, that is true."
"I do not like your people and do not like to encourage them."
"Very well, then do not treat us."
"But I do not like to have anyone go away hungry."
"Well, then, madam, be kind enough to give us our breakfast."
The lady seemed disposed to repeat her former assertions that she did not like to give the Mormons encouragement. Elder Stowell assured her that they did not wish to obtain their breakfast under such conditions and turning to his companion said, "We'd better go on, as I do not think we will get breakfast here." The lady again asserted her dislike to see anyone go away hungry. Elder Stowell then said with considerable earnestness, "Madam, if you feed us, we wish you to do so as servants of God, and if you turn us away, we wish you to do so as such." She dropped her head for a moment as if in deep thought, they were ushered into the parlor and the father sat down with them evidently prepared to hear what they had to say. Elder Stowell took from his pocket a pamphlet containing Joseph Smith's views on the "powers and Policies of the General Government," and commenced to read it. The gentleman seemed very much interested and earnestly inquired, "Who is this Joseph Smith?" Elder Stowell explained that he was a prophet and the leader of the Mormon Church and that the doctrine that he was reading contained his views of the principles of government. The gentleman stated that he had served under Washington in the Revolutionary War and that what he had heard sounded very much like his views.
About this time the son-in-law came and after introductions, the reading was continued. It was soon after interrupted by breakfast after which the reading was renewed. The father and son-in-law both considered that the principles it advanced sounded good, and said that if they had come the evening before they should have had the best that the house afforded. He invited them to call on them if they ever came that way again. This shows that conservative thinking men could not but approve of the principles advocated by the prophet; but there was in intense prejudice in the minds of many against the man and his people as was manifested by the lady of the house.
The following circumstances indicate the push of Elder Stowell in emergencies. He and his companion, Elder Parshall at Laport, Indiana, shared the hospitality of Christopher Merkley who belonged to the church. It was a very rainy, muddy time. The streams which were usually forded with ease were too high to ford and could only be crossed with a ferry. As the boat was about to leave their side of the river Elder Stowell asked the Captain to be kind enough to let them cross free as they were missionaries and had no money, but he was promptly refused. The boat crossed and came back. He told his companion that this time he was going over on the boat, and if he did not wish to be left he must step on to it as he did. He again stated their case to the captain who refused again. Elder Stowell told him they must go on and that they were going over on this boat and that he dare not put them off. They stepped on and nothing further was said to them.
The date of the arrival of Elder Stowell at his mother's house at Westfield is only known approximately. It was probably about the 1st of June 1844. He had been absent eight months during which time he had seen the gathering place of the Saints; became acquainted with them; had obtained a personal knowledge of the prophet and leader of this dispensation; had learned much of men and of the world by traveling about 2,000 miles mostly on foot; had travelled at least half of this distance in filling an important mission and had arrived at last at his old home among relatives and friends of his childhood and youth.
On arriving at his home he found his brother, Augustus, and sisters, Minerva, Laura and Matilda prepared for baptism, and he joyfully administered the ordinances for admission into the church. The family that now especially looked upon him as their leader consisted of the mother, seven sisters, and one brother, as follows: Sophia, Minerva, Laura, Matilda, Augustus, Alice, Juliette and Alvira. They were all prepared to migrate to Nauvoo. There were crops to gather and market, considerable property to dispose of and exchange for the means of travel, etc. As it was desirable to make the journey to Nauvoo while the season was still favorable much had to be done in a short time. By the latter part of July, the family, with two horse teams, left Westfield for the home of the Saints. The Stowells had been a family of thrift and influence and many regretted their departure. Strong inducements were thrown out for him to remain, but he met these advancements with a heartfelt plea, that he was a Mormon, that he could not for any worldly consideration forsake the religion that he knew to be divine; nor fail to gather with the people whose fortunes he had decided to share. The family was accompanied by Elder Stowell's traveling companion, William H. Parshall.
While Elder Stowell was still at his home in Westfield, Mr. Lancaster, his former employer, came to him with a newspaper which stated that Joseph Smith has been assassinated in Carthage jail. Elder Stowell says, "While I felt to mourn deeply the loss of our noble leaders, my faith was not in the least shaken in the doctrines and principles that the Prophet had planted in the earth. The spirit of gathering with the Saints and of sharing their fortunes whatever they might be was still upon me and I continue to labor diligently in preparing for the journey for Nauvoo."
The Stowells commenced their journey for the West the last of July 1844. They journeyed through the northwest corner of Pennsylvania across Ohio and through Indiana. Their destination was advertised with "Nauvoo" written on both sides of the wagon cover. While encamped in Indiana one day a whole family came to their camp. They had seen the word "Nauvoo" and suspected that it might be Mormons. It proved to be father Eldridge and family who afterwards gathered with the Saints. Warm greetings were exchanged, for it was like the meeting of old friends away from home and among strangers, and they had a very pleasant evening. Brother Eldridge wished to send to Nauvoo a yoke of oxen, five two year old steers and a cow; the oxen and cow to his son-in-law Busby, four of the steers for tithing, one to be butchered on arrival the beef to be divided between Elder Stowell and his son-in-law. For taking these the former was paid in supplies for the road and money to pay ferrying across the rivers. The cow furnished milk for the family which added to their support. Only one serious accident happened to them on their journey. When crossing a prairie Elder Stowell got out of the wagon to walk and let his sister drive the team. They were spirited animals and became excited. As a result the harness was considerably damaged and the shoulder of Elder Parshall dislocated.
Arriving near Carthage, Elder Stowell stopped at a farm and inquired if he could buy some hay. Instead of answering the farmer asked, "You are Mormons going to Nauvoo, are you?" There were several men standing about, these now turned to the travelers. Elder Stowell replied,
"Yes sir, we are Mormons going to Nauvoo."
"Don't you know that Joseph Smith has been killed?"
"Yes, I'm aware of it."
"Are you not afraid to travel through here?"
"No, I'm not afraid of anything; I have as much right to travel a public road as anyone."
There appeared to be some excitement among the bystanders and one of them remarked, "You're damned independent." Elder Stowell replied, "Yes, I am independent, for I am an American Citizen, with all the rights of one." Turning to the farmer, he continued, "I asked if you would sell me some hay, for which I will pay you the money. If you do not wish I want you to say so and I will go on." This seemed to recall the man and he furnished the hay without further remark.
After a fairly successful journey the family arrived in Nauvoo the 9th of Sept. 1844. Nauvoo didn't appear to Elder Stowell the bright happy home of the Saints he had left a few months before. There had been no change in the general features of the country; the temple stood out in bold relief on the hill; there was the rustle and stir usual in an enterprising and growing city; but to him it seemed overshadowed with gloom-clothed in mourning. He walked the streets and conversed with friends and acquaintances but there was a spirit of sadness over all. Going home after one of his ramblings he said to his mother, "I feel so homesick, I do not know what to do. Everything looks as gloomy as death." Several days passed in this way when one evening after to rest he had a dream which he relates as follows:
“ To me it was very plain and distinct. I came up on the East side of Joseph's mansion. It was not the one in which I had before seen him, but larger, more grand and beautiful. There were broad steps in from the whole length of the building, extending to the top of the basement; where they were joined to a platform or landing several feet wide. There were two broad folding doors twelve or fourteen feet in height opening to the inside. There stood a door keeper to inquire my business. I told him I wished to see the Prophet Joseph Smith. He turned to go into the house and bade me follow. We passed two doors on the right of the spacious hall and came to a third which he opened and directed me to go in and I would find Joseph. He then returned to his former position. The building was the most beautiful I had ever saw. Everything in the room in which I entered was of the purest white. I saw a bed in the corner to my left and on the farther side of the room. On this bed lay the Prophet on his back. As I came to the bed he reached out his right hand and shook hands with me. After shaking hands I passed my right hand across his body and laid it on his left shoulder and kissed him. A little to the side of the pit of his stomach I saw the bullet hole where he was shot. From it diagonally down to his right hip, was the appearance of a strip of fresh blood about the width of a man's finger. Otherwise everything about him and his surroundings was beautiful and clean.
Joseph immediately got up and together we walked through the hall to the platform in front of the house. I there saw my horse and buggy by the hitching post. At the time I had none, but it appeared that I had. I said, "Brother Joseph will you go home with me?" He said he would and got into the buggy while I was unhitching the horse. We conversed pleasantly as we travelled along. The streets with their ruts and undulations seemed as natural as those I travelled daily.
Arriving at my gate we went into my house and introduced him to my mother and sisters. The privilege of thus introducing the Prophet to the family afforded me great satisfaction. After a little Joseph went to the door and looked across the city towards his residence as though he wished to go home; but I was not yet satisfied. I desired his blessing and said, "Joseph, will you bless me?" He replied, "I will." I sat down on the stump of a maple tree nearby and he laid his hands upon my head and pronounced many choice blessings upon me. He also declared that the blessings of God should be upon my efforts to assist in rolling on the latter day work. And at the close he said with much emphasis, "AND YOU SHALL BE BLESSED."
When I arose in the morning I said to my mother, "Be of good cheer mother, Joseph is alive and all is well." The darkness and despondency that had brooded over me had passed away. This occurred about the 15th of September. My mind was at rest and with my usual courage and energy I began to labor to provide for the family and to make the home pleasant. ”
Before Elder Stowell went East in the spring of 1844, he formed an acquaintance with Miss Hannah Topham. On his return the acquaintance was renewed and they were married in Nauvoo on Christmas Day, 1845, by Elder Lorenzo Snow. Soon after the marriage he moved to a home of his own, but still continued to look after his mother and sisters. Elder Stowell had been raised as a farmer and in the season of 1845 he farmed east of Nauvoo. While much of the grain raised that season was destroyed by the mobs, he succeeded in harvesting a generous crop and bringing it home. In addition to farming he shared in the labor of pushing the temple forward to completion. All the while persecution was raging against the Saints and the time was rapidly approaching when they would be compelled to leave their beautiful city in the hands of their enemies.
In the autumn of 1845 so much pressure was brought to bear that the leaders of the Saints were compelled to make a treaty with the mob to allow them to stay until spring. However, later in the season the excitement of the mob ran so high that they were disposed to break the treaty and the Saints were so driven that they began immediate preparation to evacuate Illinois as soon as possible.
During the latter part of January, 1846, a company of one hundred picked men was organized under the command of Colonel Stephen Markham. This was sub-divided into fifties and tens. Elder Stowell belonged to the second fifty under the command of Captain John Gleason. The special duties of this body was to open roads, build bridges, and generally prepare the way for the oncoming travelling Saints; also to take jobs of work when opportunity offered and so obtain supplies for the camps. This corps was broken up into detachments which were more or less concentrate as was deemed advisable. In common with the organization Elder Stowell worked under direction of his leader at any thing required of him for a time before leaving Nauvoo. Much of this labor was cutting and preparing timber for wagons and fitting up teams for the pioneers. He also did what was necessary to prepare his own outfit. From the first to the fourteenth of February, 1846, he assisted ferrying across the Mississippi River. On the 13th his own team was ferried across and he encamped on the West side of the river. That night two or three inches of snow fell. The following day he drove out to the camp in a bend of Sugar Creek. On the 15th Brigham Young with other Apostles arrived at the camp. On the 16th Elder Stowell saw Brigham Young accompanied by several others of the twelve, walk to a wagon and climb up into it, because it was the best place from which to speak to the people. With a clear distinct voice he said, "Attention, O Camp of Israel." All looked up, the labors of the camp ceased and the people gathered among their leader. With words of kindness dictated by a heart full of sympathy he began to instruct them regarding their duties to themselves and each other and to the peculiar circumstances in which they were placed. He then began to organize the camp more fully for the westward march.
There was much suffering in the camp on Sugar Creek, violent storms, excessive cold and fatiguing labor made heavy drafts on the strength and vitality of the people, many of whom were thinly clad and poorly fed. Fortunately, however, Elder Stowell was in full strength of vigorous young manhood and with a great capability for endurance. So with a heart full of sympathy he found great daily satisfaction and pleasure in toiling for their relief and suffering. It was such men in the camps of Israel that proved Saviors to the weak and feeble by sustaining them in every trying emergency.
Before leaving the camp on Sugar Creek, John Boyce, the captain of Elder Stowell's ten, went back to Nauvoo and Peter Goodman was appointed in his place. The first of March the camp at Sugar Creek comprising nearly 400 wagons, commenced its march for the Missouri River. No mortal pen will every truly describe the sufferings of the Saints on Sugar Creek and on their weary journey across Iowa. He said, "Many of the sisters walked all day, rain or shine, and at night prepared suppers for their families with no sheltering tents and then made their beds in and under wagons which contained their earthly all. How frequently with intense sympathy and admiration I watched the mother forgetful of her own fatigue and destitution take unwearied pains to fix up in the most palatable way the food allotted to them and as she dealt it out cheering the hearts of her homeless children, while as I truly believe her own heart was lifted to God in fervent prayer that their lives might be preserved."
In the midst of these trials there was comfort and consolation in the thought that they were leaving their enemies. All were cheerful and happy in the anticipation of finding a resting place from persecution, somewhere in the solitudes of the Rocky Mountains. But it was not for all to realize these hopes; exposure to the elements, excessive labor, want of proper food, and comfortable clothing, forced many to lay down their weary bodies in unknown graves. During these scenes, Elder Stowell, and his company of pioneers obtained jobs of grubbing land, cutting timber and splitting rails and shucking corn. For which labor they received corn, bacon, provender for the animals, and whatever the country could supply for the wants of the travelling camps. A cow was procured which was assigned to his tent for his use.
A few days before the arrival of the camps at Garden Grove, Elder Stowell's company numbered about thirty men, took a considerable job of making rails for a Missourian. On returning to their camp at the close of the days work, they found twelve or fifteen Missourians in it well armed. They were talking to the women and appeared quite free and sociable. It was an unusual occurrence, but the pioneers quietly awaited developments. Wrestling and other feats of strength were soon introduced among the men, in which the pioneers generally beat the Missourians, at which the latter was evidently chagrined. They began to look a little serious and their leader stepped up to Captain Gleason and informed him that he and his company must leave the place. Captain Gleason in a friendly courteous manner informed him that they had no intention of remaining; but the work they had contracted to do would be completed in a few days when they would certainly go on their way. This did not satisfy the Missourian and he authoritatively demanded that they should leave immediately. Captain Gleason, looking him steadily in the eye, quietly remarked, "We shall remain until our contract is filled." Then turning to his men, he directed them to get out their guns and ammunition and to see that they were all in good condition. The Missourians remained only long enough to see these active preparations and then abruptly retired to the blacksmithing shop about a quarter of a mile distant. In the shop was a barrel of whiskey. Under the exhilarating effects of this they hooted and howled all night and occasionally fired their guns: but they did no further damage. The work was finished and the pioneers moved on to Garden Grove, where the leading camps had arrived on the 24th of April.
There were some Missourians who were very kind. The company of Elder Stowell had three large tents which sheltered the sleepers and some of their effects at night. In the night a violent gale set in from the Northwest, and two of the tents were blown down. They could not be put up again in the wind and so the men and women prepared in the middle of the night to the house of a Missourian not far from the camp. He welcomed the unfortunates and he and his family vacated their beds and sat up the remainder of the night in order for the women of the company might rest. Elder Stowell was very sorry that he couldn't remember the name of this hospitable family.
To provide for the inhabitants of a city driven from their homes into a wilderness, exposed to the sweeping storms and bitter cold of winter, with little else than the slender resources of the camp, is a talk which but few men could hope to successfully accomplish. Besides the food supply of the people, it required daily large quantities of grain to maintain the animals of the camp, for these were the necessaries of existence - the people's means of deliverance.
The 16th anniversary of the organization of the church found them camped on a branch of Shoal Creek where they were forced to remain for a period of two weeks on account of snow and mud. The 6th of April, nine or ten teams were sent to the settlement for corn, in about three days they returned, the most of them empty. There was but little strength in the cold dry grass and the animals were poor and weak. Sister Stowell accompanied her husband in all his labors with the pioneers and with a few others of the sisters had contributed to making the camp more cheerful and homelike. It was determined to make this a way station, a place of rest for those who preferred to stop, to recruit their means of existence. It was still a seasonable time for putting in corn and other crops. The camp was organized for labor and by the 10th of May, many houses were built, wells were dug, extensive farms fenced and the place assumed the appearance of having been occupied for years. The 11th of May a portion of the camp resumed their journey for the Missouri River. Elder Stowell remained at Garden Grove, cultivated a good garden and raised a fine crop of corn. The place was about 150 miles from Nauvoo.
In Nauvoo, Elder Stowell's mother and sisters who had been forced to remain to await the return of some of the men of the advance company were driven out with the others in September 1846. Many of them encamped on the west bank of the Mississippi River to suffer from sickness and want until relief was sent from the advance camps, while others scattered into the surrounding regions. Among the latter were the mother of Elder Stowell and his sisters. They went up the Mississippi to Peoria, Illinois. It was not only the fortune of Elder Stowell to be a pioneer of the first company of Saints that left the camp on Sugar Creek, but as well to assist in moving to the west, the last unfortunate remnant driven from Nauvoo. He expected to find his mother and her family, but found that she had gone on into Illinois.
In common with his people, Elder Stowell had the spirit of moving westward as the way opened and circumstance permitted. In March 1847, when the grass of the prairies were still brown with the frosts of winter, making it necessary to haul feed for the animals, he moved to Council Bluffs, accompanied by Wheeler Baldwin. He with others of the company settled on the east bank of the Missouri River about three miles below the Mormon ferry. He built a log house, fenced a farm and raised a crop. This was strictly in keeping with the general council given by the Apostles - to make improvements for themselves and for those who would follow after them. Most of the Saints were preparing for their advent into the wilderness. But those expecting to remain, like Elder Stowell, were equally earnest in fencing fields, breaking up the virgin soil and preparing to grow food for all.
On the 11th of February 1848, the first child and son was born to W.R.R. Stowell and Hannah and was named, William John Thurston. The father had not sufficiently recovered from the sacrifices attending the Nauvoo exodus to go to the mountains this year and so with the idea of bettering his condition, he moved to Musquetoe Creek about three miles from Council Bluffs in the spring of 1848. He built another house and opened another farm where his family spent the summer. Here their first born son died on Nov. 29, 1848.
Elder Stowell, in common with his people around him was in no mood for making a permanent home. In the winter of 1848-49 he moved to Nodaway County, Missouri. He was employed by Mr. Stone Braker to tend a saw and grist mill under the same roof. This was his first experience in making flour. In the spring of 1849, he moved to a Mr. John McLeans and worked for him during the summer. He lived in a small settlement of the Saints, in a log house in which the fireplace nearly occupied one side, as was the method in frontier settlements, where fuel was plentiful and warmth and comfort an important consideration.
In the winter of 1849-50 Apostle John Taylor and others arrived in the settlements on their way to Europe. He had occasion to spend a night in the home of Elder Stowell. At one time during the evening he stayed with his head in hands and appeared absorbed in meditation. All of a sudden he turned to Elder Stowell and said, "When are you going to the mountains?" He replied, "Just as soon as I can but I do not know when." Elder Taylor continued, "If you will do just as I tell you, when the next emigration is ready to go, you will be on the banks of the Missouri River ready to go with them. Let all your labors, all your exchanges of property, in fact everything you do, do with this object in view. Accept you are going and you will be ready to go when the emigration starts." Elder Stowell replied, "I will do as you tell me as near as I can." He accepted this prophecy in full faith that it would be fulfilled and centered all his energies in that direction. He commenced selling and changing property. He said, "Everything worked in my favor. Men would come to me wishing to buy what I had to sell, with the pay in cash or the property I wanted in exchange, often most unexpectedly. When Captain David Evan's company was ready to start about the 15th of June I was ready to go with them with the team of four good yoke of cattle and a good outfit. Better still I was out of debt. The prophetic promise of Elder Taylor was fulfilled in every particular."
Elder Stowell had many experiences illustrating remarkable providence that opened the way to obtain the means of gathering to the mountains. There was considerable cholera among the Saints on the Platte River 1949, and several deaths from it. Elder Stowell's wife and her sister both had the cholera and recovered. During this period of trial the burden on him was excessive. He says of these times: "There was much mud along the Platte, making the roads heavy and the labor excessive on the teams and very disagreeable on the people. Night and day I had to wait on and care for my sick. Prepare and cook food, drive my team, and stand my turn on guard nights. Under these conditions there seemed no end to toil and I could get but little sleep. I was sometimes asked why it was that I was never sick and I usually replied that I had no time to be sick." The sick often died in the wagons and were hurriedly buried by the roadside. It was a time when it required all the faith in God that could be exercised and all the bodily endurance they were capable of.
At Pacific Springs on the west side of the south pass Elder Stowell waded in the cold water of the marshy ground around the springs to get the cattle out - a job which many were reluctant to do and was soon afterward taken with the mountain fever, but recovered quickly.
On this journey, Elder Stowell had a fairly successful experience shooting buffalo. His principal incentive was not to enjoy the excitement of hunting, but to supply the company with meat, an article of food which the excessive labor they performed and living in the open air caused them to crave, but which they often did without many days at a time. On approaching the buffalo range, there appeared at first two buffalo near camp in the morning. The sight was new to many and created considerable excitement. Of this scene he says, "Several men started directly after them. I saddled my horse, took rifle, pistol and knife and followed up a ravine to head them on their course. After the other pursuers had given up the chase, I shot the leader and returned to camp for assistance to dress it and get it to the wagons. It was very fat." Another morning after traveling a few miles, three buffalo passed near the camp. The captain had a bulldog that soon waked them up to their highest speed. He quickly saddled his horse and took over the hills across their course, and soon came up with them. They were running in single file; a fact that made it difficult to get an effective shot. He determined to take his chances of breaking the file, so made a dash at the center one and as it turned he shot him.
They had traveled some time without seeing a buffalo and the people were getting very hungry for meat. One day the captain discovered a lone buffalo a long way off and asked Elder Stowell if he thought he could get him. Elder Stowell said, "I told him I would try but would like to have someone go with me as it was too far way from camp to be prudent to go alone. The captain told me to pick my man and I asked for young Abraham Hatch. We saddled our horses and started out. We kept the hills between us and the buffalo hoping to get near enough to shoot without scaring him. In this we were disappointed, for before we were in range he started off at full speed. I told Hatch we would have to find him in the open now, we dashed after him, but young Hatch's horse shied and I had to try it alone. To make a reasonably sure shot it was necessary some way to check the speed for this purpose I crowded the buffalo out a ledge of rock when he suddenly turned and dashed at me. A touch of the spur and the horse sprang by him, but barely in time to be missed by the animal. As we passed I shot him in the side. He was soon dragged to camp by six yoke of oxen. After the buffalo was dressed the captain told me take what I wanted for my family, and the balance would be distributed to the company. I told him I was not the man who wished to fare better than the rest, but that I wished to share alike with them. It was a large fine buffalo and supplied the camp with meat for some time. Buffalo were scarce on the route, and I think I killed all that were used by the company; but the other men killed deer, antelope, etc."
On his arrival in the Great Salt Lake the middle of September 1850, William Rufus Rogers sensed the kindly providence of God that had been over him through the fiery furnace of affliction. He was first in the Old Fort in the Sixth Ward; then for a little season in the house of Bro. Edward Dalton, a little south of the city on Mill Creek and spent the time hauling wood out of Parleys Canyon to obtain the means of subsistence. Then he moved to Provo in January 1851. William Rufus Rogers at once built a house on his town lot in Provo, and obtained 25 acres of land north of the town on which he grew a fair crop the ensuing season. In 1852, Hannah, his wife, became dissatisfied and obtained a divorce.
Matilda Packard, a sister of William Rufus Rogers, accompanied by her husband, crossed the plains in 1850 and settled in Springville, about four miles south of Provo. On Aug 21, 1851, she died of childbirth. W.R.R. attended the funeral and by request of the bereaved father took home the infant son then ten days old. The father married again when the child was about six months old and took it home. When it was about 15 months old the father fell from a load of timber in Hobble Creek canyon and was run over by the wagon and killed. So W.R.R. took the child again and raised him in his own family. His name was William Henry Packard. Under his roof he grew up to be excellent mechanic. In 1892 he lived in Ashleys Ford, Utah, where he had a fine family and was very well respected. He died in Glenwoodville, Alberta, Canada on October 29, 1917.
William Rufus Rogers and Cynthia Jane Park were married in Provo by Apostle John Taylor on October 19, 1852.
It was the fortune of W.R.R. to be called upon to do considerable military service in defense of his people. Whenever responsibility was placed upon him he evidently acted with efficiency and good judgment. The Provo militia was organized out of the old Nauvoo legion and he was mustered into an artillery company. He remained in that company for a year.
In the spring of 1855 an express arrived from Iron County, bringing the news that considerable excitement had been raised among the Ute Indians, by attempt of the sheriff to arrest some emigrants who had been trading arms to them. The express, Samuel Lewis and Charles Carter, arrived at W.R.R.'s house in Provo nearly exhausted for want of sleep and with their animals badly worn. Elder Stowell, as was characteristic of him, took then rapidly to Salt Lake City in a carriage in which the men could get some sleep. They changed teams twice on the way. The Governor, Brigham Young, at once ordered 200 men, including W.R.R., under Captain William Wall of Provo, to proceed to Iron County by forced marches. Without baggage wagons and with only what they could carry on their horses and such supplies as could be obtained along the way, the march was rapidly accomplished. On arriving in Parowan the difficulty was amicably adjusted and the expedition returned to Provo.
There had been considerable uneasiness manifest among the Ute Indians during the spring and early summer. On the 18th of July, Alexander Keel, was shot by Indians at Payson, when he was after water at a spring back of his house. This fairly inaugurated an Indian war. On the 19th, 150 cavalry of Colonel Peter Conover marched south to assist the weak settlements. W.R.R. Stowell was one of the expedition. During its progress to Manti and its presence in Sand Pete County, the Indians were quite active and hostile, making several attacks on settlements and individuals. After remaining a few days the expedition commenced its homeward march. While encamped on Willow Creek, where the town of Mona now stands, they were fired on by Indians but were faced by 50 men and soon retired. They reached Provo the following day. From this time on during the season, W.R.R. was on hand for military duty. During this time W.R.R. was also Commissary for Colonel Conover.
About the first of October W.R.R.'s half brother, Dan, arrived in Great Salt Lake Valley from the East with his wife and five children. They were en route to California, but decided to remain over the winter as his health was quite poor from the fatigue of the journey across the plains. Dan had belonged to the church when a boy, but when he grew up lost all interest in religion. W.R.R., who was in poor circumstances himself, obtained a house for his brother and assisted him to the comforts of the winter.
Elder Stowell was called among others to go south with one hundred other men and their families, to strengthen the place on account of the Indians. He therefore, sold his property in Provo and moved to Fillmore with his family.
In January, 1854, his brother's wife died and in March his brother thought of soon going on his way to California with his children; but just before starting he took a severe cold and died on March 16, 1854, leaving the care of his little ones to his brother who took them to his home in Fillmore to raise them as his own. April 22, 1854, Elder Stowell arrived home at Fillmore with his brother's five orphaned children. They were William Augustus (born 1841), Harriet Eliza (born 1843), George Washington (born 1845), and Mary Louisa (born 1847), and Jeanette Abagail (born 1849).
On Monday, 24 April 1854, his wife, Cynthia, gave birth to their son, Brigham. Thus his wife along with her first newborn was able to also extend a mother's care and sympathy to the orphans who had been brought to her hearthstone in a very destitute circumstance. And so they found themselves in a new country, much reduced in circumstances with a family of seven children, six of whom were orphans.
An appropriation had been made by the Congress of the United States to build a State House for Utah state territory. The town of Fillmore was selected for its location. The first work Elder Stowell engaged in on his arrival in Fillmore was hauling rock for this building. Then at times he worked at his former business of butchering which greatly assisted him to live. But his more general occupation was working in the canyon getting out and sawing building timber. He worked two yoke of steers and these with several animals managed to winter on the range grass around him. In the spring he went to farming and succeeded in getting food for his family.
In May 1853, a company of emigrants on their way to California by what was then known as the "south route" camped near Fillmore. As usual, with the Indians, they came around the camp to gratify their curiosity, or perhaps to trade; when an emigrant drew a gun and deliberately shot one down. This was a cowardly act and naturally aroused the spirit of revenge in the Indians, who from then on continually harassed the freighters coming over that route. W.R.R. Stowell, with ten good men was appointed to take these freighters over the mountains to Nephi, about 65 miles toward Salt Lake City. This was a very delicate task as the rivers were high and had to be forded. This took a great deal of time and Captain Stowell did not feel at liberty to make any charge for his service. Gratitude appeared to be a minus quality in the hearts of the freighters, and he usually returned home empty handed.
In the spring of 1854, the Indians engaged in the massacre of Gunnison and some of them were arrested. Two of them were young Ute chiefs, from Kanosh, near Fillmore. Someone was to convey them to Great Salt Lake. For some time no one could be found for the job. As a last resort Pres. John A. Ray came to W.R.R. who consented to undertake the journey. He made the long trip without fear and the Indians seemed to respect him, as they gave no trouble whatever. From Provo he was accompanied by Deputy U.S. Marshall, George Bean, who assisted him in delivering the prisoners over to the proper authorities. He was given $97.50 for his pay, which was greatly appreciated.
In the winter of 1854-55, in connection with Lewis Burnson, W.R.R. labored in the canyon getting out timber and lumber for the State House. He often worked on the building itself. In the fall of 1854, W.R.R. enquired of Brigham Young if he was at liberty to move from Fillmore and was given permission to do so. In the spring of this year, Apostle George A. Smith, had advised him to move to Ogden, saying that it would be the chief city in all that region and be the center of population and commerce. This was 15 years before the junction of the Union Pacific and Central Pacific railroads at Ogden.
In June 1855, Elder Stowell moved to Brigham Fort in Weber County where he had many friends and relatives. He was located about three miles northwest of Ogden on the opposite side of the Weber River. He considered his residence there as temporary and took a town lot in Ogden to improve as he had opportunity. This was the memorable year in which the grasshoppers destroyed most of the grain crop of the country. The loss and suffering was aggravated by drought. A little grain was grown; and in some instances corn planted late matured, and added to the scanty supply of food for the ensuing year. A neighbor, Henry Egglested, planted corn the third of July, where the wheat had been destroyed by grasshoppers. W.R.R., on account of the lateness of the season when he arrived at Brigham's Fort did not attempt to farm, but did very well in gathering bread for his family by assisting to harvest the short crops of grain. He also cut considerable wild hay to feed his animals the coming winter. At this time the old adage that "calamities never come single" was verified, for the light crops were followed by an unusually severe winter. Snow fell early from one to two feet deep; and the winter continued severely cold until the 21st of March when the winter moderated quickly and brought a rapid melt. This produced so much water that the country might be said to "be afloat."
The snow was too deep for the cattle to find grass on the range, the limited amount of hay on hand was soon exhausted and in the latter part of winter and in early spring the cattle died off by hundreds. Some of the cattle owners, foreseeing the evil, in January slaughtered their cattle that were not too poor for food and distributed the beef among the people gratis. In the autumn of 1955 W.R.R. Stowell had 19 head of animals and with close care he had 6 left in the spring of 1856. With these calamities the people were much reduced in circumstances. For want of animals to haul wood the inhabitants of Brigham's Fort were under the necessity of carrying small willows which grew near the settlement to replenish their fires. These willows afforded but little warmth and the people suffered much discomfort during the long and severe winter. The following are W.R.R.'s thoughts on tithing. He said, "In the autumn of 1855, I did not pay my stock tithing, because I thought the Bishop offered too low a price and I had lost most of my cattle. The circumstances caused me serious reflection and I determined to not commit any more errors of that kind. The next autumn I took a fine horse, a harness and saddle to the Bishop, paid my tithing and have kept it paid up or ahead ever since.
On the 9th of October 1855, Sophronia Kelly was married to Elder Stowell in Salt Lake City, by Brigham Young. This was in accordance with the revelation on the eternity of the marriage covenant including plurality of wives given through Joseph the Seer in Nauvoo, July 12, 1843.
In the spring of 1857, W.R.R. moved his family onto his town lot in the city of Ogden. Owing to his previous moving and misfortunes he considered this the most difficult period of his life and it took hard labor and the closest economy to get along. This year he followed farming with fair success. His labors were occasionally broken by military service. In the spring there were also rumors of a growing excitement in the East against the Mormons. These proved to be preludes of the coming storm. Then the deep snows of the winter practically cut off communication between the Eastern States and Utah.
The Associate Justice of Utah, W.W. Drummond hated the Mormons with all the vindictiveness characteristic of the corrupt and licentious. During the winter of 1856-57 he went East by way of Panama. On his arrival in the United States he spread a series of falsehoods representing the Mormons of Utah as rebelling against the Government. The Government accordingly organized an expedition to be sent to the West to suppress the rebellion. Word of the action did not reach the Mormons in Salt Lake Valley until July 24th, when the Mormons resolved to fight for their homes rather than be driven out. In these times of stirring preparation, when the Mormon forces were gathering in the Wasatch Mountains, William Rufus Rogers was appointed Adjutant to Major Joseph Taylor's battalion of infantry. On October 2, 1857 it was ordered to the front. They at once marched for Echo Canyon and halted at Colonel J.C. Little's position where fortifications were being erected. General Daniel H. Wells was still further to the front.
Soon after arriving, Captain Stowell says in his journal: "In the night I dreamt that I had been a prisoner in the United States troops and had escaped without any material injury. I was returning home and was traveling down Echo canyon on horseback accompanied by another man."
“ On awakening in the morning after my dream an express arrived from General Wells ordering our battalion to advance up Echo Canyon to Cash cave. On arriving there the battalion was met by General Wells and staff. As ordered we rapidly marched to the bend of Bear River. On arriving there, I lay down to rest and soon feel asleep. I again dreamed of the arrival of orders from General Wells for the removal of the entire command to another position. Arousing from my slumber, I stepped out of the tent and saw the express rapidly approaching on horseback, with orders from General Wells for all the command except Taylor's battalion to leave for Echo; it was ordered to Black's Fork about two days march to the front. It was towards evening, but Major Taylor's command immediately started for Black's Fork. On the second morning, Major Taylor left for Fort Bridger, accompanied by Major J.D.T. McAllister. The latter rode a poor horse and exchanged with me for a better one. The command of the battalion now devolved upon me. The morning after Major Taylor's departure, I learned that the United States troops were marching up Ham's Fork.
The following morning, deeming that the change in circumstances required it I marched the Battalion towards Fort Bridger. After about two miles we fell in with Colonel Porter Rockwell, also on his way to Fort Bridger with a herd of seven hundred United States oxen. He requested help to drive them. The assistance was furnished leaving enough men to drive the pack of animals of the Battalion. After this, October 14th, Major Taylor, Wells Chase, George Rose and another man whose name I have forgotten, and myself were sent as scouts from Fort Bridger to follow up Ham's Fork, in the direction the troops were marching, watch their movements, and report when expedient. Other detachments of our men were also operating in their vicinity. The 15th we followed the troops so closely that we came to camp fires that were still burning.
October 16th, not wishing to get too close to the troops we bore a little to the left, and crossed a small valley about three miles wide. In this valley we crossed quite a heavy trail of cavalry. I remarked that it appeared too numerous to be any of our scouting parties. Major Taylor and I followed the trail but directed the other three men with the pack animals to remain some distance in our rear. We soon discerned a body of cavalry in the distance but the atmosphere was smoky and the vision so indistinct that the character of them was uncertain. Continuing on we came to where the trail we were following went down a sharp hill. I halted and Major Taylor rode down the hill out of my sight. Not long after his disappearance three horsemen appeared; one came on each side of me and one directly in front. The latter called me to surrender. As we were ordered not to shed blood unless necessary to save our lives, I must, unthinkingly, have drawn up my rifle with my finger on the trigger as the soldier stated. The soldier rapidly approached, swaying his body to and fro to break my aim, and demanded my rifle which I gave up. About this time I saw the three men we had left with the packs in the distance. He demanded my revolver which I with apparent difficulty tried to get out of the belt. Said he: "Give belt and all." I replied I wanted the belt to keep my pantaloons up. Still delaying with the revolver I discovered that the men with the packs had taken in the situation, rode away and left the packs which fell into the hands of the enemy. I handed the soldier belt and revolver. I was escorted down the hill to the command which consisted of ninety cavalry and was placed in the front file of the detachment on its march for the main body.
The most important papers in my possession were the orders from General Wells, dated October 4. They with others were in a small blank book, used for a journal and carried in my shirt bosom. I could see no better plan than to get rid of them if possible to prevent their falling into the hands of my captors. I dropped some scraps of paper on the ground to see results, hoping they would not be noticed: but they were picked up and examined at once.
A halt was called and a demand made on the Major and myself for all papers in our possession. A few papers of no account were handed over, and the march was continued until dark. After dark I took the book containing the papers from my boson with the intention of dropping it by the side of the horse. When about to do so, a quiet, distinct voice said; "Keep them for they will do more good than harm." This restrained and surprised me. It was difficult to drop the idea that the paper should be destroyed if possible. I studied over the matter a few minutes and decided that the manifestation was not a good one. I was again about to drop the papers when the voice came again with more force and power, repeating the assertion that the papers would do more good than harm. I was again restrained, and rode along pondering in my mind what the manifestation should mean. I again decided that it was all nonsense. I determined to succeed the third time by dropping the papers suddenly; but the voice was too quick for me, and with still greater force than before repeated; "Keep them for they will do more good than harm." Being convinced by this time that the voice was no delusion I decided to keep the papers and put them away in my bosom.
On arriving at the main camp Major and myself were put under guard separately. He was first examined by Colonel Alexander. The Major afterwards stated that "he was questioned very closely as to his reasons for being in the mountains under arms and as to the number of the Mormon forces. When he was returned to the guard I was taken before the Colonel, when the following colloquy took place.
- Q. Where do you live?
A. In Ogden City, Utah.- Q. What is your business out here?
A. To repel a mob, Sir.- Q. What are your reasons for supposing us to be a mob?
A. I have known the Latter Day Saints to be harassed by mobs from my first acquaintance with them. I maintain they are a peaceable and industrious people. It had been reported to us that there was an army coming from the States under the name of Government troops without any legal causes; hence we regard it as a vile mob.
The Colonel appeared very indignant, but continued:- Q. Are there many Mormons in the mountains?
A. Yes; the mountains are full of them.- Q. Are you acquainted with Echo?
A. Yes; Sir.- Q. Are there many encamping in Echo?
A. Yes; Sir; a great many and more are coming every day.- Q. What is the strength of the Mormon forces?
A. Probably from twenty five to thirty thousand.- Q. Have you much artillery?
A. Quite an amount, Sir; as I have seen pieces in the different settlements.Many more questions were asked in a very caustic manner, after which I was marched off to the guard house. After this my person was examined for papers by Sergeant Newman, the man who afterwards attempted to poison us. He took off my boots and coat and examined them, and passed his hand over my pantaloon pockets and over my legs. I began to hope he was going to miss the papers when he suddenly passes his hand across my bosom and the little book I have before mentioned. He excitedly asked, "What is this?" I handed him the little book, asking him to return it to me as it contains my journal. He at once started for headquarters. I was soon sent for. On my way to the office I felt very down spirited, realizing that our enemies had got possession of the orders that I so much dreaded should fall into their hands and the result was very uncertain in my mind. I knew not what to do. In this emergency, the precious advice given by the Savior to his disciples came to my mind, "When ye are brought before rulers and judges take no thought what ye shall say for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak." This brought with it peace and assurance and produced a calm, pleasant state of mind.
When brought into the Colonel's presence I was asked "if we were not going to carry out the orders from General Wells?" He made the additional remark; "If so you might as well commence to kill us." To this I replied if they would go back and mind their own business we would not interfere with them. The Colonel questioned me further about going into Salt Lake Valley north through Marsh valley. I told him it would be impossible for him to get through, as General C.W. West was in that locality with a strong force awaiting his arrival. He then inquired very particularly about Echo Canyon, and that vicinity. I answered that it would be impossible for them to get through in any direction, as I was well acquainted in Echo and knew that my people were building strong fortifications as I had assisted them in the labor. That they had prepared great quantities of rocks on top of mountains to be ready to roll them off at the opportune time and smash the enemy to pieces. He seemed so indignant as to manifest a spirit of revenge and was astonished at my boldness. I told him that I realized that they had the Major and myself in their power and perhaps might kill us; but it would only be two and there would be plenty left. This interesting interview closed and the sergeant marched me back to the guard house.
The next morning after the interview with the Colonel, the 17th of October, a Captain Donavan came into the guard tent and asked me what I thought of Mormonism. I answered that I would rather die than deny my religion. He replied, "We do not care a d___ about your religion. We do not care about your religion if you will not fight the Government. We shall go into Salt Lake City, Jesus Christ cannot keep us out."
After our examination the troops remained one day on the same ground. A council of officers was held in which Colonel Alexander was decided in his views of going into Salt Lake City, by way of Marsh Valley. But all the other officers voted against it. Thus there was a division and the commander considered it unwise on his part to proceed further in that direction against the advice of his officers. On the 18th of October the troops turned around and began to retrace their steps down Ham's Fork to the old emigration road. There they remained until the arrival of General Johnson who was on his way from the East. On his arrival he at once assumed command of the army of invasion.
When marching down Ham's Fork we traveled one day until late in the evening without any food, after our breakfast. After encamping about one quart of soup was brought to each of us. As it was brought into the tent I felt that something was wrong and said to Major Taylor, "the soup is poisoned" but the fact that we were very hungry tended to modify suspicion. Major Taylor tasted it remarking, "I am awful hungry." I ate a little of mine but the Major considerable more of his. He was taken very sick. I administered to him and he was relieved by vomiting and purging but he looked as though he had been through a long fit of sickness. I dug a hole in the ashes and turned the soup into it and covered it up. Not having eaten much of the soup, I was taken sick a little later than the Major and was operated upon in the same way. With the blessing of God we both recovered. The soup was brought by Sergeant Newman, who searched me for papers as before stated. He afterwards started for the States on furlough, was taken sick at Green River and died a miserable death."
General Johnson arrived in camp the 4th of November with a small reinforcement and the remainder of the supply trains. The supply trains were strung out about six miles in length, the animals worrying along till thoroughly exhausted they would fall in their tracks and die. All this long line of wagons and beef cattle had to be guarded to prevent surprise and the stampede of animals. The snow was deep and the weather bitterly cold. Many of the men were frost bitten and cattle and mules perished by the score. The camp at Black's Fork thirty miles from Fort Bridger, was named "The Camp of Death." Five hundred animals perished around the camp on the night of the 6th of November.
W.R.R. continues his personal narrative:
In a day or two after the arrival of General Johnson the expedition began its march for Fort Bridger. The first day about noon they halted on account of an alarm that the Mormon forces were in front. The artillery was pushed forward, but the animals were so poor and weak that its movements were slow. The alarm proved to be a false one. Eleven miles were made when the men encamped with their baggage wagons still to come up. It was in a cold blowing snow storm with three or four inches of snow on the ground. For the prisoners, about sixteen in number, and the guard, two large fires were made of sage brush some twenty feet apart. The guard consisted of twenty five men with four men on post at a time surrounding the prisoners as they walked to and fro. Major Taylor had intimated to me during the day that he intended to leave that night, and he again threw out the idea after arriving in camp. After the camp was made he complained bitterly of the colic. With his boots in his hand having taken them off so as to be able to run faster, walked back and forth from one fire to another. He did this so naturally that we became quiet and paid him but little attention. I had also pulled off my boots, sat down on the pile of sage brush by the fire and put my feet out to warm. I began to tell some story in which the guard began to manifest considerable interest. At this time there was a large herd of cattle passing near the guard camp. On the side of the camp where the cattle were passing, at this time, two sentinels met, turned their backs to each other and walked in opposite directions, leaving a considerable space between them. Major, seizing the opportune moment sprang into the darkness among the cattle, without receiving any apparent notice from any one, while I continued my story.
Perhaps fifteen minutes elapsed when the guard was relieved by a new one. The two officers of the guard came around the fire, the one to turn over the prisoners as was customary to his successor. The officer of the old guard looked at me saying; "There is Stowell, the Mormon prisoner and Major Taylor" looking around for him; but to their astonishment he was not to be found, and every body appeared to be in the most profound ignorance as to when or how he disappeared. My story was suddenly discontinued, and after manifesting a decent surprise with the rest, I settled down by the camp fire to take the bit of comfort that was possible.
The Major had got a good start and the blowing snow was filling his tracks as fast as they were made. In a short time a detachment of cavalry, accompanied by bloodhounds were in pursuit. I had had the rheumatics in my legs badly for a week and had performed the days march with much difficulty. I needed food and complained to the officer of the guard that I was very hungry. He directed one of the guards to take me to a tent, which he designated, and see if some supper could not be had for me. As the guard, who was to secure my safety, brought his musket to his shoulder he remarked very positively, that I would not get away from him. On arriving at the designated tent he put his head into the door and talked with those inside for a considerable time. e appeared oblivious to the fact that he was giving me a very good opportunity to escape in the darkness. He could get me no food and we returned to the guard fire. It is possible that the soldiers did not care to prevent our escape.
During the evening two large tents arrived at the guard camp, but none of our bedding. One of the tents was spread out on the snow; on this the prisoners were ordered to lay down with their feet in the center. The other tent was then spread quite tight over the men. I was very uncomfortable but thought I would not be the first to complain. After a little, some of the prisoners said they could not endure it; they must have fresh air and asked that the covering be loosened, but the guard refused to do it. Soon after, the men on one side with a united effort loosened the cover and were soon followed by the others. This afforded a breath of fresh air until guards found the stakes loosened and fastened the tent down again."
The army moved slowly westward and reached camp Bridger, a distance of thirty five miles, in fifteen days. On Nov. 16th the army arrived at their winter quarters, Camp Scott, two miles from Fort Bridger. In the camp rations were short, and many articles of necessity were altogether unattainable. Whiskey sold at twelve dollars a gallon; tobacco three dollars a pound, and sugar and coffee about the same rate. Flour was a luxury at a very high figure; and the possession of a good supply with no other protection than the covering of a tent was as dangerous to the owner as a well filled purse is to a pedestrian in a first class city after sunset. The cattle too were miserably poor, but their hides furnished moccasins for the soldiers. Every day all through the winter, bands of 15 or 20 men might be seen hitched to wagons, trailing for five or six miles to the mountain sides to get loads of fuel for the use of the camp.
For the Saints in the valleys, peace was enjoyed by the citizens. During the winter, festivals were very prevalent, and entertainments of various kinds were enjoyed. Dramatic and literary associations were attended to overflowing; balls and parties were frequent and numerously filled, and every amusement suitable for an enlightened and refined people was a source of profit to the caterer and pleasure and benefit to the all. You would never have surmised for one moment that within a few miles there was an army - repugnant to every feeling of the people - who were only waiting to kill, corrupt and debase the innocent virtuous community. ”
W.R.R. continues his narrative:
Soon after the arrival of the army at Fort Bridger, myself and another prisoner, John Howard, were handcuffed together by our left arms. This man claimed to have been baptized by Almond Babbitt while in the States, to have come to the mountains and took an Indian wife and became a mountaineer. He engaged in selling the troops beef which he obtained from the mountain ranches. He was under suspicion of being a Mormon spy and taken prisoner at Rocky Ridge. An officer and file of men were sent to arrest him. He knocked several men down as they approached him one after another. He was finally taken by a rush of the party, overpowered and handcuffed. Soon after being handcuffed together we were further secured with shackles on our left legs. When on our feet this compelled one to stand behind the other and when laying down side by side, the arm of one was stretching across his body. These conditions were very uncomfortable.
"Sometime after we were thus ironed while asleep, about midnight, I dreamed I was standing by the house of Isaac Allred in Kay's ward north of Salt Lake City, that I unlocked the handcuffs took them off and hung them on the corner of the house. At this stage of my dream the officer of the day came into the guard tent which awoke me. He unlocked the handcuffs and hung them on the tent pole. This afforded us considerable relief."
The 26th of November, Governor Brigham Young wrote to the commander of the United States forces at Fort Bridger concerning certain prisoners in his camp as follows: "Of the persons reported to be retained by you as prisoners, the two are said to have hailed from Oregon are entirely strangers to us; Mr. Grow, on his way here from the States, is probably treated by you in a reasonably human manner, for which you have my thanks as it saves us the expense of his board; and if you imagine that keeping, mistreating or killing Mr. Stowell will redound to your credit or advantage, future experience may add to the stock of your better judgment." From the circumstance it is evident that his pungent paragraph contains no element of flattery to Captain Stowell, but was designed to be a forcible expression of the high regard in which he was held by the leading citizens of Utah, and that any abuse of him would be justly resented.
Days passed amid the snows of the Wasatch Mountains, but they were unpleasant days. In irons among bitter enemies of his people, owing him no good will on account of his boldness in their defense; in cold, comfortless guard quarters, with the obscene jest and ribald oath constantly saluting his ears, there was little else in his surroundings than the satisfaction that he was suffering for the kingdom of God's sake and the hope of final deliverance to cheer him.
In February the United States judges, residing in this military camp, organized a United States district court for Green County, in which Mr. John Howard, Captain Stowell and many others were to be tried for treason. Elder Stowell says, "Mr. Howard engaged a lawyer to defend us. He said if I would join him he would pay for the fee for both of us - one hundred dollars a piece - this he did in Government bonds. When I was arranged for trial the clerk read an indictment in which myself and seventy others were named as charged with treason against the Government of the United States; also others to the number of one thousand or more whose names were not known to the court. After the indictment was read, as usual, I was asked; "guilty or not guilty?" I replied, "not guilty." The court then asked, "Are the parties ready for trial?" "Not ready." We demanded time and opportunity for procuring the necessary witnesses and petition for an adjournment of the case to the next term of the court. This the court granted. John Howard had his trial at that term of court, was acquitted and escorted out of camp. He was a powerful, brave man. He was a fearless talker and had so often offended the officers that they deemed his presence in camp very unpleasant and took a summary way of getting rid of him.
After he left the shackles were put on to both of Captain Stowell's legs. There was a Corporal Nichalson, a military prisoner. Captain Stowell joined him in a plan for making their escape. The corporal, by paying a bribe, arranged with one of the guard, that about one o'clock in the evening, he should take charge of them as going to the rear. Captain Stowell had before made a wooden key and unlocked his shackles. The guard who was to take them out was to let them go and return by himself. Nichalson was quite an expert at slight-of-hand. Fearing the guard might fail to fill his contract he carried along a large pill of hard soap. When going out he stumbled against the guard, who, as was customary, carried his gun half cocked, and quickly capped the percussion tube with the soap, without the soldier discerning the move, and, of course completed the performance with profuse apologies. Captain Stowell wore a blanket coat with the usual large pockets on the outside. He carried a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, a butcher knife in his bosom and a sling shot in his sleeve. Corporal Nichalson carried eight hundred and fifty dollars in gold on his person, so that in different ways both were too well loaded for much of a race.
On arriving on the ground where the guard was to part with them, Captain Stowell threw his shackles out into the snow. As suspicioned he might do the guard refused to let them go, telling them he was afraid to do so. He wanted more money. Twenty dollars more were paid him and he told them to go. With some delay he got his gun off as the escaped prisoners emerged from the willow that surrounded the guard camp. He was afterwards tried by